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You are crazy...

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posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 10:25 PM
So today I was talking to some friends and asking them some question about random things, like conspiracy type of things. Suddenly I brought up the topic of New World Order, FEMA Camps, Illuminati, Civil War, and WW 3. All of a sudden they think Im crazy because Im saying all those kinds of things.
They're like this
"Do you actually think that another Civil War can happen? The last one happened 200 years ago"

"I doubt another Holocaust can happen"

"How can there be a secret government be controlling the entire world"

Well first of 200 years, isn't such a long time, and the Holocaust happened just about 70 years ago, so what's to say it can't happen again?

So my question is this, have you guys brought up anything with family or friends about conspiracies or religions, things like that?
How did they think of you then? Like you were crazy or just normal? And also what did you think of them?

The first thing to pop into my head about them is IGNORANT.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 10:30 PM
I brought up the topic about aliens to one of my friends. He thinks I'm crazy, but at the same time he seems to believe that I am a reptilian.

I have no idea why he thinks that about me... go figure!!!

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 10:57 PM
I have been called crazy all most all of my life. I was finally certified by the federal government 16 years ago.... I sure meet a lot of nice people with interesting Ideas when I get to go stay in the nice hospital. The people are very much like the ones on ATS but they are real and would never vote for a republican..... Just because they are crazy doesn't mean that they are stupid mean reptilian aliens that worship dumb old elephants and hate the nice donkeys. _javascript:icon('

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Welcome to our club!!! Especially the more you venture around here, the more you are going to be inspired to bring up these subjects with friends and family.

I am trying to do my part to 'enlighten' them by passing around one of my favorite books "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs ::again with the pom-poms:: He's a lot more articule then I am.

When you get past a lot of the skepticism, I think deep down in peoples psyches, they want everything to stay the same even though it's all changing around them. Humans resist change. As time goes on, these realities are going to be undenialable.

Tread gently. Drops bits and pieces here and there - with some logical arguments or proof. My husband hears A LOT from me - several times a day he'll get the ATS lowdown. In matters of UFOs and science he's interested but when it comes to another of my favorite and most important subjects (NWO) I'll just get a "Hmmm" from him. He's probably sitting there hearing "lalalalala" and thinking of Starwars or his last issue of Playboy.

In my circle of friends, I'm becoming 'that girl.' They know they won't be able to spend an hour with me without some mention of one of these alternative topics. I made a post recently about experience this last Sunday. No one's read it (lol) so I'll post the little funny incident here as well. Sunday while chilling out with the friends who live just outside the city, my little girl was outside playing. Inside with the adults, I had one mason and one ex-military, I brought up MKULTRA as this would totally fit the occasional unprovoked episodes of rage the exmilitary guy. Everyone started laughing - "oh that's a bunch of bull." Seeing I was going to go nowhere I shut up and went outside to find my daughter. I didn't know they had let out some animals and I found myself amongst a group of sheep. Oh the irony! I laughed so hard.

I'll warn you of more thing. The more time you spend on ATS or researching it's subjects either online or in a book. Your view of the world will change. When you go out in public you'll feel like the alien. Sometimes in aisle three of the grocery store I just want to scream WAKE UP Heh, but now that would be crazy wouldn't it.

You might find this thread of interest:
Have you told your family yet?

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:33 PM
Hmmm....I am pretty certain that most of the people (including myself) on ATS were considered "crazy" by others before they even got to this site!

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:34 PM
My wife thinks im crazy (She's the worlds biggest skeptic) when I talk about stuff like that but then I remind her that history has a funny way of repeating itself all the time.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Whisper67

Welcome to our club!!! Especially the more you venture around here, the more you are going to be inspired to bring up these subjects with friends and family.

I am trying to do my part to 'enlighten' them by passing around one of my favorite books "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs ::again with the pom-poms:: He's a lot more articule then I am.

When you get past a lot of the skepticism, I think deep down in peoples psyches, they want everything to stay the same even though it's all changing around them. Humans resist change. As time goes on, these realities are going to be undenialable.

Tread gently. Drops bits and pieces here and there - with some logical arguments or proof. My husband hears A LOT from me - several times a day he'll get the ATS lowdown. In matters of UFOs and science he's interested but when it comes to another of my favorite and most important subjects (NWO) I'll just get a "Hmmm" from him. He's probably sitting there hearing "lalalalala" and thinking of Starwars or his last issue of Playboy.

In my circle of friends, I'm becoming 'that girl.' They know they won't be able to spend an hour with me without some mention of one of these alternative topics. I made a post recently about experience this last Sunday. No one's read it (lol) so I'll post the little funny incident here as well. Sunday while chilling out with the friends who live just outside the city, my little girl was outside playing. Inside with the adults, I had one mason and one ex-military, I brought up MKULTRA as this would totally fit the occasional unprovoked episodes of rage the exmilitary guy. Everyone started laughing - "oh that's a bunch of bull." Seeing I was going to go nowhere I shut up and went outside to find my daughter. I didn't know they had let out some animals and I found myself amongst a group of sheep. Oh the irony! I laughed so hard.

I'll warn you of more thing. The more time you spend on ATS or researching it's subjects either online or in a book. Your view of the world will change. When you go out in public you'll feel like the alien. Sometimes in aisle three of the grocery store I just want to scream WAKE UP Heh, but now that would be crazy wouldn't it.

You might find this thread of interest:
Have you told your family yet?
LOL Thanks for the link, I want to tell my parents about things like that, like the economy, the NWO, depopulation, and about massive killing of humans by nature, and to start backup food just incase, but they dont seem to believe me when I tell them. They thing I've been reading too much tings on the internet that can all be lies. They know Im really intelligent because every time they need ANY type of help they call me to help them, but how am I supposed to help them now if they dont want my help?


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