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An Alarming video every Westerner should see

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:26 AM

An Alarming video every Westerner should see

Anyone (like Barack Obama) entertaining ideas of western democracies establishing friendly relations with the radicals of the Islamic world should watch this video.While watching the inflammatory rhetoric of the speaker, remember that this is not a Jihadists from Iran but a professor from Kuwait - a country with every reason to be grateful to the USA for liberating it from the tyranny of Saddam Husseins invasion.

(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:26 AM
I saw this last evening after doing some reading and research on the "Urgent FEMA Warning with Timeline." I thought I would share.
I am a new member as of five min. ago, and I registered so I could post this...I have been reading, however for quite a long time.

Keep up the good work guys and gals.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Interesting .... 'there is no room for dialog' etc etc.
Where did the get the info that militias are wanting to blow up power plants?
That's strange.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by FlyingHigh404

a country with every reason to be grateful to the USA for liberating it from the tyranny of Saddam Husseins invasion.

isn't that typical old-american rhetoric?

Who are we to say that THEY should be grateful?

It's sickening.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:51 AM
He certainly is spewing the usual hatred. Yet just like the US has many professors at our institutions of higher learning with radical ideas, this man has his own take on things. What would be very frightening is if the rest of the people of Kuwait feel the same way. These threats by these religious extremists are pretty much the same whether they are screaming Allah or Jesus punish them and wipe them out.

When we can learn the value in each human life and leave religious fundamentalism behind, only then will there be a hope of world wide peace! Religion has a place in the lives of individuals but extremes like this are the problem. Hence the smart provision in the US, separation of church and state!

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:52 AM
Hey listen this is why I cant stand that we are busting on Iran the way we do. I mean all the 9/11 Hi Jackers were from so called ally countries like Saudi Arabia and Jordan. To this day there is a lot of Saudi money that is being funnelled to the Taliban and Al Queda and Washington says nothing. We should of stayed the hell out of Iraq and focused on Pakistan and Afghanistan but hey it is what it is. There are radical nuts out there not only on the Muslim side but also Christians and Jews also who want to put their will on everyone.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by redhead57
Hence the smart provision in the US, separation of church and state!

Are you serious?? If you think the US has a seperation of church and state you are sadly mistaken. That govt. caters to religious groups over ANY other interest group.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 10:00 AM
THe thing with religion is that they are all basically the same story, told by different people. You would think they could appreciate the similarities between there faiths instead of focusing on the differences.

But I suppose if you have 1,000,000 good religious people and 1 crazy one it will be the crazy one that gets the spot light unfortunately.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 11:07 AM
Initially, I am wordless.

But alas, the world is full of hate mongers and religious zealots.

According to one of the "Comments" on the site, the organization who translated it seems to be legit.

For the translation: The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) was founded in 1998 in Washington, DC to bridge the language gap between the Middle East and the West by monitoring, translating, and studying Arab, Iranian and Turkish media, schoolbooks, and religious sermons. MEMRI is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has branches in Baghdad, Tokyo and Jerusalem, and a staff of over 70 working around the globe. MEMRI's research is translated into English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish with a subscriber list of over 75,000. MEMRI is a 501 (c)3 organization and is incorporated in Washington, D.C.

Chilling. A S & F from me.


[edit on 24-3-2009 by kinda kurious]


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 12:08 PM
I know this might sound petty in light of the subject, but could someone explain to me something....

At 05:02 on the video, this guy talks about militias in the US wanting to bomb a nuclear plant, and then at 05:09 he says, "May Allah grant them success".

You can then hear lots of laughing from those in the audience. Yet the camera turns to the audience whilst laughing can still be heard and you see nothing but a sea of straight faces. No-one is laughing, not even a smile.

Do Islamic radicals use canned laughter now on thier videos?

I'm not sure what i'm trying to get at here, but lets say i'm very wary of videos that surface showing "scary people from Islam".

Don't get me wrong, i know there are people out there who have this frame of mind and would kill people at the drop of a hat.

However when videos like this appear on the net, with obvious editing throughout, i can't help thinking back to other videos that have been put out there in the past. Videos that too many people believe, when they could have been made by anyone...just to stir up a bit of hatred both ways.

Like i say, i'm probably barking up the wrong tree, then again this is a conspiracy site so thats a CTers perogative!


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by CX
You can then hear lots of laughing from those in the audience. Yet the camera turns to the audience whilst laughing can still be heard and you see nothing but a sea of straight faces. No-one is laughing, not even a smile.

I think you are right to be leery of such things.

However, as a professional video editor for over 30+ years I would like to add it is probably a combination of poor shooting / editing. The audience reaction shot is a "cutaway." I blame the videographer (ENG-style / single camera) that was covering the event. It is highly likely he remained focused on speaker at the podium during entire speech. He probably was only able to pan around to get "cutaways" before or after speech.
I could be wrong, but I encounter this often.

Also notice, the "dips to black" between segments. This was obviously condensed. Inasmuch as this affords things to be taken out of context, there is enough continous footage " pre / post" soundbite to indicate to me the gist of his sentiments.

Still hoping for someone confirm translation, although a few "key words" in English seem to sync with appropriate lag.

Either way, it appears that guy don't like us.

Just my .02¢


[edit on 24-3-2009 by kinda kurious]


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:48 PM
Thanks for the info...always good to get some input from someone who knows about these things.

It's hard to know what to believe though nowadays isn't it? Plus, it's in the tearing apart of minor details that conspiracy theories are found, i do believe.

I agree with you though, i don't think he's a fan of the west.


posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Fremd

Well, I for one believe I am right in thinking the Kuwaitis should be grateful for saving their butts from the Iraqi army, seeing as how I received injuries and disease while doing them that little favor. They should be thankful, in my opinion, that they still have control of their oil wells. But that's just my opinion. You got yours and I have the right one.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 05:07 PM
Not to be "nit-picky"... but this was posted yesterday, in the same topic folder.

It is an interesting video to watch though.

[edit on 24-3-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:37 PM
[edit on 24-3-2009 by FlyingHigh404]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Sorry about posting twice then. Today is my first day as a member. I am still trying to get use to the rules!

My apologies

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Its hard to find out if something has already been posted dont worry about it. I think we'v all done it. And will probably do it again haha

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by kyred

Well, I for one believe I am right in thinking the Kuwaitis should be grateful for saving their butts from the Iraqi army, seeing as how I received injuries and disease while doing them that little favor. They should be thankful, in my opinion, that they still have control of their oil wells. But that's just my opinion. You got yours and I have the right one.

I appreciate your sense of humor.

But in that line of thinking, we should show France eternal appreciation for bailing us out in our infant years as a country. Instead we showed them Freedom Fries like some 2 year old on a "i'm taking my ball and going home" tantrum because they refused to invade a country that did nothing to them.

Without France, there was no revolution

[edit on 25-3-2009 by Fremd]

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Fremd
reply to post by kyred

Well, I for one believe I am right in thinking the Kuwaitis should be grateful for saving their butts from the Iraqi army, seeing as how I received injuries and disease while doing them that little favor. They should be thankful, in my opinion, that they still have control of their oil wells. But that's just my opinion. You got yours and I have the right one.

I appreciate your sense of humor.

But in that line of thinking, we should show France eternal appreciation for bailing us out in our infant years as a country. Instead we showed them Freedom Fries like some 2 year old on a "i'm taking my ball and going home" tantrum because they refused to invade a country that did nothing to them.

Without France, there was no revolution

[edit on 25-3-2009 by Fremd]

sense of humor? i see nothing funny in that post. not only is your view on the matter delusional but you are extremely disrespectful to a serviceman.

and im sorry, your analogy to the american revolution is way off base. that was a different time and a different era. sure america should have been greatful then, but in todays world, america has the right to feel however they want towards the france. because lets face it, france really isnt that big of a deal.

kuwait shouldnt be grateful that the usa save their butts from hussein? there is no way in hell you're gonna convince me that kuwait would have been a better place under his rule, or that the world isn't a better place with him dead.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by f4rwest

but in todays world, america has the right to feel however they want towards the france. because lets face it, france really isnt that big of a deal.

that's the kind of attitude that got this country in the predicament it's in today.

Some people are part of the solution

others...*cough* only perpetuate the problem.

Different time and different era?

And what makes france "not that big of a deal"?


I love my country, but you are delusional over it.

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