well to start off, i have had this object for many years in my closet. i found it about 3 years ago ago whilst exploring a little cave with my friend.
We found this little cave and we could just fit in and whilst we were crawling in we found it amongst some old clay pots. We showed a person who
worked there and he said that we could keep them. he also said that a few years back someone had discovered an old iron age village near to where we
found the objects. He also said that they had excavated the area many times and found clay pots but never anything like this from what he knew. And so
some years later i am moving and run across a little wooden box with this piece of something still inside. Anyway to cut the long story short this
little thing is amazing and it realy is very tiny. The fragment is very round at the bottom and has an incredibly acurate groove along its side. There
is also some sort of symbol on the back of it, but i cannot make out the full symbol. i have been serching the internet and have come up empty handed
and just wanted to know what other people may think!
another thing is that after holding this thing you start to hear very high piched noises for a few minutes. it is realy crazy!
can some one please tell me what you think it is, and from what time it came from?
Looks like they're iron rich.
You didn't mention where you found these fragments.
You should research the history of that town or village, that will be a good starting point.
Do any of the pieces look like they might fit together?
It looks like a signet to me...a signet is something that was used to set a symbol in wax on correspondence to insure that noone but the intended
reader had been the original breaker of the seal.
at first it looked like a broken magnet then it's metalic look changed to a granite look with the grain boundry highlighted then the picture up in
the light letting a purpleish light through and its other detail my opinion is that it is a shard of glass from the base of a bottle that was in a
fire! the color through it results from the color it was before fire and when burned the gases from elements around this object burnning also would
precipitate into the cooling glass or just onto the surface changing the observed color!just my thought!
keep searching.
for more information it is very fragile but it can scratch glass quiet easly. and i found it near a forest in johannesburd south africa.
and this is by the way a single piece that is similar to a miniature cup!
You should start another thread and elaborate the story a little.
Say you have fragments from an alien crash site.
I'm curious to see which thread gets more responses.
Just based on the fragments and the shape of the fractures, it appears to be a metallic glass of some sort. I would make a guess from some of the
seeming flow patterns that it was poured (glass) and not stamped, though that's hard to tell.
I would suppose metals in most cases are softer and more elastic than glass. The object has the ability to scratch glass easily so i would guess is
non metal.
Additionaly the statement that it was poured does not outrule it from being some harder glass maybe rich in carbon
Yeah I would have to say glass... but it looks interesting.
I cant imagine its a tiny cup unless there was some tiny leprechaun drinking from it... but then it would be gold
I'm the one who starred Elostone's post. Signets are most often in the form of a ring that the wearer can press into the wax, but they can also be a
stamp, like with a small handle. Some are carved from wood or stone, others are poured into a mold. I think the latter might be what you found.
From the pics, I can't make out the symbol you're talking about; do you think you could draw it in Paint or on paper and scan it for us? You've got
me curious.
I think what you have outlined is actually the background... It appears to me that the symbols are the "eye" shapes on either side of what you have
outlined. JMO
Also, it still appears to me that its made of some kind of iron or other metal, as opposed to any type of glass.