posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 08:22 PM
Ive been thinking lately, lets say you are catholic. You believe in catholic ways, and believe that every other religious belief is wrong. This goes
the same for any religion. You believe in your own religion, and everyone else is wrong. Well everyone cant be right, only one can be right. That
means that there is dozens upon dozens of religions out there that are wrong. How can you tell who is right, if anyone is right at all?
I am also thinking that religion in general is bull5h!7. could gods be fictional charectures created by man, so that people could feel secure. So that
people have something to fall back on, someone to look up to, someone to rely upon. Could religion be just a fairytale to make kids behave, or create
order in people in general?
Post your thoughts on this subject, I would very much enjoy reading your replies. I also think that this topic serves as a good "healthy arguement"
subject. Later.