I have one - here is my favorite Conspiracy theory: but it isn't one
How about the "TAX LAW"
Show me the law.
I have read about Joe Bannister "former audit officer" and he was let go for asking questions like where is the law.
No law
I have seen good 'ol American's like Ed and Elaine brown of New Hampshire and their friends who supported them, like Dan Riley who was shot at by
Federal agents and who I might add was unarmed sent to some Federal prison for 30+ years just for proclaiming they are Statesmen and that the tax laws
which were "Never" properly ratified by all necessary states is legal. That original law was meant for the district of Columbia and importing
businesses only! Not the Stateman!
Ask Ron Paul - an American Senator where the law is!
Well, tomorrow my Mom who is a Mormon and has never even received a parking/speeding ticket in her entire life is being audited by the Federal
She is 70 years old and when divorced worked two jobs to get me through life. She because of ailments and life needs took her retirement plan out
early. But because the "FED" thought they didn't get enough, tomorrow they are coming to her house to take anything of value!
So here is my Mom who is 70 and worked her fingers to the bone getting robbed by these very same Bass Turds that gave everyone in California a IOU for
their tax return taking everything that is left of any value that my 70+ mother and Step-Father worked for.
Isn't it funny how that works, if you owe money they want it right now and intimidate you with guns and prison terms, but if they owe you money they
come to your house, inventory everything and take what they want.
So my favorite CONSPIRACY theory is that there is a valid tax law for the Fed's to strip a 70 year old woman of her hard earned life!
This World is corrupt by greedy and evil men - using a gun to get their point across!
When does it end?
Why did we leave and fight Britain again? Can somweone tell me that!
Because here we are agiain and these same bloodlines have just robbed our Country blind to make every citizen dependent on them again!
Revolution II
There is my Conspiracy!
Does anyone love and believe in this Nation anymore? Does anyone in Washington D.C. really care about the people!
[edit on 16-3-2009 by arizonascott]