posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 12:48 AM
IMO, Corruption will exist anywhere there is power. That said, I still think it worthy of thought to entertain the idea that our "absolute" power
(WHICH IS IN MAJOR DECLINE) has spawned a level of corruption unrivaled since Rome. The ship for being so big will sink, but the ocean which is
larger still, will dry.
I'm sorry to say it but our way of life that we blindly defend is inefficient, unrealistic, unfair, and now (openly) obsolete. The trick is some
people knew that long, long ago. This wheel has been set in motion since before even our grandparents or great grandparent’s generation. So,
little to no corruption would be ideal but in order to ensure that the people would need powers, agreed upon by all, to safeguard their world from the
concentration of power into ever smaller number of hands.
What gets me is thinking: What do you think all these now wealthy, greedy, sneaky, and POWERFUL people will do for future generations. Is our current
world a direct product of our histories corruption? Is our history a product of that same false corruption? What terrible fate awaits our children
at the hands of these ever more powerful, evil people? People that have bought our world. They have set the stage for the greatest play ever
written. Don’t buy the tickets. Since recorded history, what one leader does the other knows full well. It’s the people they keep in the dark
about their blood relations, political as well as socio-religious associations. The whole of relevant world power is in bed with each other. They
are waiting for the right moment to call foul, declare a world emergency and finally make a world government. Then you just see if you care who is or
who was corrupt or not.
One more thing….whole countries have been formed for ousted kings by their royal families spread across every throne in the known world. What makes
you think these people just fade away. Even if the US and other major countries collapsed from rampant corruption, these same people doing it
throughout history will continue doing it under a new flag. Then making a whole new lineage of generations of worshipers, followers, citizens,
slaves, soldiers, and whores. All the while our leaders exchange crowns and thrones.
PLS dont drink the cool aid