Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
I did read the papers that you have linked. I think I quit about the time that the Death Star got involved.
Before you call me a Sheeple for not believing the papers, don't. I'm sure the arguement is that nuggets of our REAL history have been mixed in
with legends, old and new. That's an easy arguement because it's circular.
It all sounded a little bit Scientologistic/fantastic and I appologize if I'm coming off crass.
I don't see anyone being able to back any of it up. If it's actually the real history of our planet, so be it. I don't think so.
Here's the thing... When *I* read it, I had the knowledge that it was written by a Hopi, and it was written as a class paper in a class called
something like "Origins of Religion." The author, Robert Morning Sky (whom I have subsequently been in contact with), had a grandfather that, in
1947 and along with five other Hopi, witnessed a UFO crash on the Hopi land. They approached and found a battered but alive ET.
They rescued the ET and brought (him/her/it) back to their village, hiding the ET just before the military showed up. They played dumb with the
military, pointing in the direction of the crash and claiming they saw the fireball, but had no idea what it was. The military went away.
The Hopi nursed the ET back to health, and in gratitude for the help and the hiding from the military, the ET brought out a holographic device and
proceeded to teach, in trust, the history of our planet.
When Robert had to write a term paper, it was after Von Daniken came out with Chariots of the Gods?, and, seeing that Von D got things close, he
petitioned the Hopi Elders to release the history as it pertained to Von D's information.
Now, it was written in the late 1960's - well BEFORE Star Wars. The appearence of the Death Ship (the Papers never call it a "Death Star")
therefore cannot be chalked up to a "Star Wars rip-off." But there IS a connection between the Hopi and Star Wars.
Turns out that Joseph Campbell, Myth Guru Extrordinaire, spent a long while with the Hopi, learning their "myths" and such. Campbell was also a
close friend and mentor to George Lucas. So the appearance of the Death (Ship/Star) in Star Wars may very well have been based on information
Campbell learned from the Hopi and imparted to Lucas.
And... The Papers accord very well with the Sumerian tablets - something that was not fully translated until well after the 1960's.
So... I believe that the Papers are the closest to the truth of our history as we presently have in the public domain.
You are welcome to think otherwise.
But I will say that, though I thought I was reading bad scifi initially when I read the Papers, by the end, so much of my WHYs about this Universe
were completely answered, and I was literally shaking from a radical paradigm shift (having been an "alien agnostic" prior to reading them).
[edit on 3/25/2009 by Amaterasu]