posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:10 PM
First of all obesity is not affecting everyone so it might have a lot more to do with certain body types. Some people eat and eat and never gain a
pound, others eat very little and gain weight daily.
Second, most people eat a lot because their bodies are craving the nutrients we all need but are no longer in our soils.
Third, most obese people are poor and unable to afford over priced fruits and vegies because we have to buy them from other countries instead of our
Fourth, starch items and fast food are just cheaper to buy.
Fifth, I think on a very inner level most people know what is really happening and feel very powerless to stop it and so eat out of an inner
depression and fear.
We always accuse people who are fat or overweight that it is because of them consuming to much food.
I have never had a weight problem until my last pregnancy, and I weigh the same as I did the day my youngest was born. I breast fed all my children
and returned to my normal weight in six weeks. Not this time, my thyroid just said no.
I consume a healthy diet and am lucky if I can eat 1300 calories a day. But all these weightloos people want me to eat even more food.
One day chocolate is bad for you, another it has many health benefits. Coffee, Eggs, Red Meat, Wine,etc.
We are so hung up on the issue of eating in general, but we all eat. Maybe if we loved each other regardless of our weight, color, gender, etc. people
could relax and the less stress might do more to help the obesity and disease care issues.
I had men talk to me often when I was thinner, but the minute I gained the weight during pregnancy and not lose it, they avoid me.
We vhave been taught so well by the media industry and Hoolywood, to see obese people as some kind of sickness to stay away from lest we catch it.
I eat chocolate and I don't gain weight, I also don;t lose it, but to blame any one thing or reason on weight gain just demonstrates or controled
thinking and our absolute ignorance.