Originally posted by SGTChas
reply to post by Northern Raider
It is in the Survival Forum WITH the following qualifier: “I am posting this for the information of US gun owners” and thus concerns the
survival of this Republic from one worlders and statist of all kinds. And reading self righteous pronouncements from a citizen of the VERY land our
American Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment, and reading his self-important admonishments as to AMERICAN errors as
concerns this AMERICAN right, almost made me sick had it not been so funny.
However, I’ve got a few of his fellow Brits buried not too far from my mountain land that would probably agree with him, if they had not fell victim
to REAL gun control; free men hitting what they aim at.
[edit on 4/5/2009 by SGTChas]
The American war of independance, the most misquoted conflict ever.
Americans did not defeat the British in 1776, It took the Americans, French ( especially) Spanish and Dutch to drive the British out of its colonies
in an act of treason and betrayal while the British were mainly fighting in Europe.
Miltarily the Americans were hopeless against the much reduced British forces, We had already removed a third of our forces to fight in the
Nathanial Green had a huge advantage in numbers and terrain at Guiolford Courthouse yet were defeated by Gen Cornwallis easily, The Brits only had
1900 men versus the Americans 4400. It happened again and again At Penobscot Bay 300 British redcoats supported by only three small sloops totally
thrashed an American fleet of 28 ships and 3000 men
Even super traitor George Washington lost New York and failed to dislodge the Brits from Philadelphia.
The undeniable facts are the Brits lost in the Colonies but to the FRENCH not the Americans At Yorktown the Brits had less than 10,000 redcoats facing
over 20,000 French Siege experts.
The greatest General of the American war was called Rochambeau who gave the US its victory on a plate, yet the Americans feted an incompetant
Bostonian called paul revere as a hero.
Even the Americans after their victory at Saratoga have still been left humiliated because thery put up a monument to " THE BEST SOLDIER OF THE
REVOLUTION" but it does not have his name on itbecause that great warrior was Benedict Arnold.
NOW when the Americans tried again in 1812 to fight the British the Americans no longer had the French to do the real fighting and got totally
defeated and completely humiliated.
A US Army invaded Canada and was simply chased back across the border by General Brock and 350 Brits
Next they invaded elsewhere and captured the Canadian Capital of the time YORK, they burnt it down and left hundreds of civilians to die of
So the British attacked the American army and chased it straight back across the border defeating it at almost every engagement, From Fort Mackinac
where the Americans surrendered after the British fired only one shot
The British navy blockaded the United states and that blockade was never broken throughout the 2nd war
Then with a small force of Redcoats, Indians and Canadians the British routed the American invaders chaing them as far south as Virginia.
The British took
Washington DC ( They lost their capital the ultimate shame leaving the first lady alone to fight)
Bladensburg ( The Continental US army defeated in One Hour by 400 Brits)
Mackinac Island
Queenstown Heights
Beaver Dams
Fort Niagra
Lacolle Mills
Prairie du chein
and even Mobile.
At Washington DC the Super american army collapsed as soon as the British arrived, The president Madison had to takle to horseback to try and keep up
with his fleeing army. The Bravest American in that battle was the First Lady Dolly Madison the one with the balls to try and organise resistance
against the small British force.
After defeating the absolute best the Ameericans had to offer very quickly and watching them abandon their Capital ( the most shameful thing that can
happen to a nation cept losing the war , the americans did both)
The British walked into the Whitehouse and had breakfast in the President office, read his mail then burnt the place down (They rebuilt the place and
paintted it white in an effort to hide the thousands of British bullet holes in it)
We then simply chased away the Americans defending the library Of Congress and even the Naval yard before burning them as well. the Americans were
last seen fleeing as fast as they could into Virginia .
That was the end rsult of the Americans trying to fight the British without the French, Dutch and spanish to back them up.
The Americans have lots of myths and falsehoods about their military capabilities but the sad fact remains the United states has NEVER won a major
conflict on its own, When ever it tries to it loses ala Korea intil the Brits and Commonwealth arrived to save them, Vietnam where they lost, Somalia
where the best they had was defeated by a few hundred bandits driving Toyota pick ups, Iran where they screwed up the rescue efforts, Iraq where they
had to beg the allies to come and help. A good example is the Siege at Um Quadur where after over a week of fighting the US Marine corp failed to
capture this vital coastal oil facility. So the British took over and captured it in 24 hours.
No wonder they are so paranoid and afraid they fear going out without a gun, Militarily they are a very powerful nation just like Russia, But power
alone does not equate to success on the Battlefield.
BTW that piece of paper was meant for a militia to keep and bear arms in case the British came back like they did in 1812 and defeat you, so keeping
the guns was a complete waste of time.
Oh yes BTW Britain has had a record rise in lawfully held gun ownership in 30 years, more gun clubs than ever have opened up, it just that we dtry not
to lets gun nuts and rambo wannabes have guns to kills their kids with.
[edit on 6-4-2009 by Northern Raider]