posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Just got back in, thank you starseedz, for inviting us into your beautiful home, for a great day of talkers, which was both entertaining, and
enlightening. Both my (slightly sceptical) friend and I had a real good day. And my mate even had his views changed and his beliefs questioned. Which
is a good thing
I hope that you'll hold another one of these, as I'm sure we'll be back
Bit of a shame the remote viewing guy pulled out, but the crop circle talk at the end more than made up for it. That's the talk that blew my mates
mind wide open, and gave him some things to think about. (that's why we didn't stay for the QnA bit at the end, by that point my mates head was in
his hands and he looked troubled
Once again, thank you very very much.