Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
I forgot all about this thread.
To the OP:
When I called it an argument from ignorance, I didn't mean you were ignorant.
Eh, it is also referred to as an argument from awe.
And no, I won't get into the "mutant fruitfly" thing. In fact, the entire debate is pointless. Evolution is proven.
Evolution is a theory, and unproven! Check again, Theory! Peoples imaginations can be very convincing though. "Adaptation" is clearly seen in all
life though. Humans all around the world are very different due to adaptation, and this is because of the different habitats that they have to adapt
to. This can be easily seen when looking at extreme climates. Eskimoes are vastly different in comparison to Native African tribes in Zimbabwe; and
different cultures or humans of different habitats can be viewed this way.
None-the-less, we are humans, and not like other animals and/or life on this planet. A carrot is vastly different from a grape. Grass isn't the seed
of evolution to a tree! So, unless you are comparing all things on a "God particle" level, then there is no way we evolved from amobeas.
As was argued already in this thread, was the topic of hares and/or rabbits, and their change in fur colour for the use of camoflauge from predators.
This can be shown easily as well. But, to say that all life evolved from amobeas is pushing it; and for other theorists to say the earth and all life
therof was the result of merely a big bang is shear ignorance. If the big bang occurred, it was the result of a superior being who caused it; and that
being is usually entitled "God" or "Creator" or gods and/or godesses who go by many different titles.
It's not hard to look around you and see the existence of a "God". The concept of a God not existing is merely ignorant, childish, and dumb. But,
leave it to this race of homosapiens to be dumb enough to think that one up.
It only goes to show that much human reason is a mad logic, craziness, and shear delusion. Just because socities choose to believe certain
"theories", it doesn't make them "right theories." One discourse is another's course! It just happens to be that theories give humans something
to believe in so that they don't become disoriented and start banging their heads on rocks and walls.
What if God talks to you? "If" God attempts to and/or makes physical, spiritual, or mental contact with human beings, or any one human being, the
majority of people aren't willing to accept it anyways. Then the poor bastard(s) who establish contact are called crazy, or labelled with some stupid
damned mental disorder, and go into a hysterical state. Who is to blame them when they try to tell about God, and nobody wants to listen?
Damn fools people can be!
Anyways, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that other life exists in this vast universe (or the cosmos). It may not be in the shape, form, or
made up of the same particles as we see here on earth, but I do believe other life forms are out there. I also believe that other forms of life exist
on this earth, but they are not in the same physical form as we can perceive. These beings, or other life forms, are intangible to a high degree. Even
if you seen or heard them, they may not have a taste to their bodies, a smell or odour, or a physical body that we can touch. I know that I have had
experiences that defy all laws and logic that humans have made up.
Just so we have one thing clear, I don't blame any one person for being the way that they are. In a big way I look at people in two categories. It is
me, and it is them! Many people I believe have it right by saying this, "We are ONE!" When I say ONE, I mean One Body seperated by space, One Mind
seperated by individual thoughts, and One Spirit seperated by unique imprints called souls. We are all mirror images of each other brothers and
sisters, and we are all an image of our creator.