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Forget Climate Change - Here's the REAL Problems

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 11:13 AM
OK, I know, but before Keyser Soze (the usual suspects) start in on me for my lack of belief in AGW, the tooth fairy or the easter bunny, have a look below at the links provided.

There are many things wrong with our planet, some of them due to human activity, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

And this is my main bugbear with GW or climate change or whatever they happen to be calling it this week - the real problems that we can actually do something about are not making the news.

The real problems and things we can change and affect are going unnoticed - instead people are concentrating their efforts on tripe like this

Here come the links - let me just say, before people attack sources, that this is an overview intended to bring about discussion and debate.
The list is not exhaustive and should not be construed as such

The Great Pacicfic Garbage Patch

Rainforest Depletion


Toxic Waste US

Toxic Waste UK

Radioactive Waste

Water Pollution US

Water Pollution UK


Oil Spills

There are of course many more instances of how we are harming our environment (feel free to add your own) but they all have one thing in common - WE HUMANS ARE TO BLAME

Each and every one of us can start by making a small difference - but it's always worth checking where your recycling goes, for instance as you can see from this article

In my opinion, it's time to stop the factional fights between those who believe and those who don't believe in AGW or climate change, and concentrate on the thinngs which are really affecting the planet.

If we all take an interest, we CAN make a difference.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 11:17 AM
I personally think that until we get away from burning fossil fuels as a means of energy, nothing is going to change, oil has to stop. This planet is here for us to live on, not rape, not strip of everything that makes it enable life to exist.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 11:26 AM
I think we are minor threat to this planet.

Earth has been through much, much worse BS in her history then we are ever gonna be able to create...She is gonna be just fine...

She is not going anywhere.

We are

WARNING: profanity in the video below...

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Yeah, deforestation, pollution, etc are problems, but tacking on nature worship nonsense at the butt-end of it doesn't help solve them.

Nature worship is part of the NWO. Get familiar.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 12:31 PM
Nature worship?

If wanting to look after the home of my children and their children is "nature worship" then I suppose I am guilty.

As for the NWO, and the "get familiar" remark - I have no idea what you mean.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
Yeah, deforestation, pollution, etc are problems, but tacking on nature worship nonsense at the butt-end of it doesn't help solve them.

Nature worship is part of the NWO. Get familiar.

Are you completely insane?

Are you separate from nature?

Since when has the NWO wanted nature worship? all they want is to use it to make money, copyright it and sell it back to you.

Where does the food you eat come from?

The Air you breath?

The water you drink?

The computer you wrote on?

The universe you live in?

It's called self preservation not nature worship.


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