Originally posted by thing fish
as i was leaving she hande me 100 dollars to pay my phone bill and whatever else.
When a person is in need it is difficult not to accept.
I am just jumping in at this point, so I am just giving a quick read, I could be missing the point.
First, your phone makes makes you accessible, she is in control in some respects by paying.
Accepting that money also put you in a position of dependency, and further separates you from her. Being in a situation of accepting no money as soon
as possible would promote your independence and her fear of total dependence.
My read. She cares for you. She may have guilty feelings, the source of which is unknown. Possibly she has issues relating to Males who are in a
state of dependency, in that it lessens her comfort zone, many women today have this struggle, they say they want a man in touch with his feelings and
there when they want them, but in primal wants something else.
Your mind is in control. It is in a state of confusion. Start to delve into your higher self and making that connection. Late at night, turn off
theTV, and try to make contact with your higher self. Ask it to arrange a future with her if it is in both of your best interests. Then let it go,
go to sleep. Wake up the next day and start rebuilding your life, find the joy in things, become completely independent, trust your higher self is
handling it, stop all thoughts to the contrary.
That energy I suspect will put this back on track within a year, however there might be periods of separation, however the energy around your turn
around will so curious to her she will be drawn to you, it will be your decision.
And secondly, you might choose not to go back with her, because when you experience this new energy you might attract a relationship even better, and
in one year she might be on a forum saying the things you have said here.