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very weird sleep parlysis/lucid all in one time experience

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posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:43 AM
hey everyone this morning i woke up, still very tired from last night because i slept late. I woke up went back to bed i then woke up again but i was in my bathroom and suddenly i found my self fixing my hair i could hear my tv which i leave on in the morning so i realize what the hell im sleeping (lucid dreaming) but i can hear the MORNING SHOW what the hell!!!. I pinched myself to see if its real because lucid is amazingly close to reality. I wake up in my body on the bed. I could not move i start hearing static, the people talking on tv start speaking in slow motion then its im not sure what its called but they made the voices scramble up and i was in sleep paralysis so all i could do was close my eyes. I eventually get out of it amazed to say the least i dont think anyone has ever had a lucid dream then paralysis in like 4 minutes haha.

anyone else had paralysis or lucid?

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 02:34 AM
all the time

the most weird one I ever had was: I wake up and went to the hallway, the lightswitch doesnt work. I open the kids bedroom and a large black cat jumps out in my face. I wake up in my bed again... and again I go the hall, the light still isn't working (at this point I become lucid and know Im still dreaming). I open the kids bedroom again and as I already expected, the cat jumps out again. I wake up in my bed. This time Im really awake but kept doubting that all day, LOL

For me, a lightswitch not working in a dream triggers lucid dreaming. It happens about once a month, with or without the paralasys.

the most frightening one I had was when I woke up with paralasys (but still dreaming). my matras started floating in the air slowly, they it turned vertical with me on it. Then with high speed it moved forwarth, wanting to smash me onto the wall in front of me. At this point I could scream and woke up just before I hit the wall. I stopped experimenting after this one.

there are entire forums on the net that teach you how to work and experiment with these, I knew a good one but have to look up the addy if you want it.


posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by GypsK
all the time

the most weird one I ever had was: I wake up and went to the hallway, the lightswitch doesnt work. I open the kids bedroom and a large black cat jumps out in my face. I wake up in my bed again... and again I go the hall, the light still isn't working (at this point I become lucid and know Im still dreaming). I open the kids bedroom again and as I already expected, the cat jumps out again. I wake up in my bed. This time Im really awake but kept doubting that all day, LOL

For me, a lightswitch not working in a dream triggers lucid dreaming. It happens about once a month, with or without the paralasys.

the most frightening one I had was when I woke up with paralasys (but still dreaming). my matras started floating in the air slowly, they it turned vertical with me on it. Then with high speed it moved forwarth, wanting to smash me onto the wall in front of me. At this point I could scream and woke up just before I hit the wall. I stopped experimenting after this one.

there are entire forums on the net that teach you how to work and experiment with these, I knew a good one but have to look up the addy if you want it.


oh wow i wish i could lucid dream but i always have not enough will power to do the things they tell you to do every day to achive lucid hahaahha im so lazy
and thing is my mum would read through my dream diary which could have embarosing stuff on it so yeah

thats crazy im not alone
ive had many paralysis attacks in my dreams
its so crazy to think about these things and not belive we dont have a life after this

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 12:32 PM
well, you don't need a dream diary to LD, just thinking about it alot during the day and wanting to LD, acknowledging its existence,... you know,keep it in your thoughts... it will make you dream more vivid and occasionally LD.
Unfortunately lucid dreaming and paralasys almost go hand in hand, as long as you don't panic, just close your eyes again for a bit and it'll be ok. a paralasys seems to last minutes while it really are just a few seconds

when you wake up take 5 minutes before you get up and think about what you dreamth, this way you'll remember your dreams instead of forgetting.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by GypsK

yeahh thats true im ever since my 3rd paralysis ive kept calm and closed my eyes it only lasted afew seconds for me even though theres this fear that youl always be paralyzed haha

has that technique of thinking alot about it worked for you?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 03:25 PM
it doesn't work wonders, but it helps...

the best ways to accomplish ld's require a bit of work, not just lay down and go to sleep

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