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Who else already truly believes there is life elsewhere other than earth?

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posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by stereovoyaged
I wanna know does anyone NOT believe, lol

I am sure there are. And though we may disagree with them, they are just as right as we are.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:59 AM
I believe in life other than on earth 110%...

Not just organisms either but intelligent life a lot more advanced than us.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:02 AM
I think it would be foolish and naive to believe we are the only beings in this entire universe, not including all the other endless universes.

We like to believe we are so unique and great and that we have a purpose for living.. but what if we dont? What if there are trillions of other beings, living life the same way as us, asking the same questions we do and wondering if there is anyone else out there like them?

I definitely believe, and know, there is other life out there. With all of the strange things people experience, the hyroglyphics of previous civilizations depicting creatures which people still claim to see to this day, it couldnt just be coincedence.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:13 AM
If other dimensions count as "other than earth" then yes.

If you mean some random planet out somewhere a billion light years away what does it matter?

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by thomas_
Only pretentious ignorant people would think that we are the only ones in the entire universe.

Anyone with the bare minimum of intelligence knows that we are not.

Recent polls show that most people DO believe that there must be some sort of other life out there. However, like Salvor Hardin said in a post above, life -- especially intelligent life -- still may be a very rare thing indeed.

Having said that about the majority of people believing in life elsewhare -- that's not the same as saying they believe those aliens are visiting earth.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by jdub297

I am certain life is out there and no it does not need a twin of earth to support it. We don't even have a clue as to all there is that we don't know.
Life is possible in ways we can't even comprehend I am certain.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:55 AM
Considering the millions of galaxies and planets, it is very possible, but not as much as we think. Not like star trek where inhabited planets are a dime a dozen.

The moon we have allows us to have life. Because it keeps the earth from wobbling and changing seasons to fast. We have water and land and a unique atmosphere. the chances of that setup occurring somewhere else is slim. much less the primordial stew churning out life.

If there is other life, it may not be in a form we can communicate with, or even recongize. It is not gonna have eyes and ears and language necessarily.

And I think that if life is advanced enough to come here, they are advanced enough to keep themselves concealed.

We are thinking in human terms. We need ships and therefore they need ships. But there could be infinite forms of travel we have never thought of.
That we couldn't even recongize. They could walk among us completely unregcongizeable, and not interferring in our society.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by calihan_12
I think it would be foolish and naive to believe we are the only beings in this entire universe, not including all the other endless universes.

It is not naive or foolish at all, because we just do not know. There is just as much as chance they are right as there is that we are right.

Originally posted by calihan_12
We like to believe we are so unique...

We are. The chances that the exact factors and events occur to allow for the evolution of a species indistinguishable from humans elsewhere are probably very low.

Originally posted by calihan_12
With all of... the hyroglyphics of previous civilizations depicting creatures which people still claim to see to this day...

I would love to see those heiroglyphs. Could you direct us to some?

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Without one ounce of doubt, I know they are out there. There is just no possible way we are the only people in the entire universe. It just isn't possible.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:23 PM
[color=limegreen]I believe there could very well be other life in our own solar-system. and possibly on one of the many moons.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:32 PM
Yes there is life on other planets, probably life in our own solar system. For intelligent life, there is too many planets in the universe for there not to be life on at least 1 of them, but there is the possibility that we are the only one. Extremely unlikey, mathematically speaking, though.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Once you watch the video, it's hard to think of Earth as anything other than insignifigant. To think that there is no other planet which supports life is beyond arrogant.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by network dude]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:03 PM
There is no way to say for certain that life exists elsewhere in the universe but the sheer size of the cosmos makes it highly probable.

All I can say with certainty is that I would be heartbroken if it turns out that we are alone in the universe

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:05 PM
With hundreds of billions of stars in a galaxy, and hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, it would make sense that there is other life in the universe.
Our definition of life is pretty limited, the universe could be crawling with life and we wouldn't know it because 1) we wouldn't recognize it, and 2) it could just be too far away for us to ever discover.
Whether we ever run into any other lifeforms or even advanced intelligent beings is questionable, especially considering how self destructive we are as a species. We might not live long enough to develop the technology to traverse the stars or create some kind of warp-drive or other sci-fi inspired form of FTL travel.

It's nice to think about though. Imagine, if all life is seeded by panspermia there is a chance, slim though that it may be, that all life is the same. How boring would it be if everything was the same everywhere.

I like to think of the universe as a vast cosmic sea that is teeming with life.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by Thinkmore]

[edit on 27-3-2009 by Thinkmore]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Think about it this way and I am going to expand on that video.

First a solar system is a system of planets.

A galaxy is a system of stars

A universe is a system of galaxies

A multi-verse is a system of universes

A Mega-verse is a system of multiverses

Etc Etc..

(i made up the last two but I dont think we have a word for them yet)

To be honest we can only see so far. There is a chance that there are billions of universes inside the vastness of space. Even without parallel universes there could still be tons of universes outside our universe that are in the same dimensional space we are. I think there is life in abundance.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:35 PM
as Sir Patrick Moore once said>

"its mathematically impossible for there not to be life out there"

and as far as it goes out into space to infinity, it may well go the opposite way inwardly!

all things are possible with God.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:25 PM
We already DO know there's life out there, people! Come on, they've found fossilized bacteria inside meteorites! At least 3 of which they have proven come from mars, and 5 of which come from out of the solar system.

The question of "does life exist" has already been answered, for anyone with sense enough to acknowledge it. The BIGGER question is, "does INTELLIGENT life exist elsewhere?"

That would be the one we don't know for sure, and can just "believe". My personal thoughts is, yes, intelligence exists. We are unique in our own making and background, as human beings; even as individuals we are unique, correct?

But consider that nearly every form of life we have here on earth exhibits intelligence of some kind, you can postulate that "intelligence" is more the norm, than the exception, on earth, at least.

Anyhow, just wanted to point out the fact that "life" HAS ALREADY been proven to exist outside of our planet. It's just a matter of getting it into the consciousness of people. If bacteria, which has been shown to be quite similar to our own, has been found to come from outside of our planet, we can really infer that the same processes which lead to "us" on earth has probably happened elsewhere, as well.

ALH84001 NASA link

Nakhla Meteorite

Just a couple of examples.

Anyhow, sure there's still some controversy surrounding these reports, and the debate still goes on, but evidence is mounting higher and higher that it is all exactly as it appears to be.

Keep looking up, and have a great day

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:30 PM
I definitely believe that there is life out there in the universe....hell, maybe even in our own galaxy.

To think otherwise would be foolish and arrogant..

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Jomina
We already DO know there's life out there, people! Come on, they've found fossilized bacteria inside meteorites!

Those "findings" are very controversial in the scientific community.

Originally posted by blupblup
To think otherwise would be foolish and arrogant..

Despite the fact I do think there is life beyond Earth, I do not think the other possibility is either foolish or arrogant. I find the idea that we may be alone to be a daunting and frightening prospect.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Those "findings" are very controversial in the scientific community.

Despite the fact I do think there is life beyond Earth, I do not think the other possibility is either foolish or arrogant. I find the idea that we may be alone to be a daunting and frightening prospect.

I did say as much in my original post
There's still much controversy and debate regarding the findings, but the evidence is mounting as more are being found all over the world.

As to your second reply... I do as well. I've always thought that if, indeed, we are the only life in the universe, then we have an even greater responsibility to take RESPONSIBILITY for our actions, and treat ourselves with some respect. Not only ourselves, but our world.

Of course, we should, anyhow, but it becomes an even greater impetus to do so, if we are the only life in the universe.

To me, it's been proven. To others, maybe they have a ways to go yet. Each persons burden of proof lies on a different threshold, and we all must remember that, when speaking about such things. What may be proof for you is not proof to me, vice versa. Still, there's a point where it goes beyond merely "bearing the burden", and delves into complete denial, no matter the circumstance.

Personally, I don't think we've reached that threshold yet, but it's getting closer by the day, and i look forward to it.

Anyhow, nice discussion, it's always good to have an OPEN conversation with this stuff, without having to argue lol

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