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Rockefeller: Internet is "Number One National Hazard"

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posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Well, it is idealism, and it may be reductionist, but the truth is they OWN it. We CONTROL it. All we ever have to do is say "no" at any given point in time. What keeps us in this situation is a feeling of hopelessness. And, unwittingly, you are spreading that disease.

All we need to do is realize that freedom is NEVER something you "get" from someone. Freedom, (much like enlightenment) is something you already possess. You make yourself "unfree" by seeking it from another. Their permission to have it. When the act of seeking freedom from another is the very thing that binds you.

They "own" the internet. And other resources. But how did that happen? Someone sat down and decided one day that the Earth that once was something we were guests on, children of, and had a right to, should be a possession of some individual. It was an agreement we made that the guy who said "mine" was right. He didnt buy it. He said a word. "Mine." And we all said, "ok" and pretended it was his.

All we have to do is say "No. Not yours." They didnt build it, they dont operate it, and the money that they used to pay for it wasnt the result of their own sweat, it was manipulation of that very same original agreement that things not yours, (the earth, the water, the forests) could just be claimed and sold.

And it goes on til this day, in another thread today I posted on how Bechtel Corp. got the US and World bank backed Bolivian government to enforce their claim that they owned the water. Including rainwater. The Bolivian people said "no." And they won. Sure, they are being punished for it, by being denied loans to develop their water resources, but they at least are not paying someone for something that falls from the sky.

We dont have to live this way. We dont have to be slaves. And all it takes is for more of us to understand that the only thing enslaving us is us. Not them, they just tell us how to enslave ourselves. We are the ones who actually do it.

And the only thing that prevents us from ceasing in this self enslavement is our sense that we can do nothing to prevent it from happening when that is as far from the truth as it is possible to be.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Die Rockerfellers! DIE I SAY!

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by 0010110011101

Because the internet is still one of the largest businesses in the world.

If the profits outweigh the concerns than nothing will be done. In my opinion, Rockefeller is just saber rattling right now, but his jargon will turn into action sooner or later.

Fact is, censorship and control of the internet is already taking place. Rogers is one of the biggest ISPs and Cable providers in Canada. They are experimenting (successfully I might add) with packet shaping technologies that limit if not completely quash certain type of network traffic, currently targeted at bit torrent.

This is just a first step, soon enough, it will be real-time filtering of full data sets, posts will be automatically redacted before they are viewable. Time is all it will take.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:15 PM
well they can go and **** themselves

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:15 PM
Has anyone seen the Southpark episode where the internet was cut off and they had to go to an internet camp? I can guarantee you folks, if the internet ceased to exist tomorrow, the people will revolt.

What I fear is that the internet will change slowly over time. Like the frog in boiling water. And the people will not realize what is going on.

Up until now, the internet is basically as it was when I first started using it. At the first sign of change, I will be sure to let people know whats going on.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Again, I cant say i necessarily disagree with anything you've said.

I was just merely trying to point out that its not really a question of saying "no
(though that is the first step) but rather it will be a long process of protracted fighting. We take a step forward, they a step back. Tit for tat, you know?

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:24 PM
It shames me that this man is the Representative of our fine state of W. Va, but then again we have a senator in Bird who claims he left the Ku Klux Klan, I was under the impression you did not leave such groups!

I See what they mean though the Internet is a threat, to them. The Internet is full of Information that they cant control, I kid you not in school I was taught the civil war was about Slavery, this villainized the south and hid the real issue that the war was about states rights, Slavery was just an example of the union taking those state rights away.

You can find a wealth of information on the Net It could be Mans greatest Accomplishment, I'm a Bartender so i do allot of talking and every now and then Politics comes up. The other day I had an older gentleman in and we began to talk about politics turns out and he said to me "you really seem to know what you are talking about for some one your age" I said there is no excuse not to know what is going on in the world with the Internet available!

That is why its a threat because it is so available, you don't need to pay for Internet service just need a computer , heck you don't even need your own computer to access it.

In the past if you wanted to know what was in the constitution you had to go look it up in books now in 1 second its at your fingertips Knowledge is Power if we allow our government to censor the Internet we will be giving up that power!

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

I was just merely trying to point out that its not really a question of saying "no
(though that is the first step) but rather it will be a long process of protracted fighting. We take a step forward, they a step back. Tit for tat, you know?

And I am just trying to point out that the only thing that will make this saying "no" require fighting are those who are afraid to just say "no." Not the "overlords."

I am just saying that the harder you make something inherently easy sound, the less likely it is to be that easy. The more people who are in fear of this great war that must be waged, the bigger the actual war, because they will not be among those who just say no. Their fear will keep them from adding their voice to the collective "no." It doesnt have to be a war. Fear will turn something that should be a decision into a battle. So why spread the fear? Why do their work for them and spin tales about the blood that must be shed, the horror of it all, how hard it will be? Dont you know that that fear is the very matrix out of which all war and horror arise? Why not spread the message that all we have to do is collectively say no? Its the truth.

There doesnt need to be a war. It doesnt need to be hard. And it is certain to be successful if we all just stop in our tracks and say "no." Spreading the message about "no one will do it, it will be a slaughter" is just you spreading the message they want spread. That resistance is futile and that the cost of resistance is too high. You are spreading the very tool of enslavement. Fear. You are working against yourself.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

I'm amazed the internet has lasted "uncensored" for this long to be honest.

I just believe that it is already heavily monitored and that a lot of content is removed or rehashed either directly by or via third parties working for government(s).

My question is, if they are not already controlling the flow, why not? They can still make money and censor........

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:35 PM
It will begin slowly similar to Canada. They know if they were to "flip the switch" on the internet it would cause a major revolt. Many businesses rely on the internet, hell some businesses are only internet run!

It will most likely begin with copyright infringement issues. Bit torrents will be limited, Comcast is already working on this. Many people will be OK with this because either they don't know what a Bit Torrent is or they think its good for the music / movie industry. It was already force fed to them back in the Napster days.

When this happens we need to begin to stand up. If we wait, it will be too late. I hate to admit it, but a lot of my life is spent on the internet. I am a web developer and a social network whore. I for one, would be willing to stand up for what is important in my life and not just sit back like "there's nothing i can do anyways" The internet is one of our only great tools for freedom of speech in today's world.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by 0010110011101

My question is, if they are not already controlling the flow, why not? They can still make money and censor........

I would argue that the "why not" is because they are not conscious of what they are doing. They are not "evil geniuses" they are selfish and greedy and like the rest of us, they only react to problems when they can no longer ignore them.

They didnt stop it sooner because they didnt notice it was interfering with their goals sooner. And the reason they havent stopped it now is because they havent figured out a way to gain the benefit of it without the freedom aspect of it. They are still working on that, and recruiting us to help them figure it out.

These "overlords" are not "overlords" because of their intelligence. They are exploiters, not innovators, and we have to be the ones to give them the innovations to exploit. All they do is figure out what they want, and what is hindering that, and then sell us some fear based storyline about how it is not in OUR interests for them not to have what they want, and then sit back and let us come up with a way to give them what they want.

Thats why they havent stopped it sooner. We hadnt finished making it great. And we havent yet finished making it unfree. It will become unfree when we make it unfree for them. And then we will all sit back wondering how that all happened and marveling at their genius. When it was our own genius working against itself all along.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:44 PM
Well f**k you Rockerfeller dick head. These are truely evil bast**ds that are determined to control individual freedom as they turn the constittution into meaningless dribble. Their end will not be pretty and they themselves will pay, much worse than the destruction they inflict as they move towards their "New World Order". My 38 pistol is always at my side ready to defend (if only for a moment) what I know to be true and right behavior. These subhuman monsteres (Bush, Cheney, Obama and thousands of others) are delusional and dangereous. They have no conscious and their souls are damed forever. True evil can only become more debase and nasty.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:48 PM
The Powers that Be really do have a very tricky problem on their hands with the Internet that there is no easy solution for them too.

The Internet was developed as an alternative means of communication designed to withstand a nuclear attack to the infrastructure. Where as your phone call might not go through because the lines along the direct way were out, and the call just went dead, the little tiny packets of encrypted and encoded information in an email, would just bounce back on the live portion of the line and keep trying route after route all on it's own until it eventually found the destination address if there was any route at all left to get to it.

The military is not going out of business anytime soon that I know of and they sure do use the internet and ethernet a lot.

The government got on the new technology right behind the Military once MIT, Harvard and UCLA worked out all the languages and protocols.

A genious of a government employee decided one day, hey I don't need to send out a computerized memo too everyone in the whole darn building, I could just route the message directly to the computer terminal of the person I want to really get this message to, that I can't get on the phone right now.

The first email was born, and well the Government sure does love to use the internet and ethernet and it's not going out of business anytime soon.

Pretty soon the Airlines and the Banks figured out, hey we don't have to keep sending all this information and reams of paper back and forth to sell these tickets and move these funds and information, we can just send it out electronically. The Securities companies, stock brokerages, and commodities and currency traders weren't far behind, real time information, immediate excecution, what a way to ensure and lock in profits and cut costs. The Banks and Wall Street love the Internet.

Pretty soon quite a few people where hooking up networks designed to just support their business, government, or military enterprise and little peons like me, who worked at these places just loved all the access and control and effeciency they gave us to get our little jobs done for the big guys.

It wasn't long before little guys like me, went into little businesses of our own, and one smart little guy in Sweeden said, heck, we ought to just hook all our computers into the same network, give them all address and share information back and forth freely.

The Internet most people know was then born. The day that the first company figured out how to process and collect a payment for goods and services online turned it into something called the explosion.

Before long anyone who was anyone who wanted to expand their business market and could capitilize on it did so, companies from the Rockefellers, to the Jone's could go international, expand their markets to where ever they were willing to ship to and conduct business legally.

The Global economy was truly born then, and no longer just the domain of the Rothschilds, and Rockefellers, but easy for anyone to become a part of which just made the global economy all the more lucrative and thriving for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Now here is the bad news. It is really going to hurt. Take it from me, I have been a rebel my whole life and I know this for a fact.

They really don't care what you know, they really don't care what you can prove, because they really don't believe after screwing you every which way with out a kiss for well over two hundred years you are ever going to tire of being buggered. That if you do, a cheap box of candy or some flowers will have you bending over some more for another 200 years. Yes we all talk the talk, and like to pretend we can walk the walk, but we really just walk to the internet to just talk the talk with one another, and well they love that too, because they know what we are talking about, and why, and being the sadists that they are see it more as entertainment for their egos and vanity than a threat to their power and control.

This is what does scare them, and it terrifies them, and it's terrified them for a long time.

One computer, in the right persons hands, can actually destroy the global economy, by not just shutting down the access points, and that's what they are referred to, access points, if you hack into Bank of America's Computer system and transfer 1 billion dollars to your Caymen Islands bank account the charge is going to read, unauthorized use of access devices.

The internet is one big access device to everything, and everything runs on computers. The itnernet is just gaurded with as much security as they can think up to block every access device. Think up enough ways to get past the security to the access device, now you too can launch a nuclear weapon, in fact all of them! You do can take all a banks money in fact all of them. You too can make your least favorite stock plummet in value, and your most favored stock go through the roof. Have some oil you want to sell, well you can make it go up to 250 a barrel with a few key strokes before you offer it up for sale.

They really aren't terrified of you knowing anything, or marching in the streets with buckets of tars and pillows full of feathers.

They are afraid of you sitting at your little desk, pretending to do your daily inventory report and wiping out their wealth and control while you smile at the girl over at the next cubicle, telling her how pretty her dress looks today.

She is still going to turn you down for a date Saturday night, something about that husband of yours, but hey your luck might improve, when she realizes you are the kind of guy who just made 500 billion dollars, nuked China, and shut down the whole U.S. Government but were still thoughtful and attentive enough to tell her how nice her dress looked!

Rockefellers biggest fear? Is not only did you do this while in his employ at one of the companies in his insanely large complex network of corporations, but that he had his eye on that girl too!

Please resume planning the revolution that will never take place because your wives and husbands will never let you out of the house to partake in it, and the dog has to go to the vet that day, and little suzie has to go to soccer practice.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:54 PM
When the Carbon Nano Tubes are out of production and replace metal conductors and antennas , there will be so many free Internets that nobody will be able to control them

Not even Rocky Fella

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
reply to post by 0010110011101

Fact is, censorship and control of the internet is already taking place. Rogers is one of the biggest ISPs and Cable providers in Canada. They are experimenting (successfully I might add) with packet shaping technologies that limit if not completely quash certain type of network traffic, currently targeted at bit torrent.

It's true, that many large Isp's are trying to filter torrent networks, but they have to filter it at the port level. Bit torrent's generally use port 6881, so traffic on that port is being "tar pitted". You can easily get around this by using an alternate port. i suggest something above 1000 as up to 1000 are IANA designated. Once information reaches the internet it is essentially broken up into packets. All packets look the same. It is only their destination port that determines what the isp can think is the type of data traveling over the line. So a photo, mp3 or video is all just billions of packets that basically look the same. True filtering would require that all of the packets are reassembled at a location, then filtered before they reach you. If they could do this, mp3's would no longer exist. This is where my statement that the search engine is the one location that most censorship can and probably does occur.

Just more of my 2 cents.

edit to fix port assignment (6881 from 5881 and typo in IANA)

[edit on 3/23/2009 by v3_exceed]

[edit on 3/23/2009 by v3_exceed]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Mdv2
You are 100% correct.

I Would still be asleep at the wheel, so to speak, if not for the internet. I frequent another message board, and have told a few members about ATS and that this is where I get my breaking news and breaking political news. Without the net and ATS I'd still be a "sheeple"

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by samureyed
It will begin slowly similar to Canada. They know if they were to "flip the switch" on the internet it would cause a major revolt. Many businesses rely on the internet, hell some businesses are only internet run!

Umm I live in Canada, what exactly is going on here? I have completely uncensored internet access. I have heard the rumours about 'subscription-based' internet service in Canada by 2010, but I haven't seen anything that actually substantiates that idea.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Good post!
TPTB will always find a excuse or false reasoning to ban such powers of thought and communication. My uncle is in the national guard and was stationed in Iraq as a prison guard. He said the most important thing to stop a revolution or overthrow was to deny the prisoners ways of communicating and sharing thoughts. Keep them scattered so they cannot organize in any way and they will remain confused.

The internet is a means we can do such and is the main reason they wish to take it away. Even if somehow miraculously the internet is for lack of a better term, disabled, we will find some way to communicate and organize. There is a will and from that, a way.

Reading this upsets me but also makes me realize that we are nearing the point of where organized thoughts and ideas are forming us into a collective people in which we are beginning to see the truth of TPTB through the internet and other means. Only when we are a threat to their power and global opinion will they attempt to take away more and more freedom by calling it a threat. It's BS either way.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Wow, this thread really shows the true character of ATS.

Very sad.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Please resume planning the revolution that will never take place because your wives and husbands will never let you out of the house to partake in it, and the dog has to go to the vet that day, and little suzie has to go to soccer practice.

Lol. We dont need a revolution. We just need to wise up and stop lying to ourselves about everything under the sun. Including that you need a revolution to change things.

But you are right about the "why" to some degree. What is needed for a free market includes perfect competition, and perfect information. The internet provides that.

In case anyone ever believed for one moment that wealthy industrialists or your government was for "free market capitalism" their fear of the internet is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a "free market" is the last thing on the planet they want. They want to control the market. And slap a label of "free" on it to make you like it better.

They dont want democracy, and the internet makes it too easy to bypass their media controlled electoral process if enough of us use it. You could have a viral campaign that unseated both parties if only you realized there were not in fact two parties and there has been a corporate monopoly in the Whitehouse for decades.

The internet is dangerous to them because with it we could wake up and free ourselves, and just say no to their way of living without a shot fired. And thats what terrifies them. All the hacking and national security hoohah is how they try to make you terrified of the very thing that is your ticket out of their control. Because only you can stop you. They cant. They will hand you the gun loaded with fear, but you have to be the one to pull the trigger.


[edit on 23-3-2009 by Illusionsaregrander]

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