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Ancient Vatican Secret Revealed, Galactic Implications

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

Fruit trees were laden with fruit, bowing under the weight of oranges, mandarins or apples, according to latitude.

Cite your sources...

Plagarism is getting bad around here...and your name doesn't get you off the hook.

To the OP:

Great post, as I have very little knowledge of this subject, but am more than willing to soak up all I can...

BTW - thanks for citing your sources accordingly...even if the links don't work.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

This is very interesting...Do you have any links to any of this info!! Thanks!!

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Jb0311NY

im getting error read on your initial site post, but Im almost convinced its one that I was "lead" to reading last night. I cant say for sure until im able to get on the site but it sounds very very similar, lots of maps of Mars, Egypt and Stonehenge and revelations about the sphinx. I cant even remember what I was searching for but that web site came up and I thought it was really good.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

I sincerely believe you were 'led' to the site!

It leads to 'The Cult of One.'

They are different: you follow what they 'teach' you, use your own 'free will' as you choose, make donations (please), and 'quit' when you've had enough.

You could make a thread about good cults.

PS - Sites down, many links are down: give them time to bring it back online. I read it last nite, and it's interesting. They make many assumptions which are wrong, but this is 'being led' and not knowing of the SoulSelf. Use discernment.

Protect yourselves with Wisdom, everyone: don't just gobble up grain and tacks together to make a meal.

That the vatican knows is a given: that the vatican are your enemies is a given. If you think the vatican is here to help, haha.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:07 PM
link does work, or at least it has over the past few days. I was led to reading up on that site, as well as the authors other one, about 5 days ago and have been absorbing all the info he's got on those two sites ever since.

And there is a LOT of info.

I am not sure what's going on with the site today, but it may be just too many people accessing it or something. As of about 5am today, it was loading, but the pages WERE a little slow.

So synchronistic, though, to see this thread on the front page here, after having explored the site for a few days now lol love it!

Anyhow, as to the topic, i think that the author, whos name is Wayne Herschel, is about as close as one can come to the truth of things. There's just a TON TON TON of evidence pointing to his theory, and he's got all the info you could want to look at on his sites, showing it all.

Definitely keep trying the site, guys, it's well worth it. Hopefully will be back up soon.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
reply to post by Mr Green

I sincerely believe you were 'led' to the site!

It leads to 'The Cult of One.'

Hi well Im not sure until I can open the OPs site, but it does sound very similar. It said that the face on mars actually has a mini pyramid where its 3rd eye would have been, and had an enlarged image from NASA that showed some sort of object on the face on mars 3rd eye??

The cult of one you say, sounds interesting. All I said was the site looked interesting, it had put together a lot of maps that seemed to relate to star systems and such.

I am not into cults as you know, I can see their tactics a mile off so I believe I can read this information without being too influenced....I hope!!

I think I was searching for ascension and the Pyramids and this site came up.

Oh Hi btw Naga, I came across another web site which seemed to come up in another random search, it listed the Nagas which I have never seen listed before as an alien species. I found it very interesting, I may U2U on this if I can find the site again.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Jomina does work, or at least it has over the past few days

Yes that was the name of this site that I was led to last night, bit wierd this thread has started on it today.

This happened the other day too on another site about "starseeds" from Sirius. I thought what on earth is a starseed and why have I been led to this site, it is a word Ive never heard before, then yesterday a thread was started about starseeds from sirius
Apparently the OP said a starseed is a soul from Sirius, how on earth do people know they are a soul from Sirius??? take it all with a pinch of salt. This is all very interesting but I always ask questions of all this information.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Do send me the link if you find it, thanks!

This site is worth reading, but I don't think anyone should join any 'wisdom cult,' One or otherwise.

The knowledge is good background material...I recognize many errors, but that is due to my interaction with the naga and direct knowledge via The WORD.

As a base of info, it is too bad this stuff is not commonly known. My main gripe is some of the charts and pictures are misleading, but it is too far out to describe the Truth of it.

Truth is the Cup, Power is The ARC, Center is the Wings (Daughter-Son) of Love & Wisdom. Together, this is the crossed-Cross. People ultimately fear this stuff, deathly so. The organized religious types call it heresy and sorcery, stuff embraced by scientology & masonry, etc.

PS - I was sort of joking with you, regarding the 'led' part. You know why I found that funny! Sorry about the joke (good cults...there are none).

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
The face on Mars was debunked recently with the new imaging technology that we have.

Ah yes... The cutting edge imaging technology of NASA.
"3d elevation maps" and "laser altimeter elevation measurements" Brings you this wonderful 3d image of the face:

Now can someone please explain to me why this looks like a 2d image that has been laid out in 3d and then distorted?

Maybe because it is?

Now either the imaging folks at NASA are really bad at their job or NASA is deliberately trying to distort the data to make it look less like a face.

In my book the face has in no way been debunked, although NASA has certainly tried very hard to do so.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by MrVertigo]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:57 PM
it figures the site is down... i tried my best to source...

as for iraq i visited babylon but I saw nothing really... I did see the great humans of Iraq, and that opened my eyes....

Yea the hurt us here in NY the WTC was a stab in the heart...

Sorry that the links wont work... it drives me crazy because the immagery is so profound.

I doubt it is down due to this thread but it will be great if everyone sees it before the thread dies....

I read everyone's post and thanks for the positive energy, No trolls or flames and I think its cause I just wont tolerate it anyway....

The vatican star map is so interesting, and king solomon holds the key and points....

So this could be true that we origanated else where, I saw 2 articles alone this week that proved simple life is Thriving in space... One thing the Red rain loves it 500 degrees F and it just starts churning out copies where we would shrivel and dehydrate.

Like I said it is almost ceartain that every sqaure meter is teeming with life, but unfortunatley if it has evolved why would it be any different than us?
In fighting, wars, manipulation.... Theese are also probaly driving forces of life in the Galaxy.

Semper Fi Devils!

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

whoa.. where does the cult angle com in?

do you mean that the Vatican is a cult? Well they may orientate their architecture for the stars but other than wearing robes and that is this really cult evidence?
I'm no expert in the occult... I saw Dark Secrets in the Bohemian Grove and this is as close to cult like stuff I understand.
The Masons did have a star map as well and it is also on the Origainal site I posted, but Lag is a bitch. Cant figure out why it had to crash after I posted this stuff... anyway

Yea, cult stuff is weird but I dont belive any of the info I gathered led to that angle.

Semper Fi

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Thiaoouba Prophecy
One of the great mysteries is about to be revealed to you. One which has provoked so much inquiry and has been the subject of so much writing on Earth.

I have such a hard time with your arrogance and "unearthly knowledge."
I wish you'd say something truly profound, that wasn't already known or speculated on.

Maybe something about consciousness or how humans aren't really physical? In a different thread of course.

* sorry for the off topic *

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Until the OP's site, is back up you can always check out the cached version of it via the way back machine.

it's going to take a while before i can make a guess about the info that is being presented there.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Jb0311NY

Jb0311NY - Wayne Herchel's 'Oneism' site. Did you not see it?

Ask Mr Green if this is a cult or not! You may think it's not a cult, but use ats search and check for a thread or two on cults, especially one by headlightone.

Just because he say's you are 'free to believe or not' doesn't mean this is good. The knowledge is not entirely accurate (4 decades and similar experiences to Mr. Herschel). One flaw and people get swallowed up by misinfo, which cannot be easily eradicated. christianity is based on much Truth, and was a cult before it was a religion, as were all religious movements.

This info is great, but my meaning is this: it is why there are teachers and people to help others over rough spots of learning. You cannot jsut go to these sites and suddenly blossom into All-Knowledge. It helps wake people up, guide them...but the True path to guidance is via direct connect with the Soul-Spirit. This is what the author should convey, not 'want to know more?' like he keeps asking. But, to each their own.

You are correct in one thing: lots of good info to be encountered on the sites. Just carry a sword & shield with you, always.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:44 PM
this is intriguing, but I can't get to either or (referred to by someone else). tried the back way as suggested, but no such luck there either.

I have read about the star map image at the Giza plateau and that the Sphinx points to the constellation of Leo as it would have been in 10,500 BC. am really looking forward to reading these sites - you must have directed more traffic than their server can handle!

in the meantime, have loaded and am preparing to watch the video.

starred and flagged - interesting thread.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
reply to post by Mr Green

Do send me the link if you find it, thanks!

This site is worth reading, but I don't think anyone should join any 'wisdom cult,' One or otherwise.

PS - I was sort of joking with you, regarding the 'led' part. You know why I found that funny! Sorry about the joke (good cults...there are none).

I have found the site that lists the Nagas, I have sent you it in a U2U. They seem a very interesting race and not an evil race either. Due to their serpent nature I had misjudged them it seems. They are known as the Wise Serpent. Interesting that it says they appeared at the birth of Guatama Siddharta ( Buddha) and tryed to mate with the Pleiadians. This is interesting if its true, the off spring was named Enki.

I sort of thought you were joking about the Cult of One!

Indeed there are no good cults.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Goathief
Really don't have the time at the moment to go through all that but reading your post, one thing struck me:

Just great stuff, The mars face and pryamids, compared to stonehengde is the same layout.

... how are they the same?!

I remember reading in a book that the general vicinity of the Mars Face matches up with a map of Avebury stone circle when overlaid (as opposed to Stonehenge). Not sure I buy into the whole Mars Face thing, but I think that's what the OP meant anyway.

It's really frustrating but I can't remember who the book was by! It was by an English guy, he was in a rock band (in the 60s I think) and he then turned his attention to UFOs and the like. I read one of his books and there was a picture of Avebury and this Martian landscape overlaid. If I remember who it was I'll let you know.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by Erasers88]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:03 PM

This link is on another ATS thread its worth reading until the link comes back on line.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Jb0311NY

cool post, OP.
I hope the Vatican doesn't take orders from the Greys...

By the way, if some stars are concerned, why don't we orientate our research towards them? I mean, space probes and stuff like that

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes, I was joking with You regarding the cult of One. However, these links are from Wayne Herschel, along with the Key of Solomon pages, and also lead to Wayne Herschel's cult site, 'Oneism,' based on his mystical-cosmic experience(s) will see when the links come up. This is entirely real (that he is is making his knowledge a cult, free to join). Sound familiar?

The OP seems to think this is innocent: I tried to convey it isn't, but to little avail, I imagine. Most need to learn the hard way. All cults (many become full-blown religions) start out with Truth, which is subsequently concealed at a certain level, from the 'lesser' members, while the higher members get the cream. Disinformation soon takes the streerage of their course, or I miss my mark enitrely.

Much Truth is given in the sites: I will post something shortly regarding the Pleiades connection, which is based on an archaeological discovery, and gives possible concurrence to the site's info.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by SS,Naga]

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