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3,000 U.S. Bombs, Missiles Would Quickly Hit Iraq

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posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist
What do you think Bout Time that Saddam is going to cram his entire military in Baghdad. From the way you are talking it doesn't sound like you understand the art of warfare at all.
Also in your thread ' Shock and Awe ', you don't seem to have read your links. Because it doesn't say they are going to drop 800 weapons in the first 2 days on Baghdad, it says IRAQ, there is a enourmaous difference. Stop twisting the facts into your own BULL#.

Carried nothing but A's when it came to my military studies, thanks.

Refer to Chart A:

Now, in that whole unsanctioned no fly zone, they've got nothing left to bomb; the US/UK have flown 100's of sorties doing exactly that already.
It's also been documented & listed on these boards that they've been guilty of 'mission creep'; extending those bombing runs far past the 33rd & 36th parrallel, creeping within 200km of Bagdhad. So to say 'Bagdhad' is no overstatement for effect; they've already cleaned up everything North & South of th city.

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
That's your opinion BT ? Just wait & see ????

The way things are set up now? Yes, of course. He can't fart without us knowing if he put tahini on the falafel or not.

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 12:50 PM
In the perisan gulf war, do you all realize how many people died, the whople country was torn apart. Now the man whom did that, his son says he will bomb them twice as much, what does he want to do, blow them of the crater of earth, and he has the nerve to call others evil???

And the american people like you just folloe him his satanic quest for world domination>?

How could you? Unless you dont really care, since you live in the US and dont think theres anything bad wiht US ruling the world??

I do, and i can tell you theres still many people who are not only in the US but all over the world that will never let this happen.


posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 01:42 PM
The war planners want to hit Iraqi military and govt targets hard within the first 24 hours because they don't want Iraq lobbing SCUDS with WMD warheads at Israel, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Of course, the looney left here thinks attacking them hard and fast is evil since it gives Saddam no chance of victory.

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by OrionSirius

I do, and i can tell you theres still many people who are not only in the US but all over the world that will never let this happen.

Sure. And I can write you the opposite. The world is full of peoples who are all ready to stand up and fight against tyranny and dictatorship. Peoples who are ready to die to stop communists and fudamentalists who want to destroy our democracy.

So, the question is : Will it be peoples like me who will stop peoples like you, or will it be peoples like you who'll stop peoples like me ?

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 02:12 PM
You guys are way out of your league. B-T again says all the ordanance will be used in Baghdad this is a pure assumption based on hack reporting. As I pointed out in another post the information released from the pentagon says the target will br IRAQ and gives no specific city or area to be pinpointed! This is against DOD policy to release potential targets information. You try and back up your statement with a nice little map with the no-fly zones on it and you say there are no targets left in the no-flyzone! If there are no targets left why is bombing still going on there? All of the missions that have been reported in the no-fly zone have been SAM or AAA sites recently the President authorized the bombing of C & C sites (the misson creep you are reporting) this leaves plenty of targets in these zones to strike. No ground forces have been struck no supply areas have been struck no communication links have been struck no maintenance facilities no get the picture? These areas are the pathway which US ground forces will take to get to Baghdad why would we not clear them with Missles and Smart bombs?
You guys are going a long distance to protect the lives of Iraqi citizens. What if you are wrong? What if Saddam does give VX or Sarin to a terrorist group and they use it in downtown Chicago? What then? Will you not step up and even admit this is a possiblity? Why do you go so far to protect Iraq but wont even admit there is even a threat to the US?
This war must be fought as the war in Afganistan had to be fought the rest of the world need to be sent the message that we have been struck and wounded and when you wound a large animal you cant control whats going to happen! Even if we thrash out at the most available target and vent our wrath on it the purpose is still fullfilled. The rest of our enemys will learn the lesson. "Hey when the US gets pissed, people die" Sometimes you have to punish the innocent to get to the guilty. Didnt your mom ever spank you AND your brother or sister because one of you did something but no one would admit to it? Thats a harsh statement and it doesnt fit in with my Libertarian Philosophy well but it is the truth! Sometimes when we get so into an ideal or philosopical belief we cant see that it doesnt fit into the real world. I think it would be great if everyone would just respect each other and leave each other alone but thats not real world because it depends on the kindness of others which you cant depend on. I never seek a fight in my day to day life but I wont coware from one either. Those of you who say this is an agressive war and we are striking first need to remember. In a fight if the other guy raises his fist to strike you are totally justified in poping him in the mouth first. Self defense does not entail absorbing the first blow, because there may only be one blow!!

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 03:03 PM
Gren: Bagdhad is going to be a prime target. Why? They have been active up to and over the parallels; not too much further to cap city.

"Why do you go so far to protect Iraq but won't even admit there is even a threat to the US?"
- in a broad sense I don't give a fig about Iraq. It's the blowback I'm worried about.
- Again, with everything that's in place today, what do you think Saddam can do? We have a relatively piddling enemy, whose "weapons of mass destruction" are not nuclear warheads with ICBMs capable of delivering them to the American mainland but suspected supplies of chemicals and germs that would virtually have to be FedExed to reach here. And we're saying the threat is so dangerous, and so imminent, that we must launch a unilateral war. And there's the box of the president's own logic, which seems to go something like this: Because Hussein is not only lying about his weapons of mass destruction but also intends to use them against us, the prudent course is for us to zap him now. But if Hussein believes that, wouldn't his prudent course be to use his weapons of mass destruction before we blow them -- and him -- to smithereens? I mean, if he believes what Bush has been trying to get us to believe -- that the Yanks are coming with or without the pusillanimous Europeans -- why should he die with his own gun holstered? And if Saddam doesn't believe it, and behaves accordingly, Bush is likely to see war as the only option. But even a war that ostensibly would be waged against terrorism would have the likely effect of generating new legions of anti-American terrorists throughout the Arab world, and maybe here as well.

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

1) Again, with everything that's in place today, what do you think Saddam can do? We have a relatively piddling enemy, whose "weapons of mass destruction" are not nuclear warheads with ICBMs capable of delivering them to the American mainland but suspected supplies of chemicals and germs that would virtually have to be FedExed to reach here. And we're saying the threat is so dangerous, and so imminent, that we must launch a unilateral war.

2) But even a war that ostensibly would be waged against terrorism would have the likely effect of generating new legions of anti-American terrorists throughout the Arab world, and maybe here as well.

1) Of course. But it didn't stop OBL to do what he did. So, I don't think that it will stop Saddam to do what he want to do.

2) BT, these " anti-americans " legions are already there.
With them, if you don't act when you are slapped by them, you're just a coward and they think that they can do to you what they want. Acting against them is dangerous.Do not acting is worse !

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 05:10 PM
I just listened to the Shawn Hannity show where they had some left-wing drama major (Dave Glenn?) from some CBS show called The Agent. He was rambling on the same BS from the left we hear here about Bush being the non-elected President, Iraqi people are OUR victims, and Bush is just like Hitler.

Well, the more well known actor James Wood called in to counter this looney from The Agent TV show. Wood was a Political Science grad from MIT, a bit more educated than the nut comparing Bush to Hilter. Pretty much Woods kicked his butt up/down the radio airwaves, while the left-wing Hollywood nut kept avoiding any situation that proved Saddam should be attacked.

It was a re-run of this board...

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 05:22 PM

So Saddam is Osama!?!

Take Buckwheat's love child over there in North Korea and you arseholes will have yourself a regular unholy trinity!!

Sean Hannity!?! No wonder......

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 05:41 PM
James Woods is very articulate and can think on his feet alot better than that other no-brain, empty rhetoric actor.

But it still gripes me that any actor, no matter what his opinion is, would get airtime. They became famous by acting as if they were somebody else.

(It was a great show, though, I caught it myself)

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 06:57 PM
I actually assumed James Woods was part of the looney Hollywood left. It was awesome hearing his credentials as a MIT Poli Sci graduate and his conservative beliefs.

He loathes the left, but you would never know it since the liberals in Hollywood get all the press. He said he will go on the Hannity-Colmes show to debate the left, while the looney left actor on the radio today wobbled at the challenge of showing his face on National TV in a debate. Typical...

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 08:25 PM
There has been a previous thread about James Woods and his comments on 9/11.

Words of wisdom from Hollywood actor James Woods on the War on Terror :

"I'm not about appeasing, ya know, any of these crappy little Arab states that want to hold us hostage over oil and so on and decide they're going to use terrorism or state support it or whatever

"If I had any evidence that any single country was supporting one ounce of terrorism I would say wipe them off the face of the earth. That's how I feel and I'll never change it. And it's blatantly obvious to the most casual observer to me that that is the correct position to take, ya know, but these other guys want to negotiate and placate and appease and do all that, ya know ?"

"I�m sort of not your average liberal Hollywood bear here so, you know, this is just a personal opinion but I happen to think right now that this is a war that we�re now engaged in with the single most ruthless and cunning enemy that we have ever encountered because it�s the first enemy we�ve ever had who doesn�t mind if he is destroyed along with us. And he has no agenda other than our complete and utter and total destruction. It�s �we want you eradicated from the face of the Earth.� Well, simple logic tells you that if somebody wants you dead you have one course of action: To get them deader sooner."

Woods also argued: "If this had happened to the Russians, about three major cities in the Middle East would have been parking lots in twenty minutes. They would have been molten green glass, not a single thing would have lived there for 250,000 years and they wouldn�t have worried about the consequences because there would not have been any because the remaining terrorist states would have said �we get the message.�"

Interesting side notes :

Alleged to have an IQ of 180. Scored a perfect 800 on his verbal SATs and a 779 on the math section.

He also has a degree in political science at MIT.

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 08:31 PM
The left is stupid, that Daniel boortz (maybe neil boortz?) was right, Leftists suck because all they do is label people.

"You're black, you're gay, you're mexican."

We try to create an "equal" nation here and the Leftists go and screw it up by labeling EVERYONE.

And then as if that weren't enough, they have to be so Anti-American by thinking everything that happens to us is our fault.

I saw in a damn news paper directed to ethnic minorities and immigrants here in Nevada "People of Color don't support the War against Iraq"

no signature

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 11:49 AM
He can't fart without us knowing if he put tahini on the falafel or not.

I'm sorry.. I known you guys are having a serious discussion here but I laughed so hard at this my officemates came into my office to see if I lost my mind or not.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason
The left is stupid, that Daniel boortz (maybe neil boortz?) was right, Leftists suck because all they do is label people.

"You're black, you're gay, you're mexican."

We try to create an "equal" nation here and the Leftists go and screw it up by labeling EVERYONE.

And then as if that weren't enough, they have to be so Anti-American by thinking everything that happens to us is our fault.

I saw in a damn news paper directed to ethnic minorities and immigrants here in Nevada "People of Color don't support the War against Iraq"

no signature

correct me if I am wrong... but is "labeling" people as leftist....ummmm labeling? I have been trolling around this board for a long time and have come to the conclusion that everyone (myself included) is full of #e. An opinion is like an @$$hole... everyone has one and everyone thinks their's does not stink. Debate is great but when when the first thing out of your fingertips is "you are a G.D. Leftist" or "you are a moronic Right-winger" defenses go up immediately and NOTHING gets accomplished other than personal attacks.

My $1.99 worth.

[Edited on 4-2-2003 by observer]

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

So Saddam is Osama!?!

Don't play BT. You know what I mean. They are both dangerous, and are threatning the world.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:40 PM
weeds in the garden of Earth. Osama is the weed that is hiding under one of the many rocks in the garden, but near the flowers (and thus, more dangerous). Saddam is a weed right out in the open, near flowers, but not as close as the Osama weed (and thus, less dangerous, but dangerous nonetheless). It's time to remove the weeds...

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by observer
He can't fart without us knowing if he put tahini on the falafel or not.

I'm sorry.. I known you guys are having a serious discussion here but I laughed so hard at this my officemates came into my office to see if I lost my mind or not.

Thank you, I'm here all week & don't forget to tip your waitress!

U-P: Ever wonder why it's been near impossible to find a 6 ft 6in guy with a beard to his chest, in his pajamas, hooked up to a dialysis machine!?!
Must be a 'desire' thing, no?

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

U-P: Ever wonder why it's been near impossible to find a 6 ft 6in guy with a beard to his chest, in his pajamas, hooked up to a dialysis machine!?!
Must be a 'desire' thing, no?

Ok BT. I understand what you wrote, but I don't understand what you mean. What's the point ?

When I was doing a correlation between OBL and Saddam, I wasn't speaking about their physical capacity.

But yes, I'm still wondering why they didn't find OBL, escpecially if he's so closed from death.

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