MDCCLXXVI = alpha = jumbled = capital (big) = letters = characters = Latin = words
Now you can extract the words but the names and writing between languages are deferent, so you can chose the language belong to you.
The torah & bible & Cquraan are a holly books and the Jehovah & Christ & Islam are a religions and every religion hade sacred place = Jews = Hebrew =
Torah = Jehovah = Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) (Arabic Al-Qcuds) Christ = English = Bible = GOD (LORD) = Arabic = Islam = Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Mecca &
Al-Madīnah) = Kaaba= Al Koran or C(Q)uraan or kcquraan = ALLAH.
Initially, extract the words belong to you're religion and you can add prophets names (Virgin Mary = Queen, Lady, Madonna, Mariam, Miriam), by all
the ways word (ALLAH) is important.
I'm using Microsoft text to speech to detect the words and letters spelling corresponding to Arabic translation.
Moment = 60
Hour = 60, 1
Day = 24, 7, 1
Week = 1, 7
Month = 28, 29, 30, 31 days 4 weeks
Year = 12, 360, 365
All of them = date
Numbering & calculation are unlimited process so don’t west you're mind with it, the shortcut is the right way:
Figures calculation for us relate with + - / * only, no fraction, so if we did a logical calculation for the standard numbers we get this:
365 / 24 = 15.208333333333333333333333333333
360 / 24 = 15
360 / 7 = 51.428571428571428571428571428571
365 / 7 = 52.142857142857142857142857142857
365 / 12 = 30.416666666666666666666666666667
360 / 12 = 30
365 / 60 = 6.0833333333333333333333333333333
360 / 60 = 6
all the fractions are belong to the probabilities fro what will happen now and in the future.
the probabilities & future are belong to Lord only, so the integer is the way and Lord's books & messages are the truth.
Why Date is reversed in the west countries? 2009-03-06 (2009-06-03 or 3-6-2009).
1776 = Roman numbers numeric = one seven seven six
Adam and Eve = six senses
Adam = lad = man
Eve = girl = Mlle = woman
Gene - DNA
One eve one Adam no sex = clone | one man - no man - one man no sense no eve - one eve no sense no man.
17 seventeen old = no virgin
1. Side brine surgery = one Seeing Eye.
2. Midbrain surgery
3. Starving cause no wheat, convert greens, beans to pig's meat (ham = swine meat (pork) & sun of Noah = mason (no Sam)).
4. One cloned mad cause a nuclear war - Middle East - most remote parts of the world - Europe.
5. Stones on a piece of chess
Sunset sun moon torch river black red Roan vie via damn rock stone dome dale mad dalliance valid vale ravine cabal Battle Palestine sanctum run rain
clouds cloven ring circle dice table Soared name Lord god blade torch sod sore bold sword mother in case of extreme necessity Malodor M (o) alodor
dollar pig dog.
Beware of the industrial products contains these letters MDCCLXXVI
1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21 = page number in Quraan
7 + 7 + 6 + 1 = 777 number of angels
8 x 13 = 104 = page number in Quraan
7 x 6 = 42 = days of the last battle
1+7 = 8 x 42 = 336 = 33 (addition of 1 to 9) | 6 = 3(pyramids) + 3(the Trinities) + 6 (days) = 12 (months) = (1 year, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day) = ruling
by the new world order.
17 x 76 = (1292) ÷ (30, 31, 32, 33) = 40,41,42,43 = (years, months, weeks, days) = ruling the world by Jesus Christ (Messiah).
1292 ÷ 12 = 107 = page number in Quraan.
6 x 7 = 42 = maximum limit is four weeks for the antichrist (pharaoh).
6 + 7 = 13 = number of 12 devils + 1 Satan * 3(the Trinities) = 39
777 ÷ 13 = 59.769230769230769230769230769231 = the probabilities of wining the battle for the dark side to be = 60
777 ÷ 39 = 19.923076923076923076923076923077 = 19 is the number of angels of the hell = the probabilities to escape from them.
Read the bible = at the time of the end.
MDCCLXXVI = their wanted letters in Quraan chapters (sora) started at
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