posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Test runs are essential - when it comes down to the moment that counts - you need to know what you're made of.
I can honestly say, I haven't done any - not recently. Actually, not since I was back in Army Cadets - we used to do "bug-outs" all the time. Where
we had to pack up camp while half of us "invaded" and get out in a timely fashion to a designated area, set camp back up again, etc... The next
night we would switch. It sure is a pain in the butt to be woken up at 4am and having to take down camp and set up somewhere else.
Although, I'm not in Cadets anymore, and I live in a city. My parentals live in another town, about 5 hours away - but we're preparing, one step at
a time, to make life easier in the event of SitX. I despise being so far away from them...because when it all comes down, I hope I have enough time to
get out of the city.
- Carrot