posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:54 AM
I have some personal experience, albeit many years ago, with smart card numbers. I haven't heard anything for quite some time and am new to ATS. A
decent search hasn't brought me anything concerning Smart Cards in the US.
Here's my limited experience:
1) Smart Card number is 16 digits or more. I helped build a database at one point, as a low level agent for a call center. Included in the Microsoft
database was a spot for Smart Card ID and a few people had one listed, most were blank.
2) A person close to me, whom I trust, used to work for Microsoft. Part of the standard security for her level was that she needed her smart card
plug-in in order for her computer to be turned on.
All that I know is from years ago; I did a short search on companies I might invest in LOL (*embarrassed lol*) in order to cash in on the wave but
only found one German company that I suspected might be involved in mass production.
Please provide links to Smart Card threads or let's bring up the topic! Maybe it's not even secret anymore for all I know =)
p.s. I'm aware of a few National ID card threads for Aus and UK but am mainly interested in US and specifically Microsoft involvement.
[edit on 11-3-2009 by notreallyalive]