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Celente on the News - Collapse Absolute - Reporters Expression Priceless

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posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:25 PM
My biggest question and scariest thought is,
what are WE going to do when we don't have the internet, t.v. or phones to communicate with eachother?

Remember the movie 'Signs' with Mel Gibson? Remember when the t.v. went out and all they had was each other and they didn't know what was going on in the rest of the world? That's what we're talking about.

Guns and Ammo will work for the first ten killings, but after that, you're out of bullets, food, medical supplies.

Yes we're different than third world, we're worse off. We don't know how to live off the land or weather hard times. We're clueless and pampered. That's the scary part.
But it's the ability to share with eachother, socialize and talk about what's going on that we all rely on, and when it gets shut off it'll be like 'Apollo 13' where he says 'See you on the flip side"...

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by tide88

The similarities I mention, in 1980, they were a well educated newly formed nation, they were a food exporter. The unpopular governor had just been replaced by a prime minister and a president. In the next ten years a jostling of power occurs, which leaves Mugabe the top of the power structure. While there is some squawking against some of the things he does, over all things don't seem too bad. Then comes the attempts at censorship. Booting the top military head out of the country for not being able to convince Mugabe that he had nothing to do with an assassination attempt.

In the 1990-2000 period things start getting bad. Mugabe begins toying with food distribution to consolidate power and wealth to he and his, sections of the country become unofficially autonomous. Mugabe then makes the move that will make his country the hellhole it is now. Whenever something needs to be done, he throws money at it. If taxes dont cover it, he has it printed.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 01:45 PM
(part 1)
Quote: Chiponbohshoulder

"The entire scenario which is being carried out is manipulated to occur the way it has been unfolding on a global scale.
There really is nothing you can do without throwing everything you have learned throughout your life out the window."

- I agree with this statement 100%

Quote: AlienChaser

: Revolution/resistance themed post/response

" Anyone who believes that there is no choice to be made, has already submitted... "

- I believe many would be inspired to revolt but I take from your post that you see how nearly impossible staging an effective rebellion would be. With the way the citizenry of this country is monitored and policed any form of significant insurrection would be blotted out before it even begins. To this point of fact, who would lead this indomitable fight? Men are weak, evil, vicious and self-interested (How could any leadership or command structure take place without effective communication). To my point, any form of 'fighting back' is a lost cause and your case for successful rebellion is not made.

AlienChaser, I concur in that people unwilling to accept truth or existence of a corrupt government seem unwilling to stand up for themselves, their families or their country. I can assure you that every intelligent American, everyone with the ability to critically analyze the world around them loves the life they have in America and do not want to loose it and can see that things are out of order. Your point of an organized resistance is well received but putting people in large groups makes rounding them up all the more easy. They have not built the FEMA camps and passed all the imposing Executive Orders without cause or hope. To turn militant and take up arms against the powers that be is nothing but careless suicide. This may very well be exactly what they want. To continue the fantasy that is a successful revolution; What is the final outcome? Would other countries recognize a newly formed American Government? So it is to say that 'people who believe that there is an absence of choice have already submitted' is nothing but insulting. Again I ask; What fesable choice do people have other than to watch the lives we have deteriorate to long lines at soup kitchens and camp fires just as those found in Russia after their fall from grace in the early 90ies. If this global meltdown is the product of some nefarious bankers, what do they hope to gain be stopping the flow of money? That is the part of this elaborate equation that doesn't fit. If there truly is (as I believe we all agree this to be the case) a group of ruling elite, this hidden powers that be, that are collapsing the global economy, what do they stand to gain in doing so? A one world currency, this cant be, as the complexities of exchange and international commerce benefit greatly from the diversity provided in the global economy. A one world government, this cant be either, how will it be managed, how could it possibly be accepted in every corner of the world? Is this global meltdown in any way related to the Avian Flu, Microbiologists deaths all over the world (google it, at last check there was a little over a million web-hits for this odd/interesting occurrence) or the simmering military conflict between the United States and Russia/China/N. Korea? My point being there is perhaps the age old trick of smoke and mirrors that may be taking place, as we all worry about loosing our jobs and paying our bills there are many other things taking place most of which we probably are completely unaware of.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by Mr.Hyde]

[edit on 28-3-2009 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 01:45 PM
(part 2)
Quote: Burginthorn

"The Problem-Reaction phase is of little concern compared to the Solution phase. It is the Solution phase we need to be worried about. "

: Entire post, Problem - Reaction - Solution

- I enjoyed reading your perspective Burginthorn. I take away from what you wrote that you have the foresight required to see past the corporate medias suggested 'the sky is falling economic doom' to consider what the end-game may be. It is no small thing to build a new world, so much so is this task that I don't believe this to be the case at all.

Some very intriguing and valued points to consider here. I thank each of you for posting your thoughts and considerations here. Its unfortunate the conversation ends at this juncture every time as no one has any idea of what to do or what to expect. It seems as though they want a conflict, riots and disent, what if no one showed up to riot and didnt play their game.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Lhuhikwdwoo

Again, two totally different scenarios. You are talking about a third world country. You cannot compare the two.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by tide88
Well I guess it is a good thing that we have that UFO technology stashed away for a time just like this one.
I am sure you have all seen this thread Navy Scienctist Zip Lip On Cold Fusion Tests Could this be the technology Celente is talking about.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by tide88]

He's right, if they bust that open it will be the middle east that collapses, the rest of the world will have to be re-written and carbon taxes will have to be scrapped.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 05:05 PM
So is Celente Mexican or the more PC term "Latino"?

I think this dude is spot on, he's kinda like Ron Paul too, keeps saying the same old same old and everyone is not listening to him, sure they have him on there show, but they don't take his advice and the politicians keep effing up the world.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 06:51 PM
[edit on 28-3-2009 by son of PC]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM
I went to his website, and thought about subscribing....

1 year - $99
2 year - $175
3 year - $225

I guess since everything is going to crash in 09, I dont need the two or three year subscription. (for that matter, the one year subscription either)

[edit on 28-3-2009 by smirkley]

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:28 AM
No cause for alarm!!! The chinese government has decided not to loan the US any more money....They have renigged on contracts for the raw materials and recycled metals we are exporting to their country and simply will not allow us to import finished durable goods without payment up front.....Now all they have to do is "accellerate" on our 3.3 trillion dollar debt and we will have new slavemasters......At least we will finally be rid of the Federal Reserve and their globalist agenda once and for ever..... Headline~China wins war with US without even a shot fired~ News at 11

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 04:40 AM
I think what has the government concerned is not only our current economic crisis, but the attitudes of the "masses". I believe more and more people are listening to their gut, or basic instinct, and it's telling them "this ain't gonna end pretty".
It's going to be real interesting to see how the media plays up the coming Tea Party demonstrations.
I believe very soon, more and more people are going to realize that we are headed to a train wreck of untold misery. There are simply too many people, and too many programs receiving government funding, without enough money there to carry on.
No matter how much money the Fed prints, sooner or later, it probably won't be worth anything. But , what choice do most people have? There aren't enough silver coins, and gold produced to go around, even if you have the money to buy them.
The Celente video is eye opening, and common sense does dictate that even if he is only partially correct, "This ain't gonna end pretty"....

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by tide88
Well I guess it is a good thing that we have that UFO technology stashed away for a time just like this one.
I am sure you have all seen this thread Navy Scienctist Zip Lip On Cold Fusion Tests Could this be the technology Celente is talking about.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by tide88]

They will not let that come out, they need the collapse so they can
take more for the working poor.

Once most of the ppl have lost their homes, cars, and what not,
then you will see the "salvation" offered thru some extreme change
in government likely altering the constitution massively.

Like Rahm said "Never waste a good crisis."

So that should tell you a lot.

Good Luck to all the Good ppl !

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:05 AM
I agree with you big time manbird12000. I live in South Africa, yet lately been paying more and more attention to America. Have you ever watched the T.V. series Jericho? not the best analogy, basically, bombs are dropped on america and this small town, who have no clue about the why and who of the bombers, have to learn to stand together. Scraping their resources to survive, battling renegades, fighting against hostile neighbourly disputes... a fight for survival.

well, I suggest, as a previous post did the same, for you all to make a stand together. I have seen hope in this regard. Small groups all over demanding a nation to stand up for itself and to pressure the government. You need to prove this Celente fella wrong, now, before you see the brown splatters from the fan.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by manbird12000

I have thought about that also...

when we don't have communications as we do now, but especially the internet to know what is going on outside of where we each live.

One person.. who is very aware of everything, has put up a ham radio antenna and set the whole thing up.

I got a hand crank short wave radio, so I can tune into the outside world, if things really do get completely ugly.

As for taking a stand, it seems useless to me now.... I have personally tried, and no matter what the people want or the stand taken, the road has been paved by the PTB, and they will not allow it to be veered off.

Look at the stimulus bills, and everyone against them... did that stop the govt.? NO. They have their orders from PTB, and that is who they listen to.

Also, since the majority won't wake up to what is going on, those of us who know... we are considered the "nuts" of the world.

What to do.... prepare, that is all we can do, it seems to me at this point.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 09:36 AM

As for taking a stand, it seems useless to me now.... I have personally tried, and no matter what the people want or the stand taken, the road has been paved by the PTB, and they will not allow it to be veered off.

And now it's even harder because of the additionnal buffer between the people and the congress/president, the Obamabots.

During Bush, everybody was seeing the whole problem. Now Obama is in with so much political capital it's insane. Anyone trying to oppose Obama is labelled as a republican/Bush supporter or a racist.... those obamabots are really brainwashed people, approching North Korean levels.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by questioningall

-- So by suggesting that 'we prepare' for what ever outcome may be in store for us what specifically should we as individuals or groups be doing?
I want to emphasize this is all very speculative.

Stored food will only last so long. Depression/suicide due to a total system collapse is a real possibility. What good is preparation if Martial Law is implemented. What about Just In Time Delivery systems breaking down. Crime will skyrocket and you see people defending their families/homes in action movies and taking lives but I highly doubt its as easy in the real world. How well informed will your neighbor with the ham radio be, what are his sources? Don't you think the Government would shut something like that down as soon as possible? Unfortunately, you may be over estimating your abilities to prepare for hunger, crime, the absence of clean running water. You assume the Gov. (Which may be bankrupt) to pay your utility bill to keep you warm with the water running. I am of the opinion that we can most likely expect a sort of Martial Law imposed with food distribution networks established just like what occurred with the collapse of Russia. I doubt if the U.S. goes bankrupt and forgiven debtors call in their loans the Chinese will be moving in to take over land. (Although you may want to review a speech given by Chi Haotian, a Chinese General addressing the value of Americas land. Add to this Sec. of State Clintons trip to China where eminent domain in the U.S. was a topic of discussion) - I can't imagine this taking place under any circumstance though. Welcome to the great unknown - but use proper discretion to consider practical and plausible outcomes. This is not some movie of the week - this global economic issue could go many directions.

[edit on 29-3-2009 by Mr.Hyde]

[edit on 29-3-2009 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 04:50 PM
at 2:40 whats the new 3rd party system he sees coming in 2012? Aliens? antichrist? Reptoids? lol.... strange stuff.. dont worry people death eventually finds us all.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by 8bitbreakfast

I guess it’s the tired of B.S party or all the fake conservatives will try their Ron Paul type movement with a phony leader like McCain.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 03:47 AM
An interesting detail in this vid is the fact that he predicts the emergence of a truly viable third party by 2012, as more and more people begin to see behind the sham facades of the linear two-party system.

A black and white, reps versus dems conception of politics is simply too crude and one-dimensional to serve in a complex world. If a viable third party could emerge (as soon as 2012) this could be a wonderful thing. Of course, depending on the nature of the party in question it could also be terrible. But I hold high hopes for the end of the two-party system and I always have. Left-versus-right is ultimately a 19th-century conception we outgrew years ago.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

In my interview with Gerald Celente on Monday - I asked him about the third party he has mentioned in interviews and got an answer on it.

What was the answer?

Stay tuned...... OH - a name WAS mentioned by him!

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