Ok folks, this is my own thread where I will be displaying my own trends based on charts folks like you and me have access to.
For the disclaimer, you should never trust anyone on the internet, and especially me, because:
1. I am not a professional of any kind, except a$$ kisser
2. I am 25 and am obviously too young to be in the know about these things
3. I am a moron (its true, see my signature)
Now there is a metals chart thread, so I see no reason why I cant continue about my way here.. espically when my trends have shown over 100 Percent
Gains, just
today ... lets not talk about the past week, because honestly, it even makes me sick....and most importantly b/c you CAN NOT
LISTEN TO A WORD I SAY, we are just here to EXCHANGE OPINIONS on trends
It can be verified in the "up to the minute market thread" if you would wish to verify, but take my word, I dont lie (well unless youre fat and I
call you skinny), and I do my best to try to explain myself at all times..
In fact my trends on charting have shown over 900 pt gain in the dow over the past week (....yes trends showed a bottom) (but im not calling a total
bottom.. yet)
Im not rich (well not yet) and I used to trade heavily (day traded for a living at 18), but its not about that, Im doing this to show everyone that
you dont have to listen to CNBC or read Dr. Doomsday or pay for his ugly subscription fees to get a "feel" for how this market trades..
If any questions in the short run, please ask, if not, stay tuned and I will try to post my best trends with information accompanying them of course,
so you can all gain knowledge on this "corner" of this lightly treaded small society
Also, if you follow trends and charts as well, please post them as I do, I would love to get a different perspective on things
[edit on 19-3-2009 by GreenBicMan]