posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 08:58 AM
when you are dreaming, your dreams can suddenly change from one thing to another. usually this happens because there was a change in the physical
while you were asleep, you started to fall off the bed. your body got the sensation of falling, and your mind (still dreaming) translated it into
something that is a real fear.
im going to take a guess that you are afraid of falling off the edge of something very high?
your brain in its dream state, quickly translates the feeling of falling off the bed and creates a visual of falling off a cliff, which is scary
enough to wake anyone. all this happens so fast that you dont actually fall off the bed.
as for the bright light, the sun was shining in your room, into your eyes, and your brain sensed the bright light, so it was created in your dream
too. when you woke up the sun was still there.
i am not saying that was i said above is absolutly true, it is just a logical explaination to those occurances.
one other thing. when you go to sleep, you toss and turn for 4 hours. the period when you dream is during REM (Rapid Eye Movement). REM lasts only 45
minutes. when you dream doesnt it seem like hours and hours of dreamtime? time is somehow distorted, since hours of dreams are fitted into only 45
mintues. so a half second of REM could feel like 30-45 seconds, and thats why it doesnt feel like instantanous. it may feel like you are looking into
the future in that sense.
*EDIT* i found a link to the brain, REM, and sleeping...
[Edited on 19-4-2004 by TreyFlipAWS]