posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 12:07 AM
I am somewhat obsessed with the subject of time travel. I ponder it, every day. If you or I had an individual reverse machine, would I meet my young
self? Or would doing that, cease her existence? Or would I not meet her, because going back would automatically shift me into the next parallel
dimension over? Have you all gave way to scenarios about, as to if you would approach your young parents? Or a romantic crush who was the one that
got away, because of something wrong that an ignorant you did? Do you sometimes daydream about the things you would do if you were stuck in the
1950's or '60's or 1970's, like go buy record albums that are hard to obtain now, or go into a concert or event that you didn't because you were
too young? I would like to go into Studio54 in NYC and dance in it. Or attend a baseball game that was --legendary--? Today, it occurred to me,
that I would like to sit in front of a TV all day and night, for one day in 1970, or thereabouts, and especially pay attention to those commercials.
EVEN THOUGH I otherwise HATE advertising, such an experience would be hillarious!!! Then check out the Johnny Carson show before nitenite.
On a tremendously more somber note, would you try to stop 9-11-01? Or would a DIFFERENT terrorist attack on a different day, be in the offing, just
because you went back? Would I be able to thwart the JFK assassination? See, my thoughts can go on and on and on like this.
[edit on 15-3-2009 by simonecharisse]