There is converging objective predictive evidence, expert opinion, exopolitical policy analysis, and extraterrestrial contactee communications
supporting a hypothesis that large scale “wild card” event(s), involving mass extraterrestrial (UFO) sightings or landings over major urban or
other visible centers on the planet for peaceful purposes may occur during the period leading up to 2011-12 or beyond.
So by interpreting reverse speech patterns Obama has already spoke of a Wild Card event? Some time around or after 2012? And he is doing this
subconciously not on purpose?
Have i got this much right? roughly.
I don't understand how it could be subconciously...If he was accidentally or purposely dropping hints at something he already knew I would understand
completely-Just like how I believe Bush planned and knew about 9/11 and the Iraq War.
I doubt it will happen in my life, and others. We will never know the truth, you have to accept this world, is just for scum who want to hold onto