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Why we should prepare, Please watch this footage

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:31 AM
Please watch the second screen down on the page at Sky news, Its a perfect example of why we need to have BOBS and Bug out plans ready in advance. It shows some students witnmessing then realising 911 is a terrorist attack. It then shows them screaming and panicking, saying they dont know what to do, but dont want to remain on the 32nd floor, THEN they start packing ??????. Its simple blind panic and hysteria that the prepared would be ready to react to after the initial shock has worn off.

They start packing when they should be simply grabbing a BOB and walking down the stairs swiftly. Its a horrible sight but the lesson is absolutely priceless.

MODS please if I have got the technical bits wrong please correct me , but please dont delete this post its to valuable a lesson.
Greatest respects

Dammit I cant get the link to work, its on news channel please go and have a look. ews_in_Video_Home_Region_0&lid=VIDEO_15245397_911_Terror_Attacks_On_New_York%2C_Dramatic_New_Video_Footage_Has_Been_Revealed

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Northern Raider]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:45 AM
That video somehow reminds me of "Cloverfield".
Something unexpected happens? Turn your brain off, panic, hysteria, stampede.
This is exactly what gets people killed, this headlessnes and urge to do something without any idea at all about what to do.
I may put my expectations a little too high, but how goes the saying:
Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Swordbeast
That video somehow reminds me of "Cloverfield".
Something unexpected happens? Turn your brain off, panic, hysteria, stampede.
This is exactly what gets people killed, this headlessnes and urge to do something without any idea at all about what to do.
I may put my expectations a little too high, but how goes the saying:
Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Aye but this was the real world, I know its a very sore point for many wonderful Americans and hindsight is a luxury the 2800 dead do not have, but I love life and believe it very precious. I honestly believe every one of this metropolis's built should have a bug out system in place that all staff must be familiar with. I also believe it should be a legal requirement for tower block workers and similar should HAVE to keep a micro BOB at their work stations. I often wonder with great sadness how many more of these poor devils could have survived if they had BOBS and a plan?

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:58 AM
I agree with NR. What is happening is these people are in shock. Couple that with an inability to act on their own, and this is what you get.

On the other hand, in these peoples defense, one almost needs combat experience to understand and react appropriately in a situation such as this. You must be drilled and redrilled to achieve an appropriate response and not go into shock. Until your butt has actually been on the line you don't know how you will react. That is why you train so your reaction will happen on its own without you having to think about it. Duck and cover is not a first response. Neither is grabbing your bob and walking quickly to the exit.



posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by reluctantpawn
I agree with NR. What is happening is these people are in shock. Couple that with an inability to act on their own, and this is what you get.

On the other hand, in these peoples defense, one almost needs combat experience to understand and react appropriately in a situation such as this. You must be drilled and redrilled to achieve an appropriate response and not go into shock. Until your butt has actually been on the line you don't know how you will react. That is why you train so your reaction will happen on its own without you having to think about it. Duck and cover is not a first response. Neither is grabbing your bob and walking quickly to the exit.



HOWEVER , Using a LIFT ( ELIVATOR) is not only inexcusable, but utterly ****ing DUMB. Everyone knows NOT to use elivators in emergencies, yet these young sheeple piled straight into the elivator to try and escape, what if the power to the block failed when one of the towers fell???. I think the footage should be watched by every high school kid and drilled into them what to do in the event of another disaster, be it quake, fire , war etc.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

Very sad. But that is why 90% of the people in this world will will die when TSHTF. They all believe they live in a peaceful world where nothing will happen to THEM. Even after seeing what happenened on 9/11, and 7/7, and Madrid, and all the way back to Beirut.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 12:11 PM
I cannot say that I wouldn't panic in some way/shape/form in a tragic event, however, the more we train our minds to act rather than REact... The better.

It's like first aid and any type of training you wish to persue, the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes.

NR's absolutly correct! This is why you need to have a plan in place. I have been called many things for being cautious and careful and like my first aid knowledge.... I hope I never have to use it. But I'm ready none the less.

Great find NR!

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

I agree completely about the elevator thing. Recently, the building I work in lost power for some wierd reason, but when it partially came on, for some parts, I saw some young girls getting on the elevator.

I yelled out to them "DO NOT get on there yet!" I felt they could get stuck,or heaven knows what, when there has been a partial/full power failure. The reaction?...blank stares. Luckily nothing happened, but the elevators DID get stuck later that day. *sigh* One can only say so much.


posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Anuubis
reply to post by Northern Raider

Very sad. But that is why 90% of the people in this world will will die when TSHTF. They all believe they live in a peaceful world where nothing will happen to THEM. Even after seeing what happenened on 9/11, and 7/7, and Madrid, and all the way back to Beirut.

I hate it when you are so depressingly right, I want people to live, but so many of them seem determined to act like lemmings, Modern people seem completely incapable of learning the lesson of history, even recent history 911 etc.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 06:47 AM
Its no surprise those girls reacted the way they did, given that they were likely in college they probably don't devote a portion of their time each day to preparing for unspeakable things. They likely were too busy looking ahead to the lives they wanted to live to realize that sometimes you need to pay attention to current events so you don't trip and find yourself in a very deep hole with no plan to get out.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Helig
Its no surprise those girls reacted the way they did, given that they were likely in college they probably don't devote a portion of their time each day to preparing for unspeakable things. They likely were too busy looking ahead to the lives they wanted to live to realize that sometimes you need to pay attention to current events so you don't trip and find yourself in a very deep hole with no plan to get out.

Duuno about where you live but over here our kids are taught at school to stay calm and leave a building by the stairs, in an orderly fashion if their is a problem. they are taught not to go looking for coats, bags etc simply to leave on foot from the neaest safe exit. Imnd you it still does not stop them from doing stupid things. On the local news it its reporting on a bunch of teens getting trapped on the coast by a high tide

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:49 AM
I remember sitting staring dumbfounded at the tv screen for a while when that happened. I missed the better part of the first few minutes of footage but They did better than i did. Granted i was across the country and in no immediate danger but they moved shortly after. Reacting is fine as long as youre thinking and not just following.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Northern Raider

Great posts! I wonder how many would have been saved if they
were told by port authority to evacuate instead of staying put! WTF?

Criminal if you ask me! Obviously work was over that day!
Why did everyone not escape? The sheeple are fatally trusting!

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:22 AM
Panic effect.......countless iraqi and afghani dead,and what is the U.S. troop head count to date?,nevermind the ones on 9/11..........
Coulda ended there,but no!!!!
Americans are so foolish,I am almost ashamed to be one.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Northern Raider

I understand that the common teaching is to leave by stairs, and most signage in buildings with elevators echoes that wisdom, however the girls in that video were not trained. I say trained because having a teacher cover something for one day only does not ingrain it, even having it covered once a year in a company safety meeting doesn't do the job; honest to the gods repetitive training is the only way to properly instill the knowledge of how to act under pressure. You have to do it so often that it becomes a part of you, almost second nature if you will or as martial artists refer to it muscle-memory.

Don't get my wrong I don't fault the girls reactions because they did they best they could given all their circumstances (which we probably wont ever know) but what I'm say is that for the average person knowing the proper course of action in such a situation is not so common, so its no surprise they freaked about getting to the elevator when they should have been flying down the staircase as safe and fast as their legs could carry them.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
Panic effect.......countless iraqi and afghani dead,and what is the U.S. troop head count to date?,nevermind the ones on 9/11..........
Coulda ended there,but no!!!!
Americans are so foolish,I am almost ashamed to be one.

Woah there friend, just as lots of innocent but unprepared americans died there was also 250 Brits, lots of Aussies, Candanians, Indians , Arabs and Asians. They were not foolish just unlucky and naeive in thinking that their safety was secure in someone elses hands.

The useless gits are the ones who have survived but not learn the lessons paid for with so much blood.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Northern Raider

Originally posted by Anuubis
reply to post by Northern Raider

Very sad. But that is why 90% of the people in this world will will die when TSHTF. They all believe they live in a peaceful world where nothing will happen to THEM. Even after seeing what happenened on 9/11, and 7/7, and Madrid, and all the way back to Beirut.

I hate it when you are so depressingly right, I want people to live, but so many of them seem determined to act like lemmings, Modern people seem completely incapable of learning the lesson of history, even recent history 911 etc.

Sorry my friend. It's not my fault i can see the big picture and realize how screwed the sheeple are. Which is sad because according to a poster on another thread i'm just an uneducated, uncivilised hick who don't know sh*t compared to his big city learning.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Anuubis

Originally posted by Northern Raider

Originally posted by Anuubis
reply to post by Northern Raider

Very sad. But that is why 90% of the people in this world will will die when TSHTF. They all believe they live in a peaceful world where nothing will happen to THEM. Even after seeing what happenened on 9/11, and 7/7, and Madrid, and all the way back to Beirut.

I hate it when you are so depressingly right, I want people to live, but so many of them seem determined to act like lemmings, Modern people seem completely incapable of learning the lesson of history, even recent history 911 etc.

Sorry my friend. It's not my fault i can see the big picture and realize how screwed the sheeple are. Which is sad because according to a poster on another thread i'm just an uneducated, uncivilised hick who don't know sh*t compared to his big city learning.

Dont josh yourself over big city learners etc they are like Lighthouses in a Desert, Brilliant but utterly F*** ing useless.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

couldnt agree more...I'm amaazed that the camera never stopped...jeez,coulda maybe just put it down,maybe..

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Dont josh yourself over big city learners etc they are like Lighthouses in a Desert, Brilliant but utterly F*** ing useless.

Oh so very true

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