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Baby Bigfoot Prints along side Moms

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:25 PM
A set of 5 inch tracks with 5 toes trailed along side 16 inch tracts in Northern California of Friday the 13th.

source" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Some of the Baby tracks were absent presenting the idea that Mama Bigfoot carried him/her.

That would be so cool to see!

That is if you believe in Bigfoot, one of the few unexplained I actually believe in.

Just bugs me is why they can't be caught on trail cams, as I really don't think bigfoot can understand what a trail camera purpose is, unless it just knows that humans or the hairless people put it up and to stay away from it.

[edit on 24-3-2009 by Whiteone]

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[edit on 24-3-2009 by Whiteone]

[edit on 24-3-2009 by Whiteone]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I can't get the pictures to show, I have them posted on ATS, I'll try another source to post the pictures.

Here is the article:

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Momma Bear and Cub. At just 3,500 ft that far south the Bears would be active by now. They are making an appearance here already this year.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Questioner: Are they Bigfoot-type creatures?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.

I used to poo poo the Big Foot theory, but then I became spiritual and delved into the Ra Materials. Well fancy that, I now believe they are very real. Howver, there are hoaxers out there with their giant plaster foot molds ... I wonder if the baby is a real little big foot?

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:23 PM
i believe in bigfoot(hence my name)- had a few experiences i can't explain but fit in the mold. not saying it was not saying it wasn't. i tend to beleive they are shy secrective animals. how many people have ever seen a bobcat? not many!!! same thing really
didn't look at the pics but mother apes do carry their young on their backs at times so small tracks next to bigger ones makes sense- maybe she was teaching it how to walk like we do with our kids

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 04:17 PM
I recently went to Bodie, CA in the Sierra mountains. I took the photographs (listed below) of some odd footprints in the snow. They looked like naked human footprints, but longer and wider. My initial reaction was "BIGFOOT!" But I settled on the fact they are probably bear prints (being from Oxford, UK, I've never seen bear prints) I saw no clawmarks in the snow though. Also, the prints looked like they'd been made by a biped... which could still be a bear.

Just thought I'd chip in and see if anyone can confirm that they are bear prints.

Photo 1 - Close up
Photo 2
Photo 3

Ha! I just noticed what look like chemtrails too.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

Yes, I agree. There are over 25000 Black bears in Washington State, and I've only seen about one.

And I use to hunt deer, and have been to where Black Bears are plentiful, and yet failed to see even a single bear.

Now imagine if there are only a thousand bigfoot, the possibility to spot one would be greatly reduced. It would be a once in a lifetime sighting.

After all, Bigfoot finds you, you don't find bigfoot.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

True, there are bear waking up, but take a look at these bear tracks compared to the prints found of the suspect Bigfoot.

bear tracks

Baby Foot prints

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 07:16 PM
i am an avid outsdoorsman and live in the highest bear population density area in the world(poconos pa.) i have seen maybe 2 dozen bears in my life and i'm 38.
plus i lived in alaska when younger
and to blaine you can't really confuse a bear track with a hominid print- unless maybe it was in melting snow and made it look larger and different shaped. a bear print will be alot rounder and it WILL show the claws.
bears don't have retractable claws like cats do

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Chewlip
I recently went to Bodie, CA in the Sierra mountains. I took the photographs (listed below) of some odd footprints in the snow. They looked like naked human footprints, but longer and wider. My initial reaction was "BIGFOOT!" But I settled on the fact they are probably bear prints (being from Oxford, UK, I've never seen bear prints) I saw no clawmarks in the snow though. Also, the prints looked like they'd been made by a biped... which could still be a bear.

Just thought I'd chip in and see if anyone can confirm that they are bear prints.

Photo 1 - Close up
Photo 2
Photo 3

Ha! I just noticed what look like chemtrails too.

They do look like Bear Prints to me.

I only say this, having seen loads of them after searching for BF prints!

Anyway, I like your post, as I'm from just outside Oxford!

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Whiteone

The partially melting snow and the sun hitting the tracks can make them bigger than when they were imprinted. Probably a bear, and nothing to suggest it was a Sasquatch.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 06:47 PM
sorry haven't been around- but after i finally looked at the pics of the prints i believe that they probably are bear prints and as i said before were subject to the sun and distorted them.
they aren't the greatest pics in the world either but the tracks are round and i could see no significant sign of a heel print.
so in my opinion i would believe they are bear tracks- even as much as i would like them to be from bigfoot- but i doubt they are
if you want some kind of definitive track find it in sand or another kind of soil- not snow- and take better pics and a cast would be even better

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I usually don't pay attention to the bigfoot thing but since you put Mom and bigfoot in the same sentence I had to look.

Whatever those footprints are, someone is placing one foot in front of the other as oppossed to walking.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:41 PM
you know what? you got me thinking- some animals such as foxes and cats will leave prints in a straight line. and the absence of claw marks makes sense since cats have retractable claws. maybe it was a mountain lion? and depending on how the sun affected the tracks in snow- which made them larger and fainter- that could be plausible

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