reply to post by alyosha1981
The system IS designed to keep us as slaves of the system.
Buck the system my friend. You need to be that pissed-off bull and realize that the system is the one riding you. Throw it off any which way that you
The only way to combat the system is to refuse to live within it. I understand that with a family to support this becomes more difficult than it is
for a couple of bachelors, but do it in any way that you can.
Grow your own food in your backyard. It's not that hard to provide a good portion of your veggies that way. Growing up, my family had a garden in the
back corner of our suburban yard that measured about 20x50 and provided the vast majority of our vegetables with enough to give away. We lived in the
deserts of AZ, so we could almost garden year-round due to the weather, which was an advantage.
We gardened together and had good family time. Bring a radio, some sandwiches, and some lemonades out and make a day of it. Work within your
community to set up community gardens on vacant land, this will help build the community that will be necessary to buck the system. My folks still
have a single grapefruit tree in their backyard that puts out 400+ grapefruits 2x a year. People are more than happy to accept free fruit as a sign
of goodwill. My dad brings in a dozen a day to his work when they're in season and they're gone before his first break.
Food is life. And if it's delicious food, then life is so much more delicious.
If you can find a field to plow for grain crop, go for it. If you can set up a greenhouse to take cuttings of plants which you then provide to your
neighbors for a small fee, go for it.
Set up a compost heap. I know all the chicken horse and cow manure around here is free if you load it yourself. Just search manure in your local
craigslist and there are usually dozens of listings. You won't be wasting food scraps, because they will be used to fertilize your soil for next
years crops.
I personally am going to start raising rabbits for meat shortly here. I've had them as pets but never wanted to eat them back then. And then I tasted
them...yummy. And they reproduce, well like rabbits, so there's a steady source of food. Also, rabbit droppings can go straight into your garden for
nutrients, unlike other animal feces, which should be composted.
Once I get my buck and a few does, I'm going to restock my chickens . (stupid dog got through the fence and to my laying hens, but didn't bother to
get the dang rooster) Having fresh eggs every morning sure is nice but be warned that if you stop, you will miss it.
As you can see, self-sustainable agriculture is kinda my passion, but I am all about bucking the system in every aspect. If you can hunt, do it, every
penny that you don't spend at the store is a penny that can be put towards your family.
Need soap? Make it. My brother makes his own soap and I swear by it. My skin and hair are 100x softer and smoother with his soap than with any store
bought, chemically based product. (ok, maybe 10x, but it feels like 100x, even my beard is soft and cuddly) Yeah it's not cucumber melon or coconut
scented, but I'm not too worried about that.
Sorry for the length of my response, it looks like I really got going on this one.
IMHO: The secret to living the new American dream is going to be going back to living the old American dream: 40 acres and a mule.