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Need help identifying three UFOs I saw tonight

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posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 10:40 PM
While I was driving my friend home tonight he was telling me about these low flying aircraft with regular red and white strobes and running lights flying over his house last night, but leaving no sound. He said he sat there watching them for about an hour last night. About three weeks ago I was driving him home and the mountain in the distance we noticed these lights, three of them coming over the mountain as if they were flying NAP of the earth, then they almost came together and then broke apart going all separate directions. All slow nothing super sonic here. Back to tonight. As I was pulling up on his street I said "hey look at that bright light" so we pulled into his driveway and he was like "thats one of them!" So we sit and watch, it had three strobes in a row in the front and i think two white running lights on each side. I couldnt identify wings, It was low but I couldnt see any structure parts, just lights and darkness. It flew a straight path, we watched it until it got lost in the treeline, it pretty much flew right over us. Then a few minutes later, another one simular to it flew almost the same path except after passing us it went off over to the north more than the east. We noticed something very important, when they both flew over the whole time there was no sound. No engines, nothing. It was three of us and we all confirmed there was no sound. We can hear airliners that are alot higher than this was, but this had no sound signature what so ever. Finally when I was leaving with my brother we spot another row of three bright lights and a strobe, I told my brother to watch it and as I was pulling up to the stop light, he said "oh my god, all the lights just shut off and now its just a little red strobe"

What aircraft do we have that dont leave a sound signature? and that have all white lights, a red strobe? There arent any major army bases near me or air force. The nearest major airport is Newark. These werent airliners I see them all the time and most importantly you can hear them. They also werent prop planes either.

Im going to go back with some binoculars to hopefully get a little closer.


[Edited on 20-4-2004 by porschedrifter]

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by porschedrifter]

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Living near the Air Force acadamy and peerson Air Force base, I see planes fly overhead all the time, many I don't hear, Some though rattle the walls of my house..
I don't know what you could have seen though

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 11:05 PM
hehe dont forget a camera, and maybe grab a recorder to

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Does anyone have any info on what kind of aircraft they can be? Military or unexplained? Because either there are alien ufo's flying over our sky's alot or a whole bunch of mysterious military craft flying around for no reason.

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 02:23 AM
Hi porsche drifter, I have read that alot of the new US aircraft even the F117 have anti grav technology . they use regular means of propultion for take off and landings where they might be seen but can switch mid flight to anti-grav at the touch of a button, the aurora and others have been aleged to have this as well .Not sure if it is true or not? but might explain light pattern.


posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 05:10 AM
No aircraft currently in use by the military has antigravity technology.

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Cannot identify them my friend. Guess thats why you posted here like I did.

It comes down to one of the following, belieive what you will.

Extra-Terristial Beings Piloting Un-Identifiable Craft.
Freak Electrial or Weather Phenomena.
Govermenet Craft THAT like flying over or near sidential areas.

Make your own mind up mate, I cannot, or anyone else here tell you what you saw.

YOU saw it, Feel lucky? OR Scared? It happened to you alone.
We all love to hear about encounters, Ive had my own.
Dont expect to get the answer your searching for by asking WHAT IS IT?

Truthfully, I dont think anyone really knows.
Remember, a UFO as classified, is an Un-Identifable-Object.

If You saw it. We cannot Idenitify it.

Sure, a plane, a helicopter, maybe a cloud, a light annomuly, electrical interferance, a secret plane.

Dosnt matter does it, you cant say what it was,

People will be rational, you should to. But when all else seem to escape. dont think your alone.
Your certainly not.


posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 08:06 PM
I have an idea, it could have been a B-2 SPirit Stealth bomber, they quiet, and do the other stuff. Never rule out the possiblility of a stealth bomber

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ravenspear
No aircraft currently in use by the military has antigravity technology.

How do you know ravenspear!

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Yeah I dont know what it was at all. I know it wasnt high, wasnt big and had no long wingspan, because i couldnt see any wings or body. It just had lights. When i first saw it, I expected it to be a plane.... but it was totally silent, all three of them were... that was the wierd part. Maybe i was just expecting more if i ever saw a UFO. I couldnt identify a shape except for the lights. Next time i'll be going with my digital camera. There hasnt been a clear night since, rain and clouds

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 04:51 PM
Hey people, do you really believe that an army (or air force) would spend gazillions into making a craft that stealth that it would not make a sound and at the same time give it some lights so that everyone can see it???

No seriously...

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 05:59 PM
The lights may be for deception and warning lights for other planes.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by parker

Originally posted by ravenspear
No aircraft currently in use by the military has antigravity technology.

How do you know ravenspear!

I think we'd have that technology applied to a LOT more than just aircraft...

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