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**Video** British PM Savaged At EU Meet: 'You Have Run Out Of Our Money!'

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posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 03:30 AM
Oh dear how some of you have been sucked in by the Tory Party publicity machine!

Do you really think for one minute that that speech was 100% Mr Hannah? If so you are truly naive. Here was an opportunity for the Tory party to have a European wide party political broadcast with their "enemy" on the receiving end.

Beware of spin even when spoken eloquently.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 03:37 AM
Very true malcr,
I was just thinking that myself. But liars deserve to be taken to task, it's better than nothing.

We're in danger of falling into EXACTLY the same trap as we did in 1997. Voting out one wing of the British One Party System in a "defiant" and "landmark" election, and then another bunch of jokers
comes in. Twelve years ago Blair was the fresh face, now it's Cameron. Two weeks of post-election euphoria and we realise we've been diddled again.

The good thing about this is that Hannan seemed to be attacking on real issues rather than the sham ones that so often appear on PM's question time.

We have to balance cynicism and awareness of the controlled opposition tactic with recognition that mainstream media channels are being ignored and circumvented, and that can only be a good thing.

This clip is only a few linked videos away from an Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Webster Tarpley or We Are Change video. Youtube is definitely a major battleground in the war for hearts and minds.

[edit on 13f20094amThu, 26 Mar 2009 05:26:29 -050029 by HiAliens]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:00 AM
see the way Brown was smirking to himself. Like he was thinking "yeah, I know, it's all true, but it's kind of out of my hands you silly little man, I am just a patsy....mmmmmmmmm patsies *drools* "

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by malcr
Oh dear how some of you have been sucked in by the Tory Party publicity machine!

Do you really think for one minute that that speech was 100% Mr Hannah? If so you are truly naive. Here was an opportunity for the Tory party to have a European wide party political broadcast with their "enemy" on the receiving end.

Beware of spin even when spoken eloquently.

That may be true but that is politics, it is not spin. Do you disagree with anything Daniel Hannan said, is anything he said not true? If it takes a little spin to get the meeage out there about just how bad the UK's situation is becoming then so be it.

However, THE most disturbing thing about this speech is that it is not being reported by the BBC at all. Not a sniff on their website. State television paid for by the citizen in the UK it is a criminal offencel not to have a TV licence, £140, and all money goes to the BBC. If not due to the state of the economy then within the context of it being an internet viral sensation then it deserves to be reported.

Here's another video from the same session of the EU Parliment getting a severe dressing down from a UKIP (UK Independence Party) MEP.

I think you could say Gordon had a bad day at the office!

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by burntheships

I wonder how long this guy will keep his seat, i mean he's telling truths that don't want to be heard. My complete respect for the guy.

Originally posted by malcr
Oh dear how some of you have been sucked in by the Tory Party publicity machine!

Do you really think for one minute that that speech was 100% Mr Hannah? If so you are truly naive. Here was an opportunity for the Tory party to have a European wide party political broadcast with their "enemy" on the receiving end.

Beware of spin even when spoken eloquently.

So if we agree with this guy we're falling for tory propaganda? What a broad statement and based with no fact. What this man said is true, he backed it up with figures that won't be easily contested. Try to not see a viper in every hole, truth is truth whether spoken from the mouth of a noble prize winner or a court jester.

[edit on 26-3-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by BarneyRubble
However, THE most disturbing thing about this speech is that it is not being reported by the BBC at all. Not a sniff on their website.

The other side of the coin is that if the BBC continue to ignore things like this, they will discredit themselves even further- more people will get bored by the mainstream news and turn to the alt media. So ultimately they are just damaging their credibility by ignoring this stuff.

I think the whole story's pretty positive, and what it shows about the new media, the awakening and viral news distribution very heartening.

The BBC will have to change or continue to lose viewers.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 05:01 AM
No law written by man is a just law unless it applies with 'Reason'. Reason is based on Truth. When you hear it, it rings, it registers, naturally. You don't hear it very often do you? How about accountability? I don't see it.

It seems most people of the world could be classified as serfs. No one can put another in that class unless they allow it or are unaware of their status. Todays media does a fine job with that.

'Lex Naturalis' works for the people for it IS Law. The 'legal' sys-tems we have now are and were designed for those who control you and the planet's natural resources. Less than 1/10th of the planet's population own or control 99% of the worlds resources. Does one have a word for this phenomenon? Oligopoly? For WHO's benefit. Who benefits?

It should be very clear here on ATS what the NWO is up to. If it is not good for the 'people', scrap it and put those responsible for the furtherance of it's agenda to trial, banish them, question them, demand answers; they're supposed to work for the people, remember?

Any law written, may be re-written. Nothing is set in stone.

It's laughable how the subjects of the world throw up their hands and claim, too late now, it's already done. Who's laughing?

Well thats what the mass media will leave one to believe anyhow.

When they take 'choice' away from the have....?

At least the people are finally waking up out there. Sites such as ATS and Infowars among many others appear to be working but for 'how long'?

In the End, we all 'Have' choice though those choices have their consequences. How often must history repeat? This is the current question of the day. There's quite an audience.

People are supposed to be 'evolving' mentally as well as physically. While Our knowledge has increased.........our Wisdom has been bridled by Tyranny.

Who is telling you what to wear, eat, drink, where to live, how to live, what to do and when to do it? That doesn't sound much like freedom to me. I'd prefer to live off the grid in the forest if that's the way it's going to be. Self-sufficiency, a Right to man, is valuable indeed. Will it be possible in the near future? What then? What does that 'mean'?

I still have faith in man to use his inherent Reason because it resides in most, just not 'Nourished'.

Basic Law of Nature: Use it or lose it. Use Reason....or lose it.

[edit on 26-3-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 05:20 AM
Yeah and Brown just sat there smirking like the smug git he is. Irritates the hell out of me that guy does, and we didn't even elect him. What is this, Zimbabwe?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by HiAliens

Originally posted by BarneyRubble
However, THE most disturbing thing about this speech is that it is not being reported by the BBC at all. Not a sniff on their website.

The other side of the coin is that if the BBC continue to ignore things like this, they will discredit themselves even further- more people will get bored by the mainstream news and turn to the alt media. So ultimately they are just damaging their credibility by ignoring this stuff.

I think the whole story's pretty positive, and what it shows about the new media, the awakening and viral news distribution very heartening.

The BBC will have to change or continue to lose viewers.

It's no secret that I have no respect for the state-run BBC. The Beeb have their own agenda and it is very much pro-European.

Remember this little gem?

I would go as far saying though, that they are all as bad as each other. I'm with Brewster,

Vote None of the Above!

Then we'll see who REALLY is pulling the strings.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
That's amazing. Nothing beats watching a brutal verbal smackdown at the hands of a polite sounding, almost emotional sounding brit.

That's stiff upper lip style verbage Mr Crak!
The emotions there man but it's wrapped up in the nuances of english

For his style and stance I thought the MEP was the UK Independence Party.
But he's an Independent Tory believe it or not.

GB knows he's out to smash the UK economy to smithereens and there's nothing we can do until the election in 2010!!! Nearly two years to go.
Hopefully the UK will still be in one piece and we won't be listening to it on a radio in the wilderness somewhere! :O

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:19 AM
When I see PM Brown smirk, I see something very different though maybe it's the shades.

PM Brown is trapped and those in the 'know' are well aware of this. You see when you sign onto the NWO agenda there is no turning back. Some wish they could though that would take admitting guilt to certain crimes committed against humanity (False flag ops. or possessing knowledge of such act prior to execution). It would involve turning back the clock on a project of which has been in the works for years. What would the people say; what would they do? There's a good reason for those exotic homes in 'exotic''s called a 'contingency plan'. I believe the military coined the term.

The ones you 'really' need to worry about are the ones you're Not likely to see in the media sneering at Pinnochio. The rest is all a sideshow distraction. Many here know just where I'm coming from. These aren't exactly 'Revelations' here on ATS....though I wouldn't speak for the rest of the world. They're told exactly what to think. Sometimes they're even given a choice between the infamous A or B option approach.....what happened to C (the people option)?

[edit on 26-3-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
That's amazing. Nothing beats watching a brutal verbal smackdown at the hands of a polite sounding, almost emotional sounding brit.

haha! Indeed!

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:41 AM
Brown's grimacing and general awkwardness is in no small measure due to the fact he's almost blind. He obviously lost an eye in an accident in his youth, seemingly his other eye is failing too, he had an operation last year to remove a cataract.

Civil Servants have to prepare his papers in very large print, triple spaced, they're under instructions to send emails to him in 36 point & he needs gentle guidance whenever he's visiting unfamiliar places. His uncomfortable forced smile, or otherwise blank expression, is mainly the result of being completely unable to see anything more than a few feet in front of him.

I'd be surprised if he could even see Daniel Hannan in this visit to the European Parliament, his eyesight's just so bad.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by The Lass

See no evil, hear no evil I suppose.

They took the same approach with the Governor of New York. He's legally blind.

Neither one of these fellows use the internet much. That's a pre-requisite for a VIP role in the NWO. Remember Presidential candidate John McCain? He claims to not even use computers. I suppose I wouldn't either if I had been to an NSA sitrep.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Gordon Brown sitting and smirking during Hannan's speeach yesterday. Git!

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:10 AM
I think Jeremy Clarkson said it best when he referred to him as a "one-eyed Scottish idiot".

He later retracted the one-eyed reference after calls from charities but made it very clear he was not apologising for calling him and "idiot".

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:45 AM
This video is from today, 03-26-009...Glen Beck interviews Daniel Hannan
They talk back and forth comparing the E.U. with The U.S., and even touch on the NWO!

Daniel Hannan said " you guys have a constitution"
He is right! The U. S. Constitution starts with "we the people"!

Listen to the very end of this video!

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Fantastic speech!!

How long until he turns up in a woood somewhere in England having taken his own life?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:12 PM
The BBC has spoken to Daniel live on BBC24 around 20:40 GMT

Eventualy the UK gets to hear!


posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by SplatPantZ

That is awesome! Is there any way you can keep us posted...?
I think everyone that has participated on this thread would
love to hear more, and the results of his spoken words!

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