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How will we know what to believe when so called '2012' events occur?

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by supersan
You'll know the good guys from the bad guys by the fruits they bear. I know 1 poster here said to ask nasa about the solar flares and other info?? Well, I'm gonna use that suggestion to further prove that we all should just trust our bibles and the lord! Chuck Missler is a man who use to work for an aerospace program at TRW, whom by the way are directly affiliated with NASA. Missler is a graduate of both the naval academy and stanford with a masters dergee in engineering. He was so intelligent he was recruited by the dept of defense to run the Branch of Guided Missiles program. After that he was drafted into becoming a senior analyst in a thintank for the dept of defense in intelligence programs. Now, you wanna see biblical tie-ins with what's happening now and the bible? Just google his name and start reading. You'll be glad ya did, trust me...

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:59 PM
enough with the christian garbage......

I know my Knights templar crap inside out, I know my religions, and I can throw enough evidence at you to disprove christianity as a pagan fraud.

The bible is nonsense.

The bible is similar to shakesperes plays, its a compliation of stories written by people who have fraudulently copied off others.

The real jesus came from India...


[edit on 20-3-2009 by XIZTENZ]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by XIZTENZ
Sorry friend, but I'll keep my bible, and to make one thing clear to you right now. The only parallel to shakespeare is when king george had william shakespeare to recopy the bible. This is where you get all those thee's and thou's, etc, but nothing else was changed. Also, any serious bible study scholar knows that you gotta have a greek/hebrew dictionary to study the bible. Also, if you really knew anything about Jesus, then you'd know that there is NO such thing as religion. Man created religion, Jesus only created a relationship with God and man! That's why Jesus is called "Jesus the Christ", and those who follow him are called christains because they are belonging to him (Christ). One more thing, if you live in india, then you are probably a hindu, and your own documented history says that hinduism is only about 5,000 years old. Well, God created the earth more than 150 million years ago, and when the first people were put here they worshipped him, which makes christianity over 6,000 years old because when God sent Jesus to earth, he (Jesus) was God manifested in the flesh. So, I dunno if you're hindu, moslem, etc, it doesn't really matter to me, because God loves us all, and when he sends his son back for us (Jesus), he'll weed out the tares. But if you feel inclined to discuss anything about the nwo, templars, rosicruceans, merovengians, etc, give me a holler. I'll be more than happy to swap info with ya. Love me or hate, I don't care cause God loves me and that's all that matters. It's easy to hate, but it takes a big person to learn what love is and how to exhibit it.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by thewind

Um, I'm a Christian also but your dates you put on there are QUITE a bit off, as per the general consensus of Christians. I however do not believe everything the bible says... I believe in evolution, dinosaurs, blah blah blah...

Back to topic, I doubt anything will happen but I'm gonna buy a few guns and some food and such... the guns mainly because I've always wanted to own a gun(s)... it may also help with the some of the supposed 2012 theories

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Bassman86
You must be new to the bible study then or you just don't know anything about what's in it altogether? The bible clearly shows dinosaurs, giants(they were the sons of God), and ufo's. This is why the earth is actually dateless because if you knew or even read the bible and understood what you did read, then you'd have already known that in the very first book of the bible it plainly says that in the beginning, the earth was without shape and without form. Now, who knows how long God let it remain this way, afterall, 1 day to God is as a thousand years to us. Also, there is no way you can be a believer in the creator and believe in evolution. If evolution were actually factual, then monkies would be paying admission to toss us bananas then wouldn't they? The bible teaches that when God takes back this planet from satan, everything will go back to how it once was, and this means that if you're really saved and washed with the lamb's blood, you'll once again see dinosuars roaming the earth with us all, lambs laying with lions, and all of mankind getting along. No more rapes, murders, lying, cheating, stealing etc! Praise God whadda day to be thankful for watching and waiting for!

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Bassman86
My apologies, for I forgot to respond about the datings I used. The reason I gave the 150 million year paradigm is because that time is useless to God. I used that 150 million thingy just as a yardstick because it was mortal man who began using the carbon dating technology. Also, In the book of genesis, it clearly states that God reshaped the earth 3 times. Don't take my word for it, go read it for yourself. And as far as the timetable for christianity, in the old testament, that era was all before Jesus was here, and recorded biblical history about Jesus is only about 2200+or- years. But you can do the breakdown of the numbers on Jesus' time here and since by calculating the time of all the kings and pharoahs. This is easily seen if you get Barry Smith's video "Mystery Babylon". That video will open your eyes I am sure, because Pastor Smith clearly shows the scripture to give creedence to his teachings.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:45 PM
The world wont change any more in 2012 than it did in 2001 .

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by OpusMarkII
The world won't change, you're exactly right on that, for it's the people who are gonna change! Mortal man is a small fish in a big pond, and satan is the fisherman, catching all he can with his bait of lust, greed, drugs, power, etc.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by supersan

Hi, supersan and all.

You asked:

How will we know what to believe when so called '2012' events occur?

Wellll, when the events occur, you don't have anything to believe, you will
be IN the events ! B-)
And DON'T believe the doom & gloom ones !

Remember what we did read about the "Year 2000 bug" ?
the panics, paranoias, stocking/pilings. . .etc. . . ?

Remember what happened ? B-)

Blue skies.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by C-JEAN
One very important thing "did" happen on dec 31 1999, and it was this. All nations went on the grid under one network computer located in amsterdam. Even nations that didn't have the money to get ready for this borrowed it so they could participate or face being left out of society altogether. Now, what this means is that it only takes a single person to run the world, hence why we are under total scrutiny to get chipped. THis info can be found on the late New Zealand Pastor Barry Smith's video called: This Generation, or Mystery Babylon. It is explained in great detail. So, "yes", something did happen during the millenial change, just a whole lotta people didn';t know about it.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:43 PM
I don't know how to answer the question about "how will we know what is real and what is fake".

But when the clock strikes 2013 and you're still doing fine, at least you'll know whatever it was.... it was nothing to worry about.

Best plan is to chill out because nothing's going to happen. They're still gonna be printing calendars for the year 2013. The Chinese are still buying US gov't bonds that expire in 30 years, so apparently they aren't too concerned about it. Neither am I!

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Albertarocks
Follow the money and you'll see who benefits from war, for it is the house of rothschild who finances "all" wars on "both" sides. They make money from all angles. This is well documented too! During ww2, USA senator Prescott Bush (ghw bushs' daddy), helped hitler finance his side of the war, and henry ford went to germany and showed hitler how to make and run the very first assembly line. There is a big ole statue of ford there in germany right now for all to see. One more thought here to know also is that we (the usa) was building the very jeeps in the usa and shipping them to the north vietnamese to use against our own troops in vietnam! So, uh, if I were you, I believe I would be worried about it.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Yes the rothchilds are the illuminati, this ties in with the war against the black sun.

how many times do I need to say this,

the solar storm is occuring, the war is beginning, and if you want to live follow the black sun. If not well follow the masons. When they come for us you will be left behind.


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