posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Obtaining passage of that constitutional amendment is the waging of political war. Like a shooting war, it will change history—in this instance a
vast change for the better—for the nation and our children and their unborn descendants.
We face the third millennium with a bankrupt country and an evaporating fiat dollar—the result of years of profligate congressional spending—the
buying of our votes with our children’s money. We cannot survive with the gang of self-seeking big spenders we have in office now. The Congress we
have is dysfunctional.
Present occupants of the luxurious seats in Congress become more insulated and isolated from reality with each passing year of their perceived life
It is time to remind Members of Congress that we citizens put them there to serve the country, and not themselves. It is time to remind them that the
government exists to serve the people, and not the politicians. We can ill afford a Model T Congress in a jet age.
It has been decades since members actually read what we pay them to vote on, leaving us at the whim of staffers who interpret for them. Staffers are
now often the targets of big-time lobbyists.
What is desperately needed is the brand of public servants our founders, authors of the Constitution envisioned—the kind of statesmen who go to
Congress to serve. These were to be citizen public servants who would go to Washington to serve their neighbors and their country for a limited time
only. They would temporarily leave their citizen pursuits to serve briefly, bringing their everyday heartland common sense with them, then to return
home to live among those neighbors after having completed their citizen responsibilities—to live under the laws they have just passed. Why should
that sound so bizarre today?
In a country where Presidents can stay only eight years, these hangers on want lifetime tenure. We believe that six year limits in each chamber are
adequate for the kind of citizen servants we seek, who see service in Washington as a duty, not a privilege.
Polls show that Americans want congressional term limitation by margins of three-to-one, even four-to-one. This is the issue that separates American
citizens, who want to recapture their government, from a careerist-dominated Congress and its illegitimate bureaucratic offspring, the Beltway
Elitists, who want to run our lives.
Congress, whose arrogant spending has bankrupted our nation and destroyed our currency, sets its own self-authored six-figure pay plus perquisites and
pensions as if compensation were to be calculated based on its unbridled spending rather than on prudent governance. Indeed, our pandering Congress
has created a counter-productive envy-based tax system which penalizes extra effort and success.
Congressional term limitation is the most important issue of our time, because the very survival of the country depends upon it. There is no
alternative path to restore government to the people. There is no substitute for term limitation.
We now have a God-given chance, a once-only opportunity to change the direction in which our nation is headed. The American people are waiting to be
led. If we citizens fail to seize this moment by providing the leadership to get term limits accomplished, then history will judge us harshly. Our
children and their children will judge us harshly. We won’t get a second chance.
That leadership must come from us, the citizens. Now.
No nation can ever be greater than the combined character, integrity and virtue of its leaders. Where are character, integrity and virtue today?
The hour is late. Never in our history has the need been more desperate.