posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Maybe we've all become spoiled by theRiverGoddess' experience of being yanked out, seems everyone wants to be yanked out these, including myself to
be honest, it would save us all a lot of hassle and hard work alright...
I've never had an OoBE myself but... I dunno it feels like an OoBE is something that should be worked hard for, determination and what-not, maybe you
can't get out because you're not ready to get out, or you have some fear of it and maybe I'm wrong but if you're looking for an easy solution to
the problem and you get yanked out... well you might not be prepared for it, or maybe something could go wrong, you never know...
Maybe if I can get myself out one of these days I'll be able to give you a hand