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Christ and Satan have both incarnated.

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posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Marked One

Originally posted by Wehali
I suggest everyone chooses now, before it's too late to choose.

I already made my choice. I choose MY side. If anything my intentions are to assault and defeat both forces. I don't like either one of them.

How do you like those apples?

I would like my apples caramel covered with nuts please (shouldn't be too hard to find some around here lol).

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:13 PM
My son finished designing the Unreal Tournament level that they'll be fighting on earlier today.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by Wehali

Are you the same Wehail that was pushing the Blossom Goodchild/GFL stuff??
And telling anyone who didn't believe that they would land on Oct 14th that they were this and that....

I think you are.......

I'm thinking this is nothing but BS, and he is nothing but another Blossom Goodchild. There is no greater good or greater evil but only the good and evil intentions that exist in every man and woman. Those intentions are natural in people and anyone who says they are perfect in good or evil are full of it. Religions like his are nothing more then a tool used to control the masses. Adolf Hitler once said "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one" and guess what he was right.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Its pretty hard to take someone like the OP seriously when he contradicts himself continuously and then scrambles to cover his tracks.

I never said my guides are ascended masters

but you said earlier:

My sources is basically the Light spirit world. Entities such as my own and my friends spirit guides, Archangels such as Michael, Ascended Masters such as St Germain.

MY sources... such as MY own and my friends spirit guides.

Satanas?! Never heard of him. EVER! I find it curious that you alone in all the world is the only one that has this information.

In another thread you write:

my friend investigated who the anti-christ is through psychic means, and has actually found him. My friend used consciousness projection, which is a very advanced form of remote viewing, and locked on the person that would fit the function of a biblical anti-Christ. He saw this person, and managed to find out that he lives in England, and is a member of the British Royal families

So it wasn't your sources, it was your friends.

This next post of yours made me chuckle:

Dude, I've been to hell and back twice, I've been face to face with an entity called the Son of Santanas, Prince of Darkness. This entity rules the 5th circle of hell, and is the son of the Lord of Darkness, living in the 8th circle of hell. This Lord Santanas, creates demons out of his own essence, he is probably what you would call Satan, or the Devil. I was tortured there for what seemed to be hours, before the Armies of Light rescued me.

But you write in this post:

The rule of Hell is left to Satan's son, Santanas.

Is Santanas the Devil or the Son of the Devil? I'm confused.

You said here:

Santanas. Who I have had the displeasure of meeting personally in his lair, the 5th circle of Hell. He tortured my soul.. for what seemed ages, before I was rescued.

Was it hours or ages? Or do you know the difference?

However, the Christ that has incarnated on Earth, is not the same Jesus Christ from 2000 years ago, it is a different soul...

That doesn't make any sense. If it's a different soul then it can't be Jesus. Nonsense.

I could go on but why bother.
Enjoy yourself playing with the other children that enjoy this kind of fantasy.

You're free to ignore, or to accept my words,...

Amen for freewill,eh?

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Maybe if you about 2020 years earlier I would believe ya!

No, really....

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Alienmojo

Excuse the hell out of me but mind your own #ing business.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 09:06 PM
All of the adolescent responses are really making me question ats...

Some of you are being quite mature, where as the open-mindedness and debating is fair.

Sure, you don't have to believe it, but you have to keep an 'open mind.'

An open mind doesn't bash anyone's opinion but deeply contemplates and communicates, always knowing that there is the possibility they may be wrong (or right).

Others are having trouble viewing from some one else's perspective, and where as the slightest thing you don't like, you instantly set your conclusion and instantly place a brick wall depriving yourself of intellectual development.

For those bashing the Op, with respect in an ethic manner, please disengage from communicating in this topic. If you disagree with the op, then please debate this in a non-partisan manner and contribute your knowledge and thoughts.

So for those of you which this applies, please change your behaviour, you will be greatly appreciated.

Go ahead and bash me for making an ethic correction. it will be your puplic testment of your ignorance.


Ok, on my defence of the op.

I feel as though you are expecting a prophecy from Jesus or God himself, he is only a human, we all make mistakes. I was one of the many; including many of you on ats that fell for the Federation of Light Hoax. My mistake, and I take it back.

If he was making this up, I'd assume he would of spent a LOT of time putting thought into this and organising it so it sounds nice and sharp.

Makes sense that some one speaking from memory and experiences to make a few mistakes, rather than a hoaxer with a story that has the edges cut sharp.

Just my thoughts.


[edit on 28-3-2009 by Scarcer]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 09:24 PM
Learn to philosophize please. Moralistic dualism is just absurd.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by cognoscente]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Scarcer
All of the adolescent responses are really making me question ats...

Some of you are being quite mature, where as the open-mindedness and debating is fair.

Sure, you don't have to believe it, but you have to keep an 'open mind.'

An open mind doesn't bash anyone's opinion but deeply contemplates and communicates, always knowing that there is the possibility they may be wrong (or right).

Others are having trouble viewing from some one else's perspective, and where as the slightest thing you don't like, you instantly set your conclusion and instantly place a brick wall depriving yourself of intellectual development.

For those bashing the Op, with respect in an ethic manner, please disengage from communicating in this topic. If you disagree with the op, then please debate this in a non-partisan manner and contribute your knowledge and thoughts.

So for those of you which this applies, please change your behaviour, you will be greatly appreciated.

Go ahead and bash me for making an ethic correction. it will be your puplic testment of your ignorance.


Ok, on my defence of the op.

I feel as though you are expecting a prophecy from Jesus or God himself, he is only a human, we all make mistakes. I was one of the many; including many of you on ats that fell for the Federation of Light Hoax. My mistake, and I take it back.

If he was making this up, I'd assume he would of spent a LOT of time putting thought into this and organising it so it sounds nice and sharp.

Makes sense that some one speaking from memory and experiences to make a few mistakes, rather than a hoaxer with a story that has the edges cut sharp.

Just my thoughts.


[edit on 28-3-2009 by Scarcer]

Despite the fact that he contradicts himself many, many times as has already been pointed out by others?

Common, I can make a much better and much more convincing story.

It is by this measure that he is making all this up, that is it a fantasy, someone telling the truth would not contradict themselves over and over again, especially when they claim to be so involved, familiar and consider it so important.

He's purposefully leaving out some details because he cannot defend, as well as not answering his critics (such as myself) with anything substantial. He thinks he's some sorta character from world of warcraft or dungeons and dragons or some bologna.

He can't keep up with his own lies, that is why he cannot tell them correctly.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:02 PM
So, if he was lying, what would be his motive?

I've hypocrited my own messages before because I've never went and reread my own words or replies. IMO his self contradictions have no relivence to the actual point of this topic. But thats just me.

I can confirm some of what he says for myself because I'm involved in my own practices but nothing to his extent.

I've had casual paranormal experiences as a child and some now, and I've witnessed a friend get temporarily possessed last august, and another that had a brief OOBE in elementary school, but as you grow older, eat processed food which throws your internal chemistry and pH balance off the map and go through puberty you usually lose any paranormal gifts you have. But it's pointless for me to talk about it because I have no solid proof and I'm not a supreme being so I can't make something magically happen.

My suggestion is you investigate and attempt to get involved for yourself.

He does have no solid evidence though, but there is no solid evidence to contradict his claims that I know of. Time will tell.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by Scarcer]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by cognoscente
Learn to philosophize please. Moralistic dualism is just absurd.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by cognoscente]

Is this a true statement written in stone? Or is this just an opinion?

War is evidence of dualism. Cop vs robber is dualism. Male and female is dualism. NWO vs the people is dualism. I find moralistic dualism exists everywhere.

If I'm wrong then please instruct me where to go so I may may learn.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:28 PM
This war has nothing to do with philosophy. Three people murdered the wrong person and a whole bunch of idiots decided to become accessories after the fact.

The war is really just a bunch of people trying to stay out of prison.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:30 PM
This thread has been added to the The ATS Incorrect/ Bad Prophecy Almanac

I will humbly apologise to the OP, if the prediction comes true, and I expect the Op to apologise to all those who didnt believe him if/when it doesnt occur

[edit on 28/3/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:36 PM
What a load of garbage that was. I've read some far out and freaky stuff on the net over the years, but this one ranks right up there in the stupid category.

Some theories are so down right STUPID, it leaves me absolutely flabbergasted that anyone, with even half a brain would believe them.

Oh my the NWO really does have it easy these days. The numbing of the mind has truly worked. The sheeple are ready for slaughter ....

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Scarcer

Originally posted by cognoscente
Learn to philosophize please. Moralistic dualism is just absurd.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by cognoscente]

Is this a true statement written in stone? Or is this just an opinion?

War is evidence of dualism. Cop vs robber is dualism. Male and female is dualism. NWO vs the people is dualism. I find moralistic dualism exists everywhere.

If I'm wrong then please instruct me where to go so I may may learn.

I don't know why you feel compelled to reduce my opinion with such hefty rhetorical syllogisms. It doesn't add anything to your argument. Of course it isn't written in stone. And neither is your own opinion. The problem with any form of communication, whether written or verbal, is that it's conceptually based in symbolic understanding of a dualistic world. If you can conceptualize something then it must be distinct from the world around it, right? I don't think so. They are only dualistic in your mind. Cop, robber, male, female, war, peace, good, evil; they only exist in the human mind.

My reasoning is that both heaven and hell are likewise only situated within the human mind. Reality is not dualistic; of that I'm convinced.

If dualism is incongruous with reality and this heaven/hell scenario is supposed to be real then it's not going to happen. If, on the other hand, this is just a message meant to convey some religious meaning then it's totally fine and should only be regarded as such.

This is just the way I'm reasoning this post. It's not the rule of law.

[edit on 29-3-2009 by cognoscente]

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Interesting thread. (BTW ignore my avatar - if such an occasion arose I would definitely choose the light!

A part of me believes what you say, another part doesn't. Nevertheless I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt as you appear sincere. Some questions I have:

1) How can ordinary people ensure that they do follow the Light and NOT the dark?

2) Have you got any valid reasoning as to why 2012 will be the year for the Battle of Armageddon? How do your personal beliefs tie in with this specific year?

3) Can you please be more specific on who/what these incarnated entities are referring to? You believe both Christ and Satan are here on Earth, but can you please be more specific?

4) Do you consider yourself a "prophet from G-d"?

5) If G-d is real and he does possess such awesome powers and abilities, why has he predicted and allowed the Battle of Armageddon to proceed? Why has he allowed so much human suffering to occur at the hands of this "Satan entity", and why was Satan allowed to acquire such divine powers?

(Note: please refrain from using "it's all part of his plan for mankind" as an explanation to the above questions. I am willing to respect and take your views seriously, but using this argument makes me less inclined.)

[edit on 29/3/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 12:53 AM
The quaran claims when their Imam (antichrist) returns he will be aided by Jesus Christ.

This "Jesus" will perform miracles but is a false prophet who will lead the islamofascists (antichrist's army) in a global jihad.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Scarcer
So, if he was lying, what would be his motive?

Attention? Points? A desire to have other come to him/her for spiritual guidance? Or even a delusion that what he/she is saying is true?

Mind you, I am not saying any of this is the case, he/she could be telling the truth for all I know. If he/she goes to their channeled master and brings in some evidence that we can verify, (I made suggestions earlier) I will take that into serious consideration.

The problem I have is when you have claims of knowledge of the future, and personal experience of miracles but can give nothing to give us the same first hand knowledge. The OP is not operating on blind faith. He/she claims to have direct contact with a source that can both give information about the future and perform miracles. Thats great. All I want is to be able to verify that. I dont even need the miracle. Just give me a piece of specific knowledge of the future that I can verify in the next couple of days.

His/her source apparently doesnt mind sharing future knowledge, so I dont see why it would be a problem. One would think a plot by Satan would be more sensitive info than a closing figure of the stock market some day next week.

I think all of us have all learned that many people make vague claims about the future, and equally vague claims about their source, and that these claims often turn out to be hoaxs.

Jesus, (since this is a largely Christian story) did not mind performing miracles in public. Water to wine, fishes and loaves, raising the dead, walking on water, etc. He did not require his followers to act on blind faith. But almost every religious hoaxer who has followed him has. If Jesus could be bothered to give us proof, (when he was alive) why would the ascended masters decline?

It isnt an illogical or unreasonable request. I dont think, anyway.

Originally posted by Scarcer
He does have no solid evidence though, but there is no solid evidence to contradict his claims that I know of. Time will tell.

Well, the problem with the logic above is that could apply to absolutely anything fictional. There is no solid evidence disproving unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters either. You cant have solid evidence disproving something that doesnt exist, except the lack of evidence that it does exist.

I too decry ethnic slurs, but none of my requests are based at all on the OPs ethnicity. I dont care about that in the least, it is irrelevant to me. I just want one shred of evidence to go on, and when you claim to have a future knowing supernatural source that you can question, this should not be a problem to provide. Unless, you really dont have the source you say you do.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:22 AM
Did you say that the Devils son is Santana? Man why in the world do you need to bad mouth Carlos like that? Next time you drop a hit of 4 way, keep your thoughts to yourself. Its always the musicians who get waylayed by the religious nuts.

[edit on 29-3-2009 by smokehouseslim]

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:25 AM
" I've even bought a battle ready katana
on advice of my spirit guides.."

THAT WAS PRICELESS! I am at a loss for words...

I've a bushmaster m4, maybe I can bring that along?

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