posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:41 PM
There are several different possibilities to consider on this one.
First, the United States will be one of the last nations to actually "collapse" if a major event causes the world to begin to systematically shut
down. It's been asserted by several intelligence people that a world collapse would domino from a few failed states causing shocks to the political
situation around the world.
The first western nation to be effected would be either Ireland or Italy (both of whom are seeing rising riot problems) Note that Rome is seeing a
much larger protesting population due to the Mayor's fascist leanings. Along with unemployment problems, Italy, with a "Top Twenty" military, is
looking at a possibly major situation in the not-too-distant future.
After the United States, if we assume the collapse tsunami is not stopped in its progress, China would be one of the last nations to actually fall.
Its economy is primarily contingent on America's and could survive if America survived.
Now, we have to wonder what would precipitate a collapse. On the track that we are taking now, the life support, in the United States and around the
world, will continue. This will maintain the governments of the world even if there is destabilization in third-and-second-world nations. Therefore,
we have to look for the tipping-point event that will send us over the edge.
At the moment, we can guess that it would be the combination of a few different factors. The first is the collapse of several second-world nations (by
collapse, I mean the disintegration of any form of democratically-elected governments in favor of military juntae or dictatorships). In order for the
United States to "collapse" in a similar way, we would need to hit a major brick wall at the same time. This may be the "second Obama depression."
What I mean by this is after the artificial inflation of the "stimulus package" wears off in a few months. Other things that could trigger
destabilization would be a major natural disaster or a significant attack from a rogue state against Europe. It could also be precipitated by Russian
aggression against the Ukraine or Poland.
As far as the OP's question goes, I need a lot more information. All I can say is, that, if worse comes to worst, the boundaries and the definitions
of statehood for the next century will be unrecognizable.
My idea, listen to Assimov, Sagan, and Hawking: Move out into the universe. Lower the chance of humanity destroying itself, lower population problems,
end hunger, and end war.
As I've posted before, though, the probability of a total collapse of western nations is relatively low. Though higher than it has been since the
Cold War, compared to some third and second world nations, the United States and Great Britain are still the most prosperous places in the world. I'd
prefer to be optimistic... cautious and vigilant... but optimistic.