posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 10:37 AM
OK, to complete my report on this phenomenon, I decided to go back to the location this morning and take some photos of the terrain. On the Google
Earth images, you'll see a small loop like layby on the left side of the northbound A19 just past the tile works. I parked there and took four
pictures of the view looking north-west towards the small wood about a half mile away. This was as close to the place as I could get on foot. The A19
heads north alongside the right edge of this composite image. There's no footpath and I wasn't prepared to endanger myself by walking up the
highway. The weather was pretty much as it was on Sunday and I arrived at the same time in order to match the lighting conditions (sunny).
Here is the 10mb image I made from four separate shots in a Fuji Finepix pocket camera.
Viewed full size, this image is much wider than a monitor screen so it will require scrolling to see everything.
I have inserted where I think the object would be as seen from the layby. As I drove up the A19, I saw it above the tree line to the north-west. I
remember observing it through several passing trees located closer to the road. I guess these were probably trees A and B. By the time I had passed
tree B, the roadside hedge began to rise higher and I soon lost sight of the object because of this. It continues all the way into Escrick.
Prior to taking the photos, I followed the A19 and turned left just before Escrick and travelled a mile or so along the tree line as you see it in the
collage. There is nothing in the area which might have given rise to an optical illusion of some kind. There are just rolling fields, farmsteads and
trees. The phenomenon I observed remains a mystery. The only rational explanation I can come up with is a gigantic balloon of some kind. However, the
shape, scale and character of what I saw, is unlike any balloon I have ever seen and it is unlike anything Balloon Rides Ltd are familiar with.