If Uktena's benevolent God -Jenovah had looked down on the excavated mess known
as The Hell Mines -and we can assume that a deity would, he would see a small group of
around fifteen bedraggled males stood in a bunched group infront of several mounds
of soil and crates.
To the group's right was the entrance to the maze of tunnels that were dug for the
purpose of finding Tantazine, a mineral used in the manufacturing of anti-gravity discs
on many of the craft parked at the port of Utkena.
A Plasma fence surrounded the whole area and ergo, we can also assume the Hell
Mines doubled as a prison.
In front of the miserable-looking prisoners, a huge wooden wheel with a long
-haired creature in a short red dress strapped to it's rim.
Looking on, were eight stout men, a small Vithian and young woman kneeling
in the mud.
Oh!... I nearly forgot, at the entrance to the mine stood a tall man with a large
pick-axe shaft made of hickory... and let us also assume that Jenovah would see
that this male with a lop-sided grin and the mean-looking piece of wood looked
Nenothtu stepped towards Clayton and as the large Blacksmith dropped Tibbs
from his embrace, the thug called Slater stepped up and interupted his passage.
The billy club of Slater swung first, but it was Neno's axe-shaft that made contact
and the sound of it's impact was similar to a coconut dropped from a height onto
Slater went down quickly.
Without taking his eyes away from the sight of the horrified Manko, the Vandalian
stepped forward, reached out his right hand and hissed "to me" and the upgraded
pistol laying in the dirt flew quickly to that waiting hand.
The tied-down Man/girl looked on from the Wheel of Truth as Nenothtu set about the
the task of relieving the thugs of their tax collecting duties in the only way he knew.
It certainly wasn't a pleasant sight.
The scar-faced man's head exploded with the first shot and then in a blur, the handgun
was resting in it's holster. Clayton lumbered forward and in his own unique way, he gambled
he could stop the man wielding the chunk of wood.
Neno swung twice, the first one seemed half-hearted and unknown to the Blacksmith,
was never meant to make contact with the side of the big man's head. So, Clayton saw
the shaft whistle by and leaned in to grab the bloodied Gunman.
Utenka's saviour would have also wagered, if Gods are allowed to do that -that Clayton
visualised himself overpowering the one they called Nenothtu and possibly beating him
with his own weapon.
The 'fake' swing halted and then returned with added momentum back towards the nearing
Clayton, around that time, the burly Blacksmith's confident smile changed.
The back-hand swing of Nenothtu hit Clayton in his right ear and one would assume an average
-sized man would have gone down with such a blow to the head, but not Clayton.
No Sir, the big man came on... well, sort of.
The evening devoid of the enjoyments of Big Bertha's Whorehouse would have been
accompanied by another, if Neno was going to let Clayton off with a mere beating.
The knee to the groin area sucked some of the energy from Clayton's clutching hands, but
his right one did make purchase with Nenothtu's jacket.
The followed-up head-butt from the Vandalian assured the jacket was released and the two
swift swings of the axe-shaft to the back of falling giant's neck made sure that the man who
moulded metal at his second-rate furnace, would tramp up those wooden steps to Big Bertha's
no more.
The 'wall-eyed' ruffian had also rushed forward to take on the stranger and the sight of Clayton
being cheated from his goal had not only angered him, but any tactics to get past the swinging
weapon had flown away like early-morning Felder birds.
So, seeing Neno stood over the body of the Blacksmith and knowing that his boss would pay
handsomely for stopping a prisoner taking this kind of action, 'Wall-eye' ran with knife out
towards the stooping Gunman.
I will not labour on how Nenothtu went low and avoided the swinging knife, let Wall-eye's
momentum take him onto a waiting knee to the stomach nor on the karate-style chop to the
lower back- part of the skull.
But I will inform the reader that unknown to anyone at The Hell Mines, it would have been
only Jenovah who saw that for one instant as the lumber made contact with the forward -falling
thug's head, his 'wide eye' actually came back into it's correct postion.
Nenothtu now turned to the barrel-chested guy he had thrown out of the Killing Joke Tavern
and 'Crew-cut'
"What about Manko?" I hear you ask, well he had now realised that Nenothtu's promise
was being fulfilled and one-by-one, the Vandalian WAS 'takin' em'!
So using his mental abilities that had kept him as head-honcho for collecting taxes, he was
high-tailing it towards the main gate.
Tibbs -who had watched on in awe at his time-travelling companion's prowess in the art
of battle, swung his head at a movement from Silo. The girl had stood up from her 'prayer
-like' postion in the mud and was tracking the fleeing Tax Man.
With one deft movement, she pulled her knife and threw it and without pomp or ceremony,
Manko dropped onto the well-worn path with the knife hilt protruding between his shoulder
Tibbs wondered if the lassie from the Tavern would manually retrieve it -this time.
BIAD's hair... that strange wig-like creation that Professor Charles Shaw always maintained
hadn't been part of the experiment -had without fanfare, untied the knots of Boy In A Dress's
bindings and also without fanfare, the hermaphrodite stepped up behind the unaware chap
wearing the beret.
"I think you owe me some boogie" BIAD said quietly and whirled the guy around.
Nenothu busied himself taking out the two men in a 'one-for-you-and one-for-you' way of
delivering blows and other injury-making antics, Tibbs had actually caught himself applauding
two of the strikes... later that day, he would play them over in his head and imagine it was
him beating on the two thugs.
Just to assist Tibbs's dignity, the point where 'Crew-cut's head nearly left his neck WASN'T
tarried upon -in the Vithian's musings.
Boy In A Dress took his 'dance' quite well, considering there was no music and the guy with the
beret struggled with the steps.
'Beret-Man' died around the time of would-have- been the second act of the imagined-music
and not long after, three of the prisoners threw up their meagre breakfast at the sight before
The retracting hair cleaned itself from most of the clinging material as BIAD looked down at
the body of his fantasy 'ballroom partner' The Man/girl's smile still shone even when the
upturned head could be seen again by the prisoners, the sight of the terrible wounds seemed to
conflict with the image of the feminine-like figure who concentrated on straightening his dress.
When finally Nenothtu used the butt of the axe-shaft to drive the nose of 'Barrel-Chest' up into
his brain and then chanced a swift swing to the dying man's head, the thought of Manko's men
ever standing a chance had flown from anyone's minds -like the Felder birds mentioned earlier.
Neno's sucked in some air and scanned the compound for any more danger, the terrified looks
from the prisoners told that all was safe in that area.
Tibbs was now stood alongside BIAD and with Silo beside him, all three stared back at the
"What?" the tall man tossed and stood to his full height, his back ached and his head-wound
The small Vithian unfolded his arms and with confined pleasure, he tutted at Nenothtu and
shook his head. "You enjoyed that too much" Tibbs chided and turned to seek his satchel,
he hoped the book inside wasn't damaged.
Neno glanced over at the grinning hermaphrodite and lifting one eyebrow, he muttered
"... and you?" BIAD curtsied and before he could regain his position, Neno had already
moved on to Silo.
But Silo beat him to it.
Like a Tor-Deer that finds a Spring meadow after the ordeal of a high-country Carbioxian
winter, she raced to the tall man with the chunk of hickory dangling from his hand and
kissed him hard.
Neno's eyes were like Pinor-pads as the girl from The Killing Joke enjoyed the warm
-feeling that ran through her body, she pressed her mouth harder to his.
BIAD clapped and hopped on one high-heeled foot at the expression of shock on Nenothtu's
face, but the Man/girl did register that his partner didn't push her away.
A full twenty seconds passed before Silo released Neno and stepped back with a demure
smile and glint in her eye. "Sorry" she cooed and watched for any emotion in the GunMan's
stoic features.
Nenothtu tore his eyes away from the girl and looking at the approaching Tibbs, he snapped
"that device you're looking for will be somewhere in that mine, so I suggest we get the 115
outta our asses and roll"
Tibbs nodded but seemed concerned with his hand-held machine, Neno fell in beside him
and they both strode towards the tunnel entrance.
Silo looked at BAID with a deflated confused expression on her pretty face "what just
happened?" she whispered.
The Boy In A Dress nodded and a kind smile blossomed from under the long fringe
"You should've hit him with that hickory, girl..." he said lightly and waved a hand to tell
the prisoners that they were now free.
"... he's is one hard-headed son of a..." the remaining words were lost as the group of scruffy
prisoners ran with shouts and whoops towards the gate.
Jenovah...? only he heard the last word end with '...itch'
edit on 21-5-2011 by A boy in a dress because: Left Boxing manual in Edit