posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:33 PM
If you want to find order through chaos it is only because you want go back to a simpler existance cause technology is freaking you out, maybe you
hate it, but I tell you right now, ask a kid if they want a simpler life, they will tell you that your just getting old, and that they are just fine
with things the way they are, in fact they want it to become even more tech with things even happening even faster than they do now. Our desire to
recreate the country or the world comes from us trying to keep a grip on the world and keep it from its rightful owners, the kids. Hand it over like
our parents did, move into a condo, watch tv, die . Let them have as much fun with it all and nightmares as we did, then they will take to the condo
and let there kids take over. This feeling is all about us being overwelmed by our advancements and our age making us cranky cause we dont want
anymore change. Let me know what you think of this Theory?