posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Ive hit this on forums all over and have considerable knowledge myself. But am hitting dead ends. Saw this and figured I would toss out there in case
someone had ideas.
I have a dell XPS M1710 lappy. Vid: Geforce Go 7900 GTX.
Right now it is dual booting xp pro (bleh) and ubu ibex (prefer debian pure, but ubu has better support for Wine apps including games).
Anyway, even after a fresh install I encounter extreme video corruption in the nix side. I have tried the nv driver as well as the proprietary nvidia.
The corruption comes at random times-could be 30 seconds after hitting the desktop, or 6 hours after its been running. It is not linked to any
application. Not a heating issue. Memory tests all look good (from the dell boot disc, and a couple third party in nix. The corruption makes it
difficult to run things in nix). Logs show nothing useful. It appears hardware in nix due to it not mattering if X is running. The factor that seems
to cooberate this is while in windows certain apps/games like World of Warcraft will occasionally corrupt then correct and carry on fine.
Does anyone know some reliable mem and gpu test suites (free, don't has disposable cash for this right now). Or, any other suggestions?