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Summit to Be Protected by 2,500 Extra Police Officers

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:09 PM
I would be concerned that the protests actually begin BEFORE the event.
Provacateurs instigating stuff beforehand could undermine the entire effort.

That could explain why they are telling people to start postponing meetings now.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:17 PM
I love how they call these people anarchists. What happens when you get old ladies and young children in the crowd? Do you pepper gas them too like the pigs did in Portland in 2006?

They Pepper gassed a baby that day. A Baby!

I hope they storm the building and tear it all down.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:40 PM
I'm all for peaceful protests and all, but I think the protesters need to take up a new strategy.

Since they know agent provocateurs will be in the crowd with them, when the agents start acting up and causing trouble the protesters should just turn it into a full scale riot.

I think the agencies that plant these people would quickly change their methods if every time one of their guys instigated something a situation would turn into something uncontrollable.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Another thing they could do would be to turn on the provacateurs and beat them senseless.
Let a few Federal Agents spend a few weeks in the hospital for their deceit and things will change.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Nice Thread OP
S & F

For such a small country we have a lot of hard line organizations in England who have been active in creating havoc at events like this for decades, check out some of these web sites:

Class War:

Animal Liberation Front: (don't let the word animal fool you)

UK Anarchist Federation - Groups based in most cites nationwide.

In addition to all these active groups we have an underclass of the population who knock lumps off each other just for fun. Now they have a reason to kick off big time.

I think those who "want it" will be well represented at this demo along with the masses of generally peaceful protesters. It is a safe bet that all the hard-line groups will have been out canvassing around universities and polytechnics and promoting this up and coming party for the past few months.

I am sure that there will be a good show but the Government and security services have learned from the Poll Tax, Mayday and other G summit Riots, hence the 25,000 show of strength. Expect Plenty of riot police, water cannons and overhead observers

It really shows how much the Government is crapping their pants when they have to bring in this many extra Police. I expect to see inner city rioting all over England this summer.


[edit on 22-3-2009 by Rigel Kent]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent
Star 4 U!

...For proving those links and offering a "local" view point!!!

I'm still scanning headlines and websites for more news...

If you can keep us in the US informed, all the better...

We need this kind of knowledge...

We've been prettly lax here for quite awhile and need all the tips we can get!!!

Edit: A guy on Fox news right now is talking about millions of Mexican possibly over running our border and Gov is preping "Camps" for that posibility...hhhmmm...

Fox News Discusses Mexico Exodus & Camps?

[edit on 3/22/2009 by Hx3_1963]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 05:22 PM
On April 1st, we'll show the G20 what meltdown means.

Lost your home? Lost your job? Lost your savings? Lost your pension? This party is for you! ...

see above for details of various meeting points for demonstrators joining G20MD

Check out the flyers on the right hand side of the web page, I particularly like the "storm the banks" one

Spiffing wot?


posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 05:41 PM
It may be a good time to warn people of their online activities.

Just recently here in the States we had the Cops raid a bunch of homes in advance of what was going to be a peaceful protest against the DNC in Denver.
Their activity was completely illegal (the cops) but that didn't stop them.
They raided the homes of people who were doing just what Regal Kent is doing now.

Just sayin...

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Anarchists, environmentalists and anti-globalisation groups are collaborating to mount an “unprecedented” sequence of demonstrations across London and police chiefs fear that they will be playing cat and mouse with militants.

They haven't even started any kind of protest and already they are militants? Yeah all the people who lost all they had and want to say NO MORE are now militants. Doesn't that take some kind of training?

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

We shouldn't be surprised that the Government's of the world would consider these people militants. I mean, from the perspective of the Gov. this is treason, if people are threatening the Gov..
Not that it matters much. What one person calls treason, another calls patriotism.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by xoxo stacie
I like how it turns ...just like that...

These people are their fellow countrymen who have lost almost everything and want justice...

Now they're everything BUT countrymen...sad...

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
It may be a good time to warn people of their online activities.

Just recently here in the States we had the Cops raid a bunch of homes in advance of what was going to be a peaceful protest against the DNC in Denver.
Their activity was completely illegal (the cops) but that didn't stop them.
They raided the homes of people who were doing just what Regal Kent is doing now.

Just sayin...

Thanks for your concern and the warning

As far as I am aware, I am not breaking any of ATS rules and I am not breaking any laws with the content of my posts. Any information that I have posted is freely available on the internet and I am just speaking freely. I am cautious enough to word my postings within the realms of acceptability as regards UK law.

The Police are always welcome to visit my house, I have no skeletons in my cupboard and I will even make them a cup of tea


[edit on 22-3-2009 by Rigel Kent]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

I know you aren't breaking any of the site's rules.
I'm just saying that organizing this thing on the internet may be counterproductive.
Read up about what happened here in the states in advance of the DNC.
The cops raided houses without warrants because they knew the people inside were going to be protesting.
They threw a lot of folks in jail before the thing ever had a chance to get off the ground.

I think things like this are better organized via word of mouth.

If you don't care neither do I though. I'm not asking you to stop what you're doing. Just giving a word of warning.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:38 PM
It makes me wonder a little.
The police presence is going to cost all this money. They surely knew this G20 meeting would cause some provocation. So why not hold this meeting, as someone previousley said, in some hard to reach locality or even in a private and secret place. Would save them an awful lot of organisation and money that we havent got to waste on something like this. Do they want this to happen? Are they fanning the flames ?

Just a thought.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by sueloujo

I'll bet that once they caught wind of the protests they decided to thumb their noses at the protestors.

"I'm one of the most powerful people on the planet. Those peasants won't stop me from conducting my criminal affairs where ever I see fit."

Something like that.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR
You know that does remind me of their thought processes...

No matter the cost/security/riots...

Now of course you know that London considers it's self the financial capitol of the world...
(Even though CNBC declares New York is...

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Hx3_1963

They are scum.
Now, I won't advocate violence towards any person, but I think it would send a pretty powerful message if people were to raize every building that was built on the backs of the populace to the ground.

Maybe it is time to force their hand? Call their bluff?

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

It would serve them right if this really did get out of hand. They must know how everyone feels right now. They think they are the untouchables.
Now I have a big helicoter over my Neurotic? Noooooo

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Thanks again for your concerns,
In the UK people are still free to demonstrate in the streets and I predict that there will be hundreds of thousands if not, millions in London on 1st April. That is why the Government have ordered all of the extra Police, because they know it too.

I saw on another thread here on ATS that one woman is even coming from Germany to protest. Such is the passionate feeling in Europe, the Europeans are prepared to travel to other countries to voice their opinions and take part in this. These G Summits have always attracted large demo's and this one will go down in history.

The majority of demonstrators will abide by the law and be peaceful, but there is always going to be a faction in any demo who want to cause trouble and given the present circumstances, I have no doubt that this will happen at the G20 Meltdown Demo. That is my honest opinion.

The authorities know which UK based groups to expect trouble from, I know and thanks to this thread now you know too. The only thing being organized on the internet as far as I am aware is peaceful protest, I have seen no evidence to suggest otherwise. The real hard liners will not organize anything via the internet as it is censored by the Security agencies. I think that they will probably organize their mobs by Text message via cell phones on the day again, that is no secret to me or the authorities.

I will be watching carefully and will scrutinize all subsequent video footage to see if there are any strange looking electronic transmitter/dish type equipment being used by the Police either from vans or helicopters overhead. Know what I mean? If there are they may be on military looking vehicles brought in specially for the job, just my thoughts.

P.S Message to all readers, please will you flag this thread as we need as many ATS members as possible to come and have a read and get their opinions on this subject before it occurs.


[edit on 22-3-2009 by Rigel Kent]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 07:20 PM
That's a reason I don't like police. They protect the scum who are raping us. Police, THEY ARE RAPING YOU TOO, RETARDS.

My uncle is in the police and last year he protected the North American Union summit in Canada... I tried to make him understand by protecting those scumbags he was killing his own country and family, but he still don't want to hear it and want to ``protect the law``... if you want to protect the law, GO ARREST THOSE PEOPLE!

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