posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 06:35 AM
First of all I just want to Liberal 1984 and ProtoplasmicTraveler for having the guts to tackle this topic . I reckon that a lot of members wouldn't
touch a topic like this with a ten foot pole .
The only notion I couldn't stomach was Smith not even questioning the merits of colonization . A flaw that I did find in Smith reasoning was that by
his own admission the resources weren't available to educate every body in Rhodesia and UDI stopped the flow of skilled migrants which would have
included teachers and other skilled personal .
So without the resources available a Black majority would have become better black representation. Although things shouldn't have gone so far the
British should have just supported the Federation . On sanctions it is interesting to note that they had little effect on the ultimate outcome
something that perphaps should be noted in terms of North Korea and Fiji . Apartheid may have prevented the signs of poverty from being seen all
together . Yeah large scale affirmative action programs in South Africa or anywhere else will cause harm in the long run .
I do wonder what White Rhodesia's make of the US current War on Terror . The US stood idle by while Britain and the rest of the world supported the
terrorist actions against the White population and Smith government . Britain was so desperate to see Mugabe in power that they were only to happy to
ignore voter intimation and such like .
In the US if finding Iraq on a World Map and in New Zealand naming the leader of the opposition correctly were tests people had to pass before they
could vote then a substance fewer number of Americans and Kiwis would be eligible to vote . A part of the problem in Rhodesia was that sending there
kids to school just wasn't a part of the native population culture . Now I am just putting forward ideas for discussion in terms of educational bench
marks . Possible benchmarks for majority black rule or just bringing in more Blacks into running the government could have been or be the ability to
run the civil service or the judicial system . Increasing the literacy rate by say five percent every generation would help along with a sort of voter
eligibility test .
Such a test could have been varied in terms of its questions and used to discover someone understanding of the electoral system . While there is
always the risk that any government run education system could be corrupted like happened under Nazi rule in Germany it is necessary that an education
is available to everyone up to the high school level . Admittedly Russia is a extreme example but that country did show what happens when the ruling
class fails to reform little alone give political representation.