For anyone who didn't visit the link, I've taken some excerpts from them. Here they are. Items
underlined are my own comments.
"Political Paraphernalia: Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to
display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential Candidate:
Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr.
Anti-Government Propaganda: Militia members commonly display picture [sic], cartoons, bumper stickers [sic] that contain anti-government rhetoric.
Most of this material will depict the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforcement, and "The New World Order" in a derogatory manor. Additionally,
Racial [sic], anti-immigration, and anti-abortion, [sic] material may be displayed by militia members."
"Many constitutionalists within the movement have claimed that President Elect Obama does not meet the residency requirements to hold the office
[sic] of President, and therefore his election is unconstitutional."
Wow. It's now officially unthinkable in Missouri to hold someone up to
Constitutional standards, or request that they prove they are qualified
"They argue that the government has gotten away from the intent of the Constitution and is thus not valid."
"These groups are strong states rights [sic] advocates, but see the County Sheriff as the highest position of authority".
(Here's a hint....
so does the Supreme Court!)
"These groups communicate through forums, yahoo [sic] groups, blogs, and social networking sites. Websites and online talk shows have been
established to push rhetoric, usually a skewed version of current events."
"Recruitment: Militias are recruiting members and supporters through the following means: gun shows, online forums, websites, social networking
sites, and informal social networks. Additionally, militia recruitment may be done at events or meetings held by organizations that share ideologies
with the militia."
"Comments on previous MIAC strategic alerts or ideas for research on future strategic products should be made to
[email protected]"
Think about how many of us this would cover. Supported a 3rd party candidate? Your suspicious! Think the Federal Government has overstepped
it's Constitutional restraints? You're suspicious! Make fun of the FBI/CIA/IRS/ATF in a bumper sticker? You're suspicious!
One other thing... did these idiots REALLY believe that putting out something like this wouldn't put them on the radar of all those groups?
I would suggest you e-mail your comments to the author of this article. Be cordial, but let him know what kind of bovine fecal matter it is.
[edit on 12-3-2009 by sir_chancealot]