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Originally posted by game over man
Visitors from future Earth to prevent the Germans from winning the war is very interesting. Also the idea we are seeing a lot of ufos who are really visitors from our past is also very interesting. Those two points got me leaning towards the possibility of time travel.
On one of my threads a while ago some one posted that the Nazis found a whole load of tall greys nearly dead in a cave in Germany. They said they took all their technology and objects from them and based their Uniforms on them, which is why they wore grey uniforms. At the time I thought it was real stupid but who knows. For some reason I just always remember that post as it was so far fetched it most probably had some truth in it.
They never said if any of the Tall Greys actually lived or if they all died within that cave.
The US has many craft,some crashed by weather anomolys,some shot down,some probably were in collisions,some were probably hi-jacked by military commandos,some were probably stolen or bought from other countries,
Originally posted by one4all
Imagine the extremes government AND MANY PRIVATE BUISNESSES AND INDIVIDUALS NEVER MIND OLD STYLE GROUPS LIKE MASONS would go to to posess or to capture this VALUABLE type of item?
Were you curious about why we dont have stacks of flying saucers laying around?We cant even find planes that crash when we have a general idea where they were before we lost contact.
The following is a preliminary list of UFO crashes throughout the world. Currently, little is known about most of these crashes. However, we are making an effort to post any information that we come across from newsgroups to eyewitness reports.
Most physical evidence of these crashes have been confiscated by the government; however, not all evidence is in their possession. In the past, the government's central archive of UFO wreckage was Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. It has been reported that most of the alien bodies have been sent to Great Britian for storage and examination
Originally posted by one4all
We are being controlled just enough so that we will keep on creating a reality that SOMETHING NEEDS TO SURVIVE IN.Milked like cattle,used like horses that are bled for their curative bloods medicinal properties,except we are spiritually being bled this way and only being given enough air to to simply survie,and for so long that we have forgotten our true identitys.
Thats what being a slave is my friends,thats what being controlled truly is,I hate the way it tastes!how about you?
Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Mr Green
Greys from the future......One of many possible theories, also looking glass is interesting but have any of you ever heard of BST (Blank Slate Technology)........That one is very interesting and has been confirmed to me by my source, as well as the collaborating evidence on it.(Search ATS for thread)
As far as how far in the future.........try around a billion years
Apparently this BST or 'blank slate technology' is a type of time travel utilizing some principles of quantum physics and other extremely advanced disciplines.It allows for the "altering of time at certain concentrated points in the time stream called casual energy" or "event strings".Thus allowing whoever possess this technology to go back and change any undesired timestream,directing it in a better direction and effectively make and civilization who possess it undefeatable.The following is some information I found about 'blank slate',
According to Daniel Salter another whistleblower with long military service which included a period in the National Reconnaissance Office, extraterrestrial related issues drive human-extraterrestrial cooperation in a clandestine organization in the National Security Agency called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO). [56] According to leaked information from an alleged whistleblower on a popular website called the Wingmakers, information which Salter affirms to be accurate, ACIO is cooperating with a consortium of extraterrestrials to develop sophisticated time travel technologies for future extraterrestrial threats
We are many,we are ,smart,we are dangerous,we are survivors,we are unbalanced because of our genetic interference ,some powers in the galaxy consider us to be sentient ,our "creators"who didnt expect us to "perform"quite this well view us as less than slaves and would choose to destroy us because we are evidence of their interference with the natural evolution of US.But we have progressed so far on our own that OTHER CULTURES HAVE BEGUN TO ACCEPT US AND PROVIDE US WITH THE ABILITY TO DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST OUR CREATORS IF NEED BE.
Originally posted by one4all
I know this because I fight against government , media, and corporate orientated dis-,and mis-information every day in order to view the world around me with an open mind.
I was also abducted as a child and implanted with a nasal implant that was designed to hold open my window of maximum learning LONGER THAN NORMAL.Not better or different ,ONLY LONGER than normal.
I have a dream book that I keep beside my bed and I am often jolted awake in the night to write down theories or accurate terminology which has no apparant meaning until I research it the next day,THEN THE RAMIFICATIONS ARE MINDBENDING.
--Lets erase all of that for a minute ok!now lets pretend that you were brought up without any religous brainwashing at all,dont get mad I haven't attacked religon---yet.
Lets get some facts straight before we continue,facts as I see them ,first of all no one on the planet today has seen or spoken to Jesus,or God.Thats a fact.No one on the planet today has a lock of Jesuses hair or one of Gods furry slippers.Thats a fact.Every major religon on the planet today is based on FAITH,in fact,BLIND FAITH.Therefore billions of humans practice a religon of one form or another THAT IS COMPLETELY AND WHOLELY BASED ON A STORYBOOK OR A SERIES OF MORALITY BASED FAIRY TALES.This is a fact.
If you were to go back in time to the very FIRST instance that YOU had the thought "where did we all really come from"what do you think your first guess would have been IF YOU HAD NEVER BEEN BRAINWASHED INTO BELIEVING THE WORDS OF ANOTHER MAN THAT WERE PRESENTED TO YOU IN ORDER TO MANIPULATE YOU INTO SERVING THAT VERY MAN WHO REPEATEDLY SPOKE THOSE WORDS.
Be as honest as you want or can be under the circumstance.If you have any religos background at all you will probably be having a hard time right now.
I was abducted and taken to the moon,I was in a spacecraft,I saw human races we have not been told exist,I spoke to people,I was offered a chance to leave with them,I was implanted with devices,I was given the gift of learning.
The more we learn the more moral we become ,the more we learn the more we understand and care about humanity,THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGON OR GOD.
In fact God and religon as it has been sold to us does the opposite,it sanctions the taking of human life in the NAME OF BLIND FAITH.It creates war and worse than that it creates A BELIEF IN MEN THAT THEY HAVE A DIVINE RIGHT TO KILL AND INFLICT MISERY ON EACH OTHER IN THE NAME OF A GOD THAT WOULD NEVER ENCOURAGE US TO DESTROY OURSELVES..
I was still abducted by a group of several co-operating human races.As a direct result of thiis abduction I have information no other human I have ever met can have,I have been forced to become more "moral"through forced-learning as a child,I often have dreams that tell me things that are TRUE EXACT AND VERIFIABLE.
Do you believe me more than you believe in the religous doctrines you read about every day??I am here the bible is not,I am here Jesus and God are not.
The humans who abducted me DID NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT GOD AT ALL,they did not give me any specific message concerning the existance or non-existance of God or Jesus or Allah.