Hey! im new here and im not sure where this thread should go.
I thought i'd talk about my opinion on creation and put forward some proof i found. Tell me what you think.
First link:
In the link, it explains that etched within earths rocks -the granites- are beautiful microspheres of coloration, halos, produced by the radioactive
decay of primordial polonium, which is known to have only a fleeting existence.
The only way these can actualy be formed is if the earth was instantly cooled and not over thousands or millions of years.
There is a lot of evidence on there, and they have replies from universities and people have sent to them, the evidence hasnt actualy been
'The Academy Of Science has vehemently opposed creation science, even claiming that the evidence for creation has been scientifically invalidated. We
have repeatedly challenged the Academy to publicly explain where the polonium-halo evidence for creation has ever been scientifically invalidated. For
over 15 years, they have refused to even try, for they know that their statement is insupportable when it comes to the polonium-halo evidence.'
That was a quote from one of them.
Next link!
In this link, there are documents that show the flaws in the big bang, completely dissproving it. Scientists against these papers had them repeatdly
removed in the past, and after a law suit they are back up on this site (evidence for that is also on the site). I understand the more basic parts of
these papers, but for those of you that understand the mathamatics and things should take a look.
Anyway! i can put up more links if people want.
lets hear what you think!
[edit on 19-3-2009 by Redfield]
[edit on 19-3-2009 by Redfield]