posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Anom3
To all the "anti global warming pepole".
I am not saying that man is responible for everything, but you sertanly cant argue that we contribute alot?
You are saying we should just continue polluting this world?
I just don`t understand the negativity..
No, we do not. There is no such thing as anthropogenic global warming. CO2, at worst, can change the temperature of the planet by several degrees -
some say only a fraction of a degree. Our contribution of CO2 is a small percentage in the single digits when compared to natural CO2 contributors.
Should we kill off all the algae in the sea to stem "global warming"? Also, with that in mind, note that high levels of CO2 have marked periods of
extraordinary growth of plant life in the history of our earth.
You probably remember seeing a chart in "An Inconvenient Truth" that showed a "correlation" between CO2 and rising temperatures in the past. That
graph was intentionally misleading as they laid the two graph-lines over each other, when in fact CO2 lagged by a few hundred years. We have also had
comparable or higher levels of CO2 and the world didn't explode. We're now heading into a cooling trend - have been for 10 years - which is why the
politicians are now calling it climate change.
Finally, the sun got hot. Yeah, we had a period where a lot of sunspots were on the sun, and the ice on the planets/moons in our solar system heated
up as well.
There are ONLY three reasons this myth keeps going on today: 1) Politicians want to have more control and tax you, 2) because of the politicians,
scientists insert hysterical global warming claims or hypotheses in their reports to get funding from the government, 3) people don't read or
research things that matter.
[edit on 28-3-2009 by Viral]