posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Crakeur
But imagine, wouldn't that make it even more hilarious?
The 2 Joe Schmo's were involving very real people, who were in it for the fun and experience, but they were not "attention" seekers.
Imagine some that would apply now, though they definitly need to do a psyhic evaluation of everyone.
I don't watch much t.v., but I really think the Joe Schmo's went a step up by parodying other reality shows.
I just enjoy the laughter of it too, my eyes water from laughing so hard.
btw: Spike t.v., does not have anything about it on their webpage anymore. I searched and searched and could not find anything about the show..... so
that has given me hope.
The fact they took any mention of the show off their webpage, to me, makes me think, they may be bringing another one out (wishful and trying to see
things that aren't there maybe), so they took any mention of previous ones off.
I really have enjoyed watching it and letting loose with laughter, I need that, as we all do right now.