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Scientists Warn of Catastrophic Sea Level Rise

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Scientists Warn of Catastrophic Sea Level Rise

COPENHAGEN — Top climate scientists warned Tuesday that sea levels could rise twice as much as previously projected as they presented the latest research on global warming.

A 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted a sea level rise of 7 to 23 inches by the end of the century.

But scientists meeting in Copenhagen dismissed those estimates as too conservative, saying new data suggests that sea level rise could exceed 39 inches and is unlikely to be less than 20 inches.

"This means that if the emissions of greenhouse gases is not reduced quickly and substantially even the best-case scenario will hit low-lying coastal areas housing one-tenth of humans on the planet hard," organizers said in a statement at the three-day congress hosted by the University of Copenhagen.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:04 AM
I wonder why this warnings that we have been given for quite a while now are not taken seriously. Is like we the people that live in this era really dont care what happens to those who come after us. We really are not going to ake it easier on our childre or grandchildren in many aspects and thats a shame.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:45 AM
Greenhouse gases have nothing to do with global warming. The earth's climate changes in cycles. We've only been keeping records for the last 150 years, so we don't have enough data to postulate minor rises or dips in the tempratures.
30 years ago, everyone was predicting a new ice age, with glaciers wiping New York city off the map.
This doesn't mean we don't need to be good stewards of our resources. We need to get off oil, and find alternative sources of energy that are cheap, clean and efficient. But while those energy sources might clean the air up and make it easier on your lungs, it's probably not going to make one whit of difference in climate change.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:50 AM
Wow again!
Maybe if they stop crying wolf people will start caring?All i have heard from the last decade is how im going to drown in my home from rising sea levels.Still aint happened and im pretty sure mid 90s predictions were that we should of been affected by now.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Bunch

I wonder why this warnings that we have been given for quite a while now are not taken seriously. Is like we the people that live in this era really dont care what happens to those who come after us. We really are not going to ake it easier on our childre or grandchildren in many aspects and thats a shame.
(visit the link for the full news article)

we do care for ourr children.
I care so much that I am teaching them that this climate change religion is a scam.
I am teaching them to resist a carbon tax and letting them know that living on this earth should be free of charge.
I love the next generation so much that I am teaching them that Co2 follows the warming and not cause the warming.
I am teaching them that sea levels rise and fall and have done over the history of the earth, in the region I live water levels rose some 60 feet after the last ice age, thats a little further than a few inches now isn't it?

If you love the next generation, stop using fox as a source of news and do some real research.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by munkey66

Why are digging on Fox for reporting something? Sure it might not be true, that is why people on Fox such as Orielly and Hannity dismiss Global Warming as a scare tactic and try and discredit it as much as possible.

This is an example of them reporting things even if they don't believe them to be true, because there are those who do. They can't make up the News, they can only report it.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by munkey66


Co2 follows the warming and not cause the warming.

and you do know our civilisation is based on fossile fules that produce C02 right?

and that the population of the planet is 7 billion people and going up everyday?

I know you think its a hoax but over consuption and greed and complicity is nothing to be laughed or ingnored just because you think its a scam.

you use money dont you? Biggest scamm known to mankind wouldnt you say? or do you live on a farm and hunt your own food for your kids?

Im abit confused by your comment.

oh and just to note, CO2 does infact contribute to warming, thats what brought about the last ice age, due to volcantic activity, the reduction in CO2 was brought about by the onset of the growth of the forests "trees love CO2. they suck it up and blow out what we breath in..

The problem now is the fact we "breat" out at humans more than the earth can absorbe "we cut down the trees" that are ment to breath it in..

we are heading for desaster ect or end up like our evil twin venus

[edit on 11-3-2009 by theresult]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:14 AM
I always enjoy these discussions. Yes the Earth will survive, the real question is will man? Global warming/ Climate change/ Fragile Earth call it what you want!

The facts are that Earth has had major and minor Eco changes all throughout its history. In geological terms Mankind is a newcomer to such things.

Have 6.7 Billion people contributed to a change? I will say yes! Will this lead to the destruction of Earth? No! Again the Earth will survive but will it be an Earth mankind can survive on?

Whether these are changes that happen naturally over time or whether man has contributed to a change is really irrelevant what’s really important is what can we do for our children and grandchildren?

This argument over what to call it or what is causing it is like having our house on fire and instead of doing something about it, we are all standing around arguing whether it was a lightning strike or was it the coffee pot that short circuited and do nothing to put out the fire.

There has been ice ages in the past and then massive melt offs and possible meteorite or comet impacts that caused massive extinctions nobody argues that those events have not happened. We could be in the middle of a cycle that has been happening for billions of years.

We should stop arguing over what it's called and whats causing it. The dinosaurs died off and I'm pretty sure to them their idea [if they had any] of the Earth was destroyed as they knew it. I think we are headed for a massive change!

How soon and to what extent? Nobody really knows. We can run computer simulations all we want and they can be pretty accurate, heck those types of simulations are what got us to the moon! So I think they are pretty valid again what can we do about it?

I'll tell you right now that a carbon tax or whatever they want to call it won’t do squat! What we need to do is get off the freaking fossil fuel kick! If anything else we could all breath a little easier!

Hey people the house is on fire!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'll tell you right now that a carbon tax or whatever they want to call it won’t do squat! What we need to do is get off the freaking fossil fuel kick! If anything else we could all breath a little easier!

That is the point here...

as i stated on another website "Mother nature does not do bailouts"... we f#kd up the banks, what makes you so sure we aint doing the same to our planet?

Climate bubble next? oh boy thats going to be fun!!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:35 AM
This is yet another fearmongering example of scientific models being skewed out of proportion to portray the worst possible cataclysmic scenario. OP, you really need to watch 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' (available on Google Video) and not buy into all the fear.

Then you will realise that these 'top scientists' were probably coerced into producing the most frightening results from undue influence / pressure from outsiders. In many cases, these people and / or the lives of their loved ones are threatened. And at the end of the day, if your data fails to produce the required findings, then kiss goodbye to all your funding $$$s. It's that simple.

It's time we all woke up to this.. and say NO to buying into Al Gore's agenda.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by theresult

If C02 makes the planet warm up, why have we had a pause in warming and as you say, the number of people increase every day.
China builds a coal fired power plant every week to supply power to one million people at a time.
Industry has not slowed down and pollution has increased exponentionally and yet we havn't had an increase in 10 years.

How do you explain that?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:05 AM
I dont know maybe you aint checked out some of the sites like noaa?

All i know is reading websites about this state that since the past 100 years not 10 the C02 level has gone UP more than normal..

Im happy to provide links, and im not saying man alone is the reason why but we are a contributing factor to the rise in C02..

People forget we put holes in the ozone layer and CFS were infact banned from areosols and in the gas bottles in your refidgerator

or is that a hoax also?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by theresult

Water vapor constitutes Earth's most significant greenhouse gas, accounting for about 95% of Earth's greenhouse effect

Water vapor is 99.999% of natural origin. Other atmospheric greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and miscellaneous other gases (CFC's, etc.), are also mostly of natural origin (except for the latter, which is mostly anthropogenic).

Human activites contribute slightly to greenhouse gas concentrations through farming, manufacturing, power generation, and transportation. However, these emissions are so dwarfed in comparison to emissions from natural sources we can do nothing about, that even the most costly efforts to limit human emissions would have a very small-- perhaps undetectable-- effect on global climate.

Shall we ban water now?

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