reply to post by undo
Well, I don't think you can say that all archeologists, or archeology in general, think that ancient tales are all mythology. If they did, then why
would they be searching for these ancient cities in clues past down from tales of ancient times. The problem with interpreting ancient tales is that
they can have numerous meanings. so applying scientific research, logic, reason, and probability are the tools necessary to attempt to uncover the
I imagine any good archeologist tries to identify the original language on which any writing was based. The problem is that languages change over
time, and they also tend to develop numerous dialects. In addition, early writing symbols could very well be interpreted in many different ways. One
scribe in one city could interpret a symbol one way, and another scribe in another city, in the same nation/empire, at the same general time frame,
could easily interpret the same symbol very differently. It wasn't like they could create a dictionary, and print off several copies so that
everyone was using the exact same symbols for the exact same purpose, with the exact same meaning. Heck, even with today's modern dictionaries, we
often have disagreements on what definition of a word is being used, and what the proper definition of the word was when a document was written.
Have you ever read Robert Graves "The White Goddess", which explores the development of the alphabet. Essentially, Graves explains that the letters
we use today to write all evolved from symbols that had a wide variety of meanings. The meanings of these symbols changed from city to city, nation
to nation, culture to culture, and of course through time. They were usually associated with a god or goddess, a tree or bush, and numerous other
Even today nations, corporations, political parties, religions, fraternities, and various other groups are constantly creating symbols to represent
themselves to the masses. Then there is quite a bit of difference between what an individual would write, and what a scribe working in the government
would write in stone for future generations to see.
There was a thread a while back on ATS about tales of flying serpents, which exist in all societies around the planet. To me, a jet or rocket flying
through the air looks like a giant flying serpent. Supposedly these serpents would be seen as a sign that the gods were arriving in the area. Now,
maybe these flying serpents were really meteors falling to earth, as they would also look like a flying serpent, but not so much, they would move more
on a straight trajectory, and look more like a ball of fire than a serpent. A craft, with a body, changing directions would look much more like a
All the evidence that has been found points to stone age civilizations, with amazing abilities in architecture, and a profound knowledge of the
movement of the stars, as well as amazing knowledge of the Earth that seems to have came from beyond where it is reasonable to believe these
civilizations were capable of exploring. I wonder, have they uncovered the symbols of mathematics in these ancient civilizations that enabled them to
do such amazing calculations that must have been necessary for their achievements. Then again, how often does our civilization carve design specs
and calculations into stone.
If some metal age civilization existed on Earth sometime in the distant past, or some extra-terrestrial visitors interacted with ancient civilizations
on Earth, where is the proof of metallurgy. Any technology that allowed jets or rockets to fly through the air would have required advanced
capabilities in metallurgy, or some other material beyond our current capabilities. Proof of these advanced materials would have to be found to
conclude that any civilization with our current level of technology ever existed on Earth before us. This leads us back to ET visitors.
If Homo Sapiens have been around for millions of years, you would think that we would find somewhere a great deal of evidence of massive global
civilizations having been in existence in the past in the form of giant metal structures as we have today, or the remains of these giant metal
structures. If we can recover the bones of dinosaurs, you would think we could identify the skeletal remains of skyscrapers from ancient cities.
Could our timeline for the development of civilization be off by tens of thousands of years? I think this is quite possible. When I think about
Tiahuanaco, virtually on the other side of the planet from Egypt, it seems very possible that stone age civilizations could have started far earlier
than we currently think. Then I wonder what took us so long to move out of the stone age, into an age of metals.