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Why do we care so much about aliens

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 01:58 PM
our planet is in the crapper and everyone is like i saw a triangle in the sky and i am a firm alien believer but i think that the ATS community should focus a little more on our economy instead of aliens because who knows mabey we can make a difference

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:37 PM
I'll tell you why.

Man (the species) has delt with finances during most of existance. Everyone knows what it's like to spend or save or pay taxes or worry about money or to party because you have money.

It doesn't require any proof.

Now aliens...they are totally shrouded in mystery. I mean what happens if an alien lands in the front lawn of the White House and says that they will provide the tech for free energy and free food forever.

I guess that trumps the economy.

Better yet, in the same scenario, the aliens say we have 30 minutes until the invasion. Kiss your wife and kids and then your butt goodbye.

Trumps again.

Aliens allow us the great unknown. It's fantasy that just might be reality.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:40 PM
'Cuz they're awesome.

Enough said.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:40 PM
maybe everyone is like "OMG, I need a break from worrying about how I am going to make the mortgage payment!"

If a senator can tell the PTB what is wrong and how to fix it 2 years in advance, and get ignored, what chance do we have of getting heard? If I ran my business like these guys run the government, I would have been in the bread lines in 2001.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Aliens are more intresting than the economy.


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:42 PM
Last time I checked this was a Global Online Community-and a Vast Conspiracy site. Why as a People do we need to spend every waking moment in worry?

If you want to focus on that-then start or take part in a discussion.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Because, without the a higher intelligence to save us, humanity (on it's own) is quite doomed.

The average IQ is far less than adequate to deal with the amount of critical thinking needed to remain potent. (Which is why we have a NWO agenda, based on scientific analysis of human psychology.) If you're not smart enough to outsmart the NWO, then you're doomed to be ruled by it.

If there is no God or alien "watchers", we are seriously doomed to repeat history, over and over, until we evolve to an intellectual prowess capable of handling our chaotic (and deeply secretive) physical world. And, the truth is, we will be challenged by even greater chaos for the rest of all of our future endeavors, as there is no end to the eternal expanses of our Universe.

Do you get it? We need "them" to help. We need to have "faith" in a higher intelligence. We need to always move forward in evolution. We are set in this timeline, as it is, and cannot escape our reality.


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Because deep down.. we all want to believe we are not alone in this great big universe.

Because deep down.. no matter how religious you are, there is a part that says "what if we are alone in this universe".

Finding that one instance of evidence of some other "life" on some distant world would mean we are not alone in the vast expanse of space and time.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Personally i am sick of humans and there stupid society. Thats why i wonder about such things as aliens, and wonder what could be. I know a world cannot be a utopia, but heck why do we have to have so much evil in the world, and its always scum getting to the top.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 02:55 PM
There are many reasons to care about our extraordinary visitors. The first is that earth and all live on it, is a joint et project. The problem is that a renegade, controlling, abusive power hungry group took control. Both the Sumerian writings and the Terra Papers talk about Enki/Enlil There is talk of a soul wiping machine or the living game. The Superman Project was about finding the correct dna to reactivate this slave machine. Our bloodlines are directly related to this renegade group and serve these evil corrupt slave masters. Religions were formed with mainly borrowed legends to divide us and we are treated as expendable property, to fight in their wars, and fill their coffers. This economic collapse is all a part of this same force.

Ets are also working with people, including a massive push for decades to do so grass roots with civilians. I'm an experiencer. Pretty hard not to care about the entire ufology issue. It is the most fundamental and critical issue in this world, and points to the reasons for everything you see, and if you scratch below the surface a lot of amazing things there.

The very first thing we as humans need to do, is to not be arrogant and assume that our corrupt behavior, our materialism, our willingness to allow anyone to starve or live in poverty and scarcity, rather than equality, complete sharing and abundance, let alone the billions we sacrifice to our brainwashed paradigm, is viewed as anything but incredibly sad, and primitive by the ets who are trying to change this situation. We are seen as co-conspirators with the evil running this planet. So we must get very real with ourselves very fast, and look at what we're allowing, what we're empowering, at our greed and corruption, at our norms and values. We must drop them, and start to humbly ask for help from our visitors, but even more important, turn to each other and become a cooperative, compassionate group. This is the make or break change that would allow us to receive some help. We also need to get rid of all the controllers.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:00 PM
Because NASA have been given BILLIONS of YOUR dollars to see what's going down in space. And they've done nothing but lie.

They want some more money soon, they'd better start actually giving us something back in return.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:06 PM
The same reason people care so much about religion. People instinctively need to feel like they're a part of something extraordinary. To some people, a divine plan is enough. Others need something more grounded in science.

Obviously that's a blanket that doesn't cover everyone, but I'll bet essentially that's a big part of it. The other possibility is that the "aliens" depict what we could become given enough time to evolve technologically and as a species.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Because aliens (and disparate genetically modified people, and interterrestrials) are completely involved in all our affairs at the highest level. Economics are as much a part of that as other things.

If we want to be free, no longer slaves to the race(s) that enslave us through wages, we must think outside the box they have put us in (we are alone in the Universe, we can become President, the "system" works for us, etc.).

To that end, I wrote my book (intro and book linked in my sig). If we can come together with a common goal - serving ourselves while simultaneously serving all others - we can rise as the loving, spiritual, giving species that we are, and no longer be slaves to the Lizard Hearted that now are our slavemasters.

[edit on 3/24/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Yeah...I'm going to go back to my first response. It's fantasy. It's a fantasy life we live. It gives us something to ponder since we're faced with so much that is uncertain. Not knowing if you're going to have a job in the next month is scarry. Alien overlords is juicy and romantic!

Everyone wants to be the hero in the movie. Most of us, in reality, are just frightened of what we know.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
Yeah...I'm going to go back to my first response. It's fantasy.

Have you read The Terra Papers...? Do you know the history of the Papers?

I am positive that it is NOT fantasy - though the PTB really want you to believe that. But most are far more comfortable clinging to the idea that it is fantasy than facing the reality we are mostly oblivious to.

And to be sure, they keep us oblivious for the most part.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 10:36 PM
I am very concerned about space aliens. They eat far too much beef. Granted, they eat the grass fed cattle rather than than the fatty corn fed type, but still too much red meat is not good for you.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM
I did read the papers that you have linked. I think I quit about the time that the Death Star got involved.

Before you call me a Sheeple for not believing the papers, don't. I'm sure the arguement is that nuggets of our REAL history have been mixed in with legends, old and new. That's an easy arguement because it's circular.

It all sounded a little bit Scientologistic/fantastic and I appologize if I'm coming off crass.

I don't see anyone being able to back any of it up. If it's actually the real history of our planet, so be it. I don't think so.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

The terra papers are nonsense.Dont worry your not missing anything.As for the question,humans like a bit of mystery..always have always doesnt matter if any of it is based on concrete evidence,you will always find people that follow them...its human nature and alot of times has helped us progress.Then you get people who think we humans are stupid,savage vile little creatures that need intelligent aliens to come save us with fancy technology that will make earth some sort of obscure utopia.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Solomons

I couldn't agree more. There are people on a number of post that claim that humans are a failed species and such nonsense. That line of thinking is insane. We are the best thing going on this planet, unfortunate judgement or not. The people that consider us a virus (Matrix fans) should embrace what potential we have, not we can destroy.

No aliens have to save us from ourselves.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
I did read the papers that you have linked. I think I quit about the time that the Death Star got involved.

Before you call me a Sheeple for not believing the papers, don't. I'm sure the arguement is that nuggets of our REAL history have been mixed in with legends, old and new. That's an easy arguement because it's circular.

It all sounded a little bit Scientologistic/fantastic and I appologize if I'm coming off crass.

I don't see anyone being able to back any of it up. If it's actually the real history of our planet, so be it. I don't think so.

Here's the thing... When *I* read it, I had the knowledge that it was written by a Hopi, and it was written as a class paper in a class called something like "Origins of Religion." The author, Robert Morning Sky (whom I have subsequently been in contact with), had a grandfather that, in 1947 and along with five other Hopi, witnessed a UFO crash on the Hopi land. They approached and found a battered but alive ET.

They rescued the ET and brought (him/her/it) back to their village, hiding the ET just before the military showed up. They played dumb with the military, pointing in the direction of the crash and claiming they saw the fireball, but had no idea what it was. The military went away.

The Hopi nursed the ET back to health, and in gratitude for the help and the hiding from the military, the ET brought out a holographic device and proceeded to teach, in trust, the history of our planet.

When Robert had to write a term paper, it was after Von Daniken came out with Chariots of the Gods?, and, seeing that Von D got things close, he petitioned the Hopi Elders to release the history as it pertained to Von D's information.

Now, it was written in the late 1960's - well BEFORE Star Wars. The appearence of the Death Ship (the Papers never call it a "Death Star") therefore cannot be chalked up to a "Star Wars rip-off." But there IS a connection between the Hopi and Star Wars.

Turns out that Joseph Campbell, Myth Guru Extrordinaire, spent a long while with the Hopi, learning their "myths" and such. Campbell was also a close friend and mentor to George Lucas. So the appearance of the Death (Ship/Star) in Star Wars may very well have been based on information Campbell learned from the Hopi and imparted to Lucas.

And... The Papers accord very well with the Sumerian tablets - something that was not fully translated until well after the 1960's.

So... I believe that the Papers are the closest to the truth of our history as we presently have in the public domain.

You are welcome to think otherwise.

But I will say that, though I thought I was reading bad scifi initially when I read the Papers, by the end, so much of my WHYs about this Universe were completely answered, and I was literally shaking from a radical paradigm shift (having been an "alien agnostic" prior to reading them).

[edit on 3/25/2009 by Amaterasu]

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