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Pole Shift Is Coming. Where Will You Go?

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posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:46 PM
If you had inside information/knowledge knowing that a pole shift was bound to occur that estimated 90% of all surface life on earth would be destroyed and you knew this information years in advance.

What would you do?
Where would you go?

Where would you choose to relocate for the greatest chance of survival?

What items would you stock up on and how would you go about doing it?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:51 PM
I would spend time with my family, and drink some cold beers with my old man. I'd set up a chair facing the Eastern horizon and take my front row first class ticket to the heavens above.

No one knows how radical the pole shift is going to be, so the outcome of our planet is kind of unknown too. If its our time its our time. I won't be running and hiding.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:55 PM
current info suggests that if you are at a latitude of 40 degrees or higher, you will have a better chance of survival.

they think that the last pole shifts have made the poles shift to the south, therefore being in the south end will most certainly be your demise.

try to stay out of the sun completely, if it happens. do not consume food or water that has been outside after it happens.

make sure to stock up for years.

nuff said.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:55 PM
When you look into the science on pole shifts it turns out the Earth doesn't flip. It is the magnetic fields that emanate from and surround the Earth that move. Continents move very slowly over time. There is too much inertia in a spinning Earth to just flip it.

Some people like the adrenaline rush they get from fear. Doom junkies like this avoid the science for some reason.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:59 PM
This is the Aliens and UFOs forum. This post has no business being placed here. Hey Mods...

reply to post by Jennifer07

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by stikkinikki


the orientation of the earths magnetic field has no influence on the orientation of earths axis of rotation.

Its happened many times in the past, and here we are.

There are places in the pacific and indian oceans where the local field polarity has already flipped.

other than some odd auroras and the north is now south thing you wont even notice, maybe.

There might be an increase in vulcanism and siesmic activity.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:13 PM
Well, I have heard we are heading towards a flip of sorts. Don't know when and don't care. If it was to be a great cataclysmic event, and it would happen quickly, I would attend to it just like my wife and I would if an asteroid was hurtling towards Earth and demise was imminent. We would sit outside and hold hands and watch it all happen. There would be differences in how we both would attend to the situation. She would probably smoke some Kool cigarettes and I would smoke a cigar and suck down a bit of Jim Beam. Oh, hell. I think really I would splurge a bit and buy a bottle of Maker's Mark. That's some good stuff!! We call it Kentucky champagne. But it's expensive. As for the cigar, probably a cheap Dark and Natural Backwoods cigar.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
When you look into the science on pole shifts it turns out the Earth doesn't flip. It is the magnetic fields that emanate from and surround the Earth that move. Continents move very slowly over time. There is too much inertia in a spinning Earth to just flip it.

Some people like the adrenaline rush they get from fear. Doom junkies like this avoid the science for some reason.

iron cores don't align themselves to their magnetic polarity when flipped??
hmm that's a new one.
last time I checked.. when I brought a magnet near a piece of iron it moved.

so you've been here when the poles flipped last time?
tell us about it.

as far as your outdated "plate tectonics" theory goes..
here.. have a reality snack....

time to UNLEARN that which you have learned...


posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:50 PM
I'll play along!

Originally posted by Jennifer07
If you had inside information/knowledge knowing that a pole shift was bound to occur...

It has many times, and will many times again, so yes, bound to happen.

...that estimated 90% of all surface life on earth would be destroyed...

This is an important detail, more later.

...and you knew this information years in advance.

Are we assuming I can keep a secret like this for years? Heh.

Where would you choose to relocate for the greatest chance of survival?

With only a few years warning about this event, I likely not relocate anywhere. Much easier to work with what I have already than seek out a new location in a short time frame.

What items would you stock up on and how would you go about doing it?

Assuming it was a known fact that 90% of all life on the planet would be killed by this event, I would not stock up at all. Rather, I'd work on a garden, perhaps write a book while we wait, spend time with family and friends, just plain live well. My reasoning is that if myself and my family are amongst the few to survive, there will be plenty of supplies just lying around for the taking once it's over. No need to stock up in advance.

(Incidentally, stikkinikki, I love that last line of your post.)

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Tripnman]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:28 PM
I would go to the place where there is the least chance of survival.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Jennifer07

I was going to head south but on second thought s....

I would image there would be quite a show , might get to meet Arora bori Alice . I`ve a sneaking suspicion that my internet conection will be down and i`ll have no reception on my t.v.

Animal migration will be cancelled .

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Jennifer07
If you had inside information/knowledge knowing that a pole shift was bound to occur that estimated 90% of all surface life on earth would be destroyed and you knew this information years in advance.

What would you do?
Where would you go?

Where would you choose to relocate for the greatest chance of survival?

What items would you stock up on and how would you go about doing it?

Have you been reading Patrick Geryll?

I'd say don't worry about it. No one can prove that's been the cause of mass extinctions in the past. So there is really no point in worrying, because if 90% of surface life were to end you are most likely screwed anyway and won't enjoy your remaining years from all of the stress.

That's just how I look at it to answer your question.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:41 PM

iron cores don't align themselves to their magnetic polarity when flipped??
hmm that's a new one.
last time I checked.. when I brought a magnet near a piece of iron it moved.

so you've been here when the poles flipped last time?
tell us about it.

as far as your outdated "plate tectonics" theory goes..
here.. have a reality snack....


The magnetic poles flip every 200,000 years or so, but there is a huge fluctuation in regularity. Polar reversals are nothing new. We may be due one pretty soon (like the next 20,000 years).
When basalt is exuded from a mid-ocean ridge, its magnetism points North, at the magnetic north pole. Investigation of the magnetic properties of the sea floor shows us the frequency of these events. It also shows us very precisely how the magntic poles wander, and also how continents move (we can date the rock, and we know where the position on the north pole was at that time, and we know which way the rock is pointing magnetically, so we can deduce plate movement).
A shift in the magnetic polarity will affect migrating animals, and electronics that rely on magnetics. Apart from that, nothing else will happen. We don't exactly know how fast it will flip (approx 2,000 year transition), so there may be a time when we are susceptable to bombardment from solar winds. How that will pan out is anyones guess, but it wont be catastrophic - there is still fields being generated encompassing the whole Earth. It is just weaker the further you recede from the poles.
Also, it is cused by the fluctuations of energy within the core, not by the core flipping. The core can't physically flip of its own accord, and the core is the geberator of the magnetic fields that surrouns the Earth. The cores rotation (and the anti-clockwise rotation of all stars, planets, galaxies etc) is the result forces unleashed during the big bang (or big escape from other universe).
And no, plate tectonics is fine, thank you.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by cruzion]

[edit on 13-3-2009 by cruzion]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:45 PM

I'd say don't worry about it. No one can prove that's been the cause of mass extinctions in the past. So there is really no point in worrying, because if 90% of surface life were to end you are most likely screwed anyway and won't enjoy your remaining years from all of the stress.

Well, the K/T boundary mass extinction erradicated 90% of all life on Earth in less than 260,000 years - and look how much variety of life there still is! You wouldn't know today that almost everything was wiped out.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by Jennifer07

Hi Jennifer07. As for the future, when and if drastic pole shifting takes place, and if it thrusts various areas/regions of land upward or downward in a drastic movement, you will all have the inside information that it is getting ready to occur and all of you will help each other in mapping it so that ALL can live through it.

If it is going to happen and if it is cataclysmic in proportion; you will all know about it and you will all be able to move to an area of safety as long as you have fuel for mobility, food supplies and half-way decent weather. There will be enough warning time for people to move to safe areas since all of you will be watching each others backs.

Unlike W3RLIED2 said, after all of you have done your different duties including map and/or intensity detailing; "you will know when it is going to occur".

For those who don't realize it, there are sea shells embedded high in the Himalayan mountains. In South America there are ancient sea ports with sea shells embedded in them that are high in the coastal mountains along the Ring of Fire. So.. the rise and fall of land does occur fairly rapidly during different Era's in time; just how fast they shot up or dropped we are unsure of.

One thing we are sure of unfortunately, is those Mayans made one heck of a calendar and it's warning of something to come is not to be easily overlooked.

I think the views that Prevenge has shown us are very realistic views.

As Protostellar replys to Jennifer07's Pole Shifting, Protostellar states: "No one can prove that's been the cause of mass extinctions in the past." He is correct in that statement, but he forgot the other half, which is; no one can prove that it wasn't the cause of mass extinctions in the past. No one was there, and no one knows exactly 100 percent one way or the other.

As cruzion states, the poles have been determined to have shifted every now and then and it is detectable by the layers coming out of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. But what cruzion doesn't state is that the determinations of the pole shifts don't prove what havoc is taking place on the rest of the Earth at any one time. Upheavals and down thrusts have taken place quite drastically, and people do die from such events.

In provable recorded history, the "Port Royal" earthquake of 1692, just south of the USA, is a small example of what can happen when subsidence occurs. Two thirds of that city is now more than 25 feet under water; and if we look to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to see if there was a pole shift to show that the subsidence took place we would see no clues that it took place. Nor would we see that the 2004 Sumatra earthquake took place; nor any other earthquakes as a matter of fact.

The Mid Atlantic Ridge just oozes magma and records magnetic deviations that occur over long periods of time, it is extremely doubtful that it can record magnetic deviations that take place in "MINUTES" of time like cataclysmic earthquakes. If it could, then show us the Sumatra and Port Royal earthquakes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge magma records.

cruzion's following statement is untrue: "there may be a time when we are susceptable to bombardment from solar winds. How that will pan out is anyones guess, but it wont be catastrophic".

No one can guarantee that it won't be catastrophic.

Here is a chart of all of the Magnetic Reversals of the Earth in the Last 160 million years.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by RussianScientists]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 04:26 AM
Its only the Magnetic fields that change direction, not the planet, all it means is many migratory animals are going to get a bit lost for a few years, and if the poles settle over a habited area those folks with have to move because of the increase in solar radiation that gets through at those points. For the rest of us its means navigating will be that much harder for a while.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by UmbraSumus
reply to post by Jennifer07

I was going to head south but on second thought s....:lol

er...which way is south again lol

I would image there would be quite a show , might get to meet Arora bori Alice . I`ve a sneaking suspicion that my internet conection will be down and i`ll have no reception on my t.v.

Animal migration will be cancelled .

If all the humans die so will allot of the animals,so I'm having a big BBQ that day.

If the poles shift,the core will react to it how fast,not sure, but I would get away from the coastline real quick.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

[edit on 14-3-2009 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by kyred
Well, I have heard we are heading towards a flip of sorts. Don't know when and don't care. If it was to be a great cataclysmic event, and it would happen quickly, I would attend to it just like my wife and I would if an asteroid was hurtling towards Earth and demise was imminent. We would sit outside and hold hands and watch it all happen. There would be differences in how we both would attend to the situation. She would probably smoke some Kool cigarettes and I would smoke a cigar and suck down a bit of Jim Beam. Oh, hell. I think really I would splurge a bit and buy a bottle of Maker's Mark. That's some good stuff!! We call it Kentucky champagne. But it's expensive. As for the cigar, probably a cheap Dark and Natural Backwoods cigar.

I like the way you think..LOL...Same plan here..If we do survive the event and after we both wake up from the massive hangover,plans will be made..
There is no telling on what may be a result of something like this..The plans I have ever made change on a whim..If you make solid plans for when X happens there are always the wild cards that will botch it up..

So my plan basicly is evaluate,observe,replan,than execute..And along the way keep my eyes,and ears open to change the plan again,as its ever evolving..
Just like the Marines say,Adapt and overcome..

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 06:02 AM
Seriously I think the odds of a nuclear war.
Are higher than a pole shift.
But in some respects, a nuclear war would have the same effect.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 06:12 AM
[Tongue in cheek]

Getting the ship fueled up now

[edit on 14-3-2009 by WatchRider]

[edit on 14-3-2009 by WatchRider]

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